Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 9


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
you computed on your federal Form 4952. You cannot use
are searching for gainful employment or while you and
your interest expense that is related to exempt income
your spouse both were at work, you can qualify for a child
when you compute your investment interest deduction.
and dependent care expense deduction.
Line 15 – Contributions Made by Cash or Check. The
To qualify for this deduction, you have to maintain a
contributions allowed as a deduction in computing your net
household for a child under the age of 15 or for a
income for Montana income tax purposes are those same
dependent or spouse who is unable to care for himself or
contributions allowed as a deduction for federal income
herself. You also have to meet the following income level
tax purposes – with the following exceptions:
• Your contributions made in 2006 to the Montana
If you and/or your spouse’s total Montana adjusted gross
veterans’ service special revenue account, the Montana
income is:
state veterans’ cemetery program, or the surcharge for
And You Have
Then You
the purchasing of the Montana patriotic specialty
license plate are included as an itemized deduction on
1 child
your Montana income tax return as long as you did not
2 children
already include these contributions as part of your
federal contribution deduction. For further instructions
3 or more children
about this contribution see Montana Form VT.
If you are a licensed and registered daycare operator who
• When you apply the federal 50%, 30% and 20%
operates a family daycare home or a group daycare home
contribution limitations, you should use your Montana
and if you care for your own child in addition to at least
adjusted gross income instead of your federal adjusted
one other unrelated child, you can deduct the employment
gross income when you determine your contributions
related expenses considered to have been paid by you for
that are allowed.
the care of your own child.
• Any portion of a contribution that you used to calculate
For further information on the child and dependent care
your qualified endowment tax credit cannot also be
expense deduction, see the instructions on Montana Form
claimed as a contribution deduction.
2441M. When you claim this deduction, complete
• Any portion of a contribution that you used to calculate
Montana Form 2441M and attach a copy of it to your
your developmental disability account contribution
Montana income tax return.
cannot also be claimed as a contribution deduction.
Line 19 – Casualty and Theft Loss. If you have a
Enter your contributions made by cash or check on Form
casualty and theft loss, you should complete federal Form
2M, Schedule I, line 15.
4684 to figure the amount of the Montana loss that you
can enter on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 19. To determine
Line 16 – Contributions Made Other Than by Cash or
your casualty and theft loss, you should use your Montana
Check. Your non-cash contributions allowed as a
adjusted gross income in place of the federal adjusted
deduction for Montana income tax purposes are those
gross income.
same non-cash contributions that are allowed as a
deduction for federal income tax purposes – with the
Line 20 – Unreimbursed Employee Business
following exceptions:
Expenses. When you deduct the unreimbursed employee
business expenses on your Montana income tax return,
• When you apply the federal 50%, 30% and 20%
you should use the same expenses that are allowed on
contribution limitations, you should use your Montana
your federal income tax return. To claim these expenses,
adjusted gross income instead of your federal adjusted
you will need to complete federal Form 2106 or 2106EZ.
gross income when you determine your contribution that
is allowed.
Line 21 – Other Expenses. Enter on Form 2M, Schedule
I, line 21 other expenses that are allowed on your federal
• Any portion of a contribution that you used to calculate
income tax return. Examples of these expenses include,
your qualified endowment tax credit cannot also be
but are not limited to, your tax preparation fee, certain
claimed as a contribution deduction.
legal and accounting fees, clerical help, and office rent
Enter the contributions that you made by other than cash
and custodial fees.
on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 16.
Line 22 – Add lines 20 and 21 and enter the result on line
Line 17 – Contribution Carryover from the Prior Year.
Enter on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 17 any contribution
Lines 23 and 24 – Your unreimbursed employee business
carryover amounts that you were not allowed to deduct in
expenses and other expenses reported on lines 20 and 21
an earlier year because they exceeded your Montana
are only deductible to the extent these expenses exceed
adjusted gross income limitation.
2% of your Montana adjusted gross income. Enter on line
Line 18 – Child and Dependent Care Expense. If you
23 the amount that you reported on Form 2M, line 35.
pay for household or dependent care services for a child
under the age of 15 or for a disabled dependent while you


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