Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 8


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
therapeutic, curing, treating, mitigating, and
homeowner/renter credit, do not confuse this amount with
rehabilitative service and personal care that is required
the amount of your property tax billed that is used to
for a chronically ill individual who is under the
determine the amount of your elderly homeowner/renter
prescribed care of a licensed health care practitioner.
credit. See Montana Form 2EC for information on the
Montana elderly homeowner/renter credit.
• Your premiums that you paid were for long-term care
for yourself, your dependents, your parents or your
Line 9 – Personal Property Taxes Paid in 2006. Enter
on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 9 any personal property
taxes that you paid in 2006. In order to claim this
• Your premiums have not been deducted elsewhere on
deduction, these personal property taxes have to be based
your return when you determined your Montana
on value and charged on a yearly basis.
adjusted gross income.
Your motor vehicle taxes that are based on the vehicle’s
• Your premiums were not considered as qualified elderly
value are considered a personal property tax and are
care expenses when you claimed the elderly care credit
deductible on line 9. Your motor vehicle fees that are not
that you reported on Form 2M, Schedule II, line 3.
based on the vehicle’s value are not deductible with the
Lines 7a through 7e – Federal Income Tax Deduction.
exception of the Montana light vehicle registration fee that
Montana allows federal income taxes paid during the year
is deductible – even though it is based not on the vehicle’s
as an itemized deduction. The deduction is limited to
value, but on the age of the vehicle. However, any light
$5,000 if you are filing as single or head of household. If
vehicle registration fee that you pay to another state is not
your filing status is married filing jointly, the deduction is
deductible on your Montana return. The taxes and fees
limited to $10,000.
that are listed on your Montana vehicle registration receipt
that are deductible on line 9 include codes 02-DOTRAT,
Complete lines 7a through 7d to report your 2006 federal
07-AVTAX, 08-BKAVTX, 14-COOPT, 61-REGRAT and 62-
income tax paid.
• Line 7a – Federal Income Tax Withheld. Enter on line
Line 10 – Other Deductible Taxes. Enter on Form 2M,
7a the total amount of the federal income tax withheld
Schedule I, line 10 any other deductible taxes that you
that was reported to you on your federal Form W-2(s)
paid in 2006 and that you did not report on lines 7a
and/or 1099(s).
through 9. When you claim these other deductible taxes,
• Line 7b – Federal Estimated Tax Payment Paid in
list on line 10 the type and amount of tax that you paid.
2006. Enter on line 7b the total amount of the federal
Please refer to federal regulations to determine which
estimated income tax payments that you made in 2006.
taxes may be deductible.
When you claim federal estimated tax payments, you
You cannot take a deduction on your Montana individual
should attach a copy of your federal Form 1040 or
income tax return for the following taxes that you paid in
1040A pages 1 and 2.
2006: state income tax, federal excise tax, social security
• Line 7c – 2005 Federal Income Taxes Paid in 2006.
tax, Medicare tax, gasoline tax, lodging tax, alcoholic
Enter on line 7c the balance of the total amount of the
beverage tax, cigarette and tobacco taxes or selective
2005 federal income tax that you paid in 2006.
sales taxes. Also, you cannot take a deduction for certain
• Line 7d – Additional Back Year Federal Income
license fees paid in 2006 – such as a hunting, fishing or
Taxes Paid in 2006. Enter on line 7d the total amount
driver’s license fee.
of additional back year federal income taxes that you
Line 11 – Home Mortgage Interest. Enter on Form 2M,
paid in 2006. For example, you may have paid
Schedule I, line 11 your home mortgage interest and
additional 2004 federal income taxes in 2006.
points allowed by federal law that was reported to you on
• Line 7e – Federal Income Tax Deduction. Beginning
your federal Form 1098.
with tax year 2005 your federal tax deduction is limited
Line 12 – Home Mortgage Interest Not Reported on
as follows:
Federal Form 1098. Enter on Form 2M, Schedule I, line
• If your filing status is single or head of household,
12 any home mortgage interest that you paid that was not
you should deduct the lesser of $5,000 or the sum of
reported on your federal Form 1098. If you bought your
lines 7a through 7d.
home from another person, write that person’s name,
• If you file your Montana income tax return jointly with
social security number and address in the space provided
your spouse, your federal income tax deduction is
on line 12.
limited to the lesser of $10,000 or the sum of lines 7a
Line 13 – Points Not Reported to You on Federal Form
through 7d.
1098. Enter on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 13 any points
Line 8 – Real Estate Taxes Paid in 2006. Enter on Form
that you paid that were not reported to you on federal
2M, Schedule I, line 8 any real estate taxes that you paid
Form 1098.
in 2006 on real estate that you own and that was not used
Line 14 – Investment Interest. Enter on Form 2M,
for business. If you qualify and then apply for the elderly
Schedule I, line 14 the investment interest deduction that


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