Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 7


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
you can by April 16, 2007, you will not be assessed a late
• medical insurance and long-term care insurance
file penalty and you can reduce the amount of your late
premiums paid in 2006 that are claimed as a deduction
pay penalties and interest that is assessed against your
on your Form 2M, Schedule I, lines 5 and 6.
outstanding balance. If you need to establish a payment
• medical expenses paid with funds withdrawn from your
plan with us, call us at (406) 444-6900 as soon as possible
Montana medical care savings account.
to discuss your options and make payment arrangements.
Lines 2 and 3 – Your medical expenses reported on Form
Your Refund
2, Schedule III, line 1 should be reduced by .075 (7.5%) of
your Montana adjusted gross income. Enter on line 2 the
Line 59 – If line 57, which is your total due, is less than
amount that you reported on Form 2M, line 35. Multiply
line 52, which is your total payments and offsets, enter the
the amount on line 2 by .075 (7.5%) and enter the result
difference on Form 2M, line 59.
on your Form 2M, Schedule I, line 3.
Line 60 – Enter on line 60 the amount of your
Line 4 – Deductible Medical and Dental Expenses.
overpayment from line 59 that you want to be applied to
Subtract line 3 from line 1 and enter the result on line 4
your 2007 estimated taxes.
but do not enter an amount less than zero. This is your
Line 61 – Your Refund. Subtract line 60 from line 59 and
allowable deduction for medical and dental expenses.
enter the result on line 61. This is the amount of your
Line 5 – Medical Insurance Premiums. If you pay your
refund. Only refunds greater than $1.00 will be issued. If
own medical insurance premiums for coverage for yourself
you wish to use direct deposit, in the space provided enter
and your family, you may be eligible to deduct 100% of
your financial institution’s routing number (RTN#), your
these medical insurance premiums. To determine whether
account number (ACCT#) and whether this account is your
you can deduct 100% of your medical insurance
checking or savings account. Your routing number will be
premiums, you have to meet the following criteria:
nine digits and your account can be up to 17 characters
(both numeric and alpha). Your direct deposit will be
• Your premiums have to be paid for health and medical
rejected if the routing number or account number is
insurance coverage. Your life insurance premiums are
incorrectly listed. If your direct deposit is rejected, we will
not deductible.
have to mail you a check instead. A sample check is
• Your premiums cannot have been paid through a
provided for your convenience.
federal or state medical care savings account, such as
John Taxpayer
the federal Health Savings Account or the Montana
Jane Taxpayer
Medical Care Savings Account.
23 Main Street
Anyplace, MT 59000
• Your premiums cannot have been paid through an
Pay to the
employer health benefit cafeteria plan in which your
Order of
premium payments are considered “pre-taxed” payment
and therefore not subject to federal or state income tax
Do not include the
Anyplace Bank
check number in the
withholding, federal social security, or federal Medicare
Anyplace, MT 59000
account number
payments. If you are unsure whether your employer has
I:250000005 I:200000" 86 "
a health benefit cafeteria plan, you may want to check
with your employer’s payroll office to discover whether
your medical insurance premiums are covered by a
Form 2M, Schedule I – Montana Itemized
health benefit cafeteria plan.
• Your premiums cannot be deducted as Medicare A
premiums from your social security benefits. However,
You should use Form 2M, Schedule I to calculate your
Medicare B premiums that are deducted from your
itemized deductions, but remember that your Montana
social security benefits are 100% deductible on line 5.
itemized deductions may be different from your federal
itemized deductions. There are federal deductions that are
• Medicare taxes that are withheld from your wages or
not allowed on your Montana income tax return and state
paid as part of your self-employment tax are not
deductions that are allowed only on the Montana income
deductible on line 5.
tax return.
Line 6 – Long-term Care Insurance Premiums. If you
Line 1 – Medical Expenses. Enter on line 1 your medical
pay for long-term care insurance premiums, you may be
expenses paid in 2006 after you have deducted from these
eligible to deduct 100% of the long-term care insurance
expenses any payments that you received from your
premiums that you paid. To determine whether you can
insurance company or other sources. These expenses are
deduct 100% of your long-term care insurance premiums,
the same medical and dental expenses that are allowed
you have to meet the following criteria:
under the Internal Revenue Code with the exception of the
• Your premiums have to be for long-term care coverage
following expenses that are not deductible on line 1:
primarily for any qualified long-term care service that
provides for the necessary diagnostic, preventive,


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