Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 6


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
are filing your return late and you have a refund, you
Line 56a – Nongame Wildlife Program.
are not assessed a late file penalty.
Your contributions to this program are used
to ensure the well-being of Montana’s
To calculate your late file penalty, subtract line 52 from
watchable wildlife species, such as eagles,
line 47 and enter the lesser of this result or $50.
herons, bluebirds, great horned owls, loons,
• Late Pay Penalty. If you have not paid to us 100% of
chipmunks, pikas, flying squirrels and
your income tax liability by April 16, 2007, you will have
painted turtles.
to pay a penalty. Your late pay penalty is equal to 1.5%
Line 56b – Child Abuse Prevention
per month or fraction of a calendar month on the unpaid
Program. Your contributions to this program
balance from April 16, 2007 until it is paid.
fund services and activities related to the
To calculate your late pay penalty, subtract line 52 from
prevention of child abuse and neglect. If you
line 47 and then multiply this result by 1.5% per month
enclose a separate check with your timely
or fraction of a calendar month your payment is late. In
filed return you are allowed to take an
no instance will your late pay penalty exceed 18% (12
itemized deduction for the amount of the
months X 1.5%).
contribution on the return you are filing with
this contribution.
• Interest. If you have not paid to us 100% of your
income tax liability by April 16, 2007 you will have to
Line 56c – Agriculture in Montana
pay 8% annual interest, computed daily on your unpaid
Schools Program. Your contributions to this
balance. Remember: A valid extension of time to file
program fund the development and
your return by October 15, 2007 does not extend your
presentation of educational programs. This
time for paying your income tax by April 16, 2007.
program ensures Montana’s young people
To calculate your interest, subtract line 52 from line 47
have a better understanding of agriculture in
and then multiply this result by .0002192 (.02192%)
our state and how it relates to the rest of the
times the number of days after April 16, 2007 your
payment is received.
Line 56d – End-stage Renal Disease
If you owe more than one of the items listed above,
Program. Your contributions fund a program
enter each applicable amount in the worksheet below.
for persons suffering from end-stage renal
disease. This program assists persons
suffering from chronic renal disease in
Late file penalty
obtaining the medical, nursing,
pharmaceutical, and technical services
Late pay penalty
necessary to care for the disease.
Line 57 – Total tax, penalties, interest and
contributions. Add the amounts on line 47, 53, 54, 55
and 56 and enter the result on line 57. This is your total
Enter the total on Form 2M, line 54. (You may wish to
tax, penalties, interest and check-off program
keep this worksheet as part of your records for future
Line 58 – Amount That You Owe. If line 57 is more than
Line 55 – Medical Care Savings Account 10% Penalty.
line 52, enter the difference here. This is the amount you
If you withdrew funds from your medical care savings
account for purposes other than to pay for eligible medical
You can pay the amount you owe by personal check,
costs, you are required to pay a 10% penalty on this
money order, cashier’s check, credit card or E-check.
withdrawal unless you made this withdrawal on the last
When you send your payment, make it payable to the
business day of your business year, which is the last
Montana Department of Revenue and use the coupon that
weekday in December. Complete Form MSA-P and enter
we have provided to you with this income tax booklet.
the amount of the penalty on line 55 and attach a copy of
When you pay by personal check, money order, or
Form MSA-P to your income tax return.
cashier’s check, please write your social security number
Montana Check-offs
and the tax year 2006 on the memo line of your check.
Line 56 – Montana Check-off Programs. Montana’s tax
If you wish to pay the amount that you owe by credit card
statutes provide you with the opportunity to contribute, via
or E-check visit our web site at and
your income tax return, to the following programs. You can
access Income Tax Express. We accept only Visa or
contribute any amount to any one of these four programs.
Mastercard when you use a credit card.
Your contribution will increase the amount you owe or
If you cannot pay the entire amount that you owe with your
reduce the amount of your refund.
tax return, we encourage you to file your return timely and
pay as much as you can. By filing and paying as much as


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