Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 5


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
Tax Computation
federal Form W-2, or in Box 10 of your federal Form
1099R. When you claim Montana income tax withheld,
Line 41 – Compute your tax using the tax table below.
you are required to attach to your return a copy of your
withholding statement(s) (federal Forms W-2 or 1099R),
2006 Tax Brackets and Table
which show the amount(s) of Montana income tax that was
If your taxable income on Form 2M, line 40 is:
withheld from your payments. If you do not attach your
withholding statement(s) to your return, this will delay our
At least
But less than
Then your tax is
processing of your return.
1% of your taxable income
Line 49 – Estimated Tax Payments. If you have made
2% of your taxable income
estimated income tax payments for tax year 2006, enter
3% of your taxable income
on line 49 the amount of these estimated tax payments.
Include in this amount the 2005 refund that you requested
4% of your taxable income ($132)
us to apply to your 2006 estimated income tax payments.
5% of your taxable income ($220)
Do not include in this total any income taxes paid for a
6% of your taxable income ($333)
previous year since these are not estimated taxes paid for
tax year 2006.
or more
6.9% of your taxable income ($464)
For example: Taxable income $4,500 X .03(3%) = $135.
Line 50 – Extension Payment. If you paid an extension
$135 minus $67 = $68 tax
payment on or before April 16, 2007 in order to qualify for
an automatic six-month extension to file your income tax
Line 42 – Capital Gains Tax Credit. You can claim a
return, enter that amount on Form 2M, line 50. To
capital gains credit against your Montana income tax of up
determine whether you need to make an extension
to 1% of the net capital gains that you reported on Form
payment, complete the Six-Month Extension Payment
2M, line 9. This credit is nonrefundable since it is applied
Calculation Worksheet, Montana Form EXT-06.
directly against your income tax liability and it cannot
reduce this liability below zero. This credit cannot be
Line 51 – Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit. For
carried back or carried forward and it is applied before any
detailed instructions on the elderly homeowner/renter
other credits.
credit and to calculate this credit see Form 2EC.
Nonrefundable Credits
After you have completed Form 2EC, enter the amount of
your elderly homeowner/renter credit on Form 2M, line 51.
Line 44 – Nonrefundable Single-year Credits. You may
be eligible for one or more of the 12 nonrefundable single-
The Amount You Owe
year credits that are available on your Montana income
Line 53 – Interest on Underpayment of Estimated
tax return. However, only 4 are available when you elect
Taxes. You are required to pay your income tax liability
to file Form 2M. Complete Schedule II, lines 1 through 5
throughout the year. You can make your payments through
to determine the amount of your nonrefundable single-
employer withholding, through installment payments of
year credits that you need to enter on Form 2M, line 44.
estimated taxes, or through a combination of employer
Refer to the section of instructions on Montana tax credits
withholding and estimated tax payments.
found on page 42 for a detailed explanation of these
nonrefundable single-year credits. If you are eligible for
If you did not pay in advance at least 90% of your 2006
any of the 8 other nonrefundable credits, you should file
income tax liability (after applying your credits) or 100% of
Form 2.
your 2005 income tax liability (after applying your credits)
you may have to pay interest on the underpayment of your
Line 45 – Nonrefundable Carryover Credits. You may
estimated tax.
be eligible for one or more of the 12 nonrefundable
carryover credits that are available on your Montana
To calculate your interest complete either Form W,
income tax return. However, only the Alternative Energy
Worksheet VII that is on page 52 of these instructions or
Systems credit is available when you elect to file Form
Form EST-I “Interest on Underpayment of Estimated Tax
2M. Complete Schedule II, line 6 to determine the amount
Payments.” You can access this form by visiting our web
of your nonrefundable single-year credit that you need to
site at or by calling us at (406) 444-
enter on Form 2M, line 45. Refer to the section of
instructions on Montana tax credits found on page 45 for a
Line 54 – Late File, Late Pay Penalties and Interest.
detailed explanation of these nonrefundable single-year
credits. If you are eligible for any of the 11 other
• Late File Penalty. If you file your return after April 16,
nonrefundable credits, you should file Form 2.
2007, or October 15, 2007 if you have a valid
extension, you will be assessed a late file penalty if
Payments and Offsets
your combined total tax due reported on Form 2M, line
Line 48 – Montana Income Tax Withheld. Enter on Form
47 is greater than your combined payments and offsets
2M, line 48 the amount of the Montana income tax
reported on Form 2M, line 52. The penalty is equal to
withheld from your income and reported in Box 17 of your
the lesser of $50 or the amount of tax you owe. If you


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