Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 4


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
For the purpose of this exclusion, when you determine the
Worksheet VIII, found on page 53 of the instruction
amount of your interest income, you should consider
distributions commonly called dividends on deposits or
After you have completed your social security worksheet
share accounts as interest. Under no circumstances can
and you find that your social security benefits taxable to
you exclude more interest income than what you have
Montana are less than those that you reported on Form
reported in your federal adjusted gross income.
2M, line 13b, enter that difference as a subtraction to
Line 30 – Exemption for Certain Taxed Tips and
federal adjusted gross income on your Form 2M, line 32. If
Gratuities. You can subtract from your federal adjusted
your social security benefits are greater than those that
gross income any tips and gratuities that you have
you reported on Form 2M, line 13b, you should report that
received from patrons while you worked in the food,
difference as an addition to federal adjusted gross income
beverage or lodging industry. These should be reported as
on your Form 2M, line 23.
part of your federal adjusted gross income. All other tips
Line 33 – Tier II Railroad Retirement. If any of your
and gratuities that you received for providing services in
retirement income is from Tier II Railroad Retirement,
other business industries are not excluded from your
these benefits are 100% exempt from Montana taxation.
federal adjusted gross income in arriving at your Montana
You should exclude your entire taxable Tier II Railroad
adjusted gross income.
Retirement benefits on Form 2M, line 33.
Line 31– Exempt Medical Care Savings Account (MSA)
Line 35 – Add lines 20 and 25 then subtract line 34 and
Deposits and Earnings. To determine your Montana
enter the result on line 35. This is your Montana adjusted
adjusted gross income you can subtract from your federal
gross income.
adjusted gross income the amounts that you deposited
into a Montana medical care savings account. Please
Line 37 – Standard or Itemized Deductions. In most
don’t confuse this Montana MSA with the federal health
cases, your state income tax will be less if you take either
savings account (HSA) that is deductible on Form 2, line
the larger of your itemized deductions or the standard
25 since you are allowed to participate in both programs.
See your federal income tax instructions for information
When you claim your standard deduction or itemized
on your federal HSA.
deductions, remember to check the box on line 37 that
Your Montana medical care savings account provides you
identifies which method you are using. If you do not check
with the opportunity to exclude from your Montana
the appropriate box, this will delay the processing of your
adjusted gross income up to $3,000 plus accumulated
interest or other earnings on these funds annually. If you
• Standard Deduction. To calculate your standard
are married filing jointly with your spouse or married filing
deduction, complete Form W, Worksheet V on page 51.
separately with your spouse, both of you can qualify for
your own Montana MSA and you each can exclude up to
• Itemized Deductions. To figure your itemized
$3,000 plus accumulated interest or other earnings on this
deductions, complete Form 2M, Schedule I. You can
account annually. To qualify for this exclusion, you will
find the instructions for Form 2M, Schedule I on page
need to establish a separate account that is owned by you
14 of this instruction booklet.
alone and is not jointly held with your spouse or any other
Line 39 – Exemption. You are entitled to at least one
individuals. In addition, you cannot commingle other funds
exemption (your own) and possibly even more. Multiply
with this account. Once these funds are excluded from
$1,980 times the number of exemptions that you have
Montana adjusted gross income, they can be withdrawn
claimed on Form 2M, line 5d and enter the result on line 39.
only for the payment of qualified medical expenses for
yourself, your spouse, or your dependent. Any of these
Line 40 – Taxable Income. To compute your taxable
funds withdrawn for other purposes are subject to tax in
income, subtract line 39 from line 38 and enter the result
the year that they are withdrawn and they also may be
on line 40.
subject to a 10% penalty if they are withdrawn on any day
other than the last business day of the year.
For further instructions on the Montana medical care
savings account see Montana Forms MSA and MSA-P.
When you claim this exclusion, you will need to attach a
copy of Montana Form MSA to your income tax return.
Line 32 – Subtraction to Federal Taxable Social
Security/Tier I Railroad Retirement. Your social security
benefits taxable to Montana may be different from the
amount of taxable benefits that you reported on Form 2M,
line 13b. You should determine your Montana taxable
social security benefits by completing Montana Form W,


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