Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 3


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
Please note that you may also be charged a penalty for
Premature distributions and early withdrawals of your
making any nonqualified withdrawal. See the instructions
retirement income do not qualify for the retirement income
on Form 2, line 68 and on Form MSA-P for the Montana
exclusion. Also, if you have received a disability pension,
medical care savings account 10% penalty.
which is identified as a distribution code 3 on your 1099R,
you should use the disability pension worksheet Montana
Subtractions – Lines 26 through 33
Form DS-1 to determine your deduction instead of the
retirement income exclusion.
Line 26 – Exempt Interest and Mutual Fund Dividends
from Federal Bonds, Notes and Obligations. If you have
If you have received retirement income other than Tier II
received interest on United States government obligations
Railroad Retirement benefits, you should complete Form
and mutual fund dividends attributable to that interest, you
W, Worksheet IV on page 50 in order to determine the
can subtract these amounts from your federal adjusted
amount of your exclusion. Your retirement exclusion is
gross income as long as they are included in your federal
limited to the lesser of your taxable retirement income
adjusted gross income on Form 2M, line 20. In addition, if
that you have received or $3,600, as long as your federal
you received interest on obligations from U.S. territory or
adjusted gross income is $30,000 or less and you are filing
government agency obligations that are specifically exempt
a single return, filing jointly with your spouse and only one
by federal law and any mutual fund dividends attributable
of you have taxable retirement income, or you are filing as
to this interest, you can subtract these amounts from your
head of household. If you are filing jointly with your spouse,
federal adjusted gross income as long as they are included
and both of you have retirement income, and your federal
in your federal adjusted gross income on Form 2M, line 20.
adjusted gross income is $30,000 or less, you both can
exclude the lesser of your taxable retirement income that
Obligations that are guaranteed by the United States
you receive personally or $3,600 each for a maximum of
government are not tax exempt. If you have received
interest or mutual fund dividends attributable to
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
When your federal adjusted gross income exceeds
bonds, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie
$30,000, your retirement exclusion is reduced $2.00 for
Mae) bonds, or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
every $1.00 that your federal adjusted gross income is
(FHLMAC) securities, you cannot subtract this interest or
over $30,000. For example, if your federal adjusted gross
mutual fund dividends since they are not exempt under
income is $31,000, your retirement exclusion is $1,600
federal law.
($3,600 – ($1,000 x $2.00) = $1,600). You are not entitled
to this retirement income exclusion if your federal adjusted
United States obligations that are exempt include:
gross income is greater than $31,800 ($3,600 – ($1,800 x
• Series E, F, G, and H savings bonds;
$2.00) = $0) if you are filing single, married filing separately
or head of household. If you are married and filing jointly
• U.S. treasury bills;
and both spouses have retirement income, then your
• U.S. government notes; and
retirement exclusion is phased out when your federal
• U.S. government certificates.
adjusted gross income is greater than $33,600 because
your maximum retirement exclusion is $7,200 (($3,600
Please refer to your federal Form 1099-DIV to determine
– ($1,800 x $2.00)) + ($3,600 – ($1,800 x $2.00)) = $0).
what percentage of your dividends qualifies for this
You should complete Form W, Worksheet IV on page 50
to determine your partial pension and annuity income
Line 27 – Exempt Unemployment Compensation. If
you have received unemployment benefits from Montana
Line 29 – Partial Interest Exemption for Taxpayers 65
or from another state, these benefits are not taxable to
and older. If you are single and are age 65 or older at the
Montana. If you reported taxable unemployment benefits on
end of 2006, you can exempt up to $800 of the interest
your Form 2M, line 12, enter the amount of these benefits
income that you reported in your federal adjusted gross
on line 27.
Line 28 – Partial Pension and Annuity Income
If you are married and are filing a joint return with your
Exemption. If you have reported taxable retirement income
spouse and at least one of you is age 65 or older at the
on your Form 2M, lines 10b and/or 11b, you may be entitled
end of 2006, you can exempt up to $1,600 of the interest
to a partial exemption of this income. Before we determine
income that you reported in your federal adjusted gross
if any of this retirement income is excluded, we want to
first find out if any of this income is from Tier II Railroad
Retirement benefits. If so, your Tier II benefits are 100%
exempt from Montana taxation. You should exclude your
entire taxable Tier II Railroad Retirement benefits on Form
2M, line 28.


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