Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 2


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
and then include these additional dependents in the total
bonds and obligations of another state or territory or
on line 5c.
county, municipality, district or other political subdivision of
another state.
To determine who is your dependent refer to the detailed
instructions for Form 2, line 6c found on page 20 of these
Line 22 – Taxable Federal Refund. If you received a
2005 federal income tax refund in 2006 and you claimed
federal income taxes paid as an itemized deduction, you
Disabled Dependent Child Exemption – In addition to
may need to report a portion or all of your federal refund
the dependent exemption above, you are entitled to an
as income on your 2006 Montana income tax return. This
additional exemption for a child who is disabled. If your
is called the “tax benefit rule.” To the extent that the
child is disabled and you qualify for this additional
federal tax deduction that you claimed on your 2005
exemption, place an “X” in the column and row of the
Montana income tax return reduced the amount of your
disabled child and add an additional exemption to your
2005 Montana income tax liability, any subsequent refunds
total on line 5c.
from this deduction are considered income in the year that
you received it. In order to determine whether any of your
To determine if you are eligible for the disabled dependent
refund is taxable in 2006, complete Form W, Worksheet II,
exemption refer to the detailed instructions for Form 2,
Tax Benefit Rule Worksheet on page 49.
line 6c found on page 20 of these instructions.
Line 23 – Addition to Federal Taxable Social Security/
Line 5d – Add lines 5a through 5c and enter the total
Railroad Retirement. Your social security benefits taxable
number on line 5d. These are your total exemptions.
to Montana may be different from the amount of taxable
Federal Adjusted Gross Income
benefits that you reported on Form 2M, line 13b. You
should determine your Montana taxable social security
Lines 6 through 20 – Your income on your Montana
benefits by completing Montana Form W, Worksheet VIII
individual income tax return begins with your federal
found on page 53 of the instruction booklet. Before you
adjusted gross income. On lines 6 through 20 enter the
can complete your social security worksheet, you will need
amount corresponding to your federal individual income
to complete your pension and annuity income worksheet,
tax return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ.
Form W, Worksheet IV found on page 50 of the instruction
Line 15 – Penalty on Early Withdrawal of Savings.
Certain types of savings accounts require that some
When using Worksheet VIII when filing Form 2M, report
interest is forfeited if you withdraw the funds prematurely.
the amounts as indicated in the chart below:
The Internal Revenue Code allows a deduction for this
“penalty” when determining federal adjusted gross income.
On worksheet line:
Add the amounts from Form 2M, lines:
Please refer to federal income tax instructions and rules
6, 7a, 8a, 9, 10b, 11b and 12
for more information on this topic. This item is not the
same as the penalties imposed by Montana law for
21, 22, 24 and tax exempt interest in
unqualified withdrawals from special accounts such as the
line 7b not included in line 21
Medical Care Savings Account or the First-Time Home
Buyer Savings Account.
15, 16 and 18
Line 20 – Federal Adjusted Gross Income. Subtract line
After you have completed your social security worksheet
19 from line 14 and enter the result on line 20. This
and you find that your social security benefits taxable to
amount should correspond to the amount of the federal
Montana are greater than those that you reported on Form
adjusted gross income that you reported on your federal
2M, line 13b, enter that difference on your Form 2M, line
income tax return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ.
23. If your social security benefits taxable to Montana are
less than those that you reported on Form 2M, line 13b,
Detailed instructions for the remainder of lines 6 through
you should report that difference as a subtraction to
20 are not provided. You will need to refer to your federal
federal adjusted gross income on your Form 2M, line 32.
income tax instructions for detailed information on lines 6
through 20. In completing lines 6 through 20 you should
Line 24 – Medical Care Savings Account Nonqualified
include with your Form 2M the applicable federal
Withdrawals. Your nonqualified withdrawal from a
schedules that are identified on Form 2M.
Montana medical care savings account is a withdrawal
that you made during the tax year for any purpose other
Additions – Lines 21 through 24. You may need to add
than to pay for eligible medical expenses or long-term
additional items of income to your federal adjusted gross
care. You can refer to Montana Form MSA for further
income in order to arrive at your Montana adjusted gross
detailed instructions. You should report any nonqualified
income. Enter the following items of income on the
withdrawals from your Montana medical care savings
appropriate line.
account as an addition to federal adjusted gross income
on Form 2M, line 24.
Line 21 – Interest and Mutual Fund Dividends from
Other States’ State, County, or Municipal Bonds. Enter
the interest and dividend income that you received from


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