Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 11


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
qualify for this credit as long as the building in which the
energy, solid waste, and organic waste in your principal
investment is made is owned by both spouses.
home. Your credit cannot exceed $500 and any balance of
your credit that is not used in 2006 can be carried forward
In order to qualify for this credit you will have to show, and
and applied to future income tax liabilities for a period of
provide to us upon request, verification of your
four succeeding tax years.
expenditures and that your investment will reduce the
waste or dissipation of energy or reduce the amount of
If you are a resident of Montana, you can claim a credit
energy that is required to accomplish a given amount of
against your income tax liability for the cost of purchasing
work. If you are unable to provide this documentation and
and installing an energy system using a low emission
verification you will not be allowed to take this credit.
wood or biomass combustion device, such as a pellet or
wood stove in your principal home. Your credit cannot
For further instructions on the energy conservation credit
exceed $500 and any balance of your credit that is not
and to calculate this credit, see Montana Form ENRG-C.
used in 2006 can be carried forward and applied to future
When you claim this credit, you will have to attach a copy
income tax liabilities for a period of four succeeding tax
of Montana Form ENRG-C to your income tax return.
Line 3 – Elderly Care Credit. You can claim a credit
For further instructions on the alternative energy system
against your income tax liability for paying certain
credit, and to calculate this credit, see Montana Form
expenses in order to provide care to an elderly family
ENRG-B. When you claim this credit, you will have to
member. Your credit cannot exceed $10,000 in one tax
attach a copy of Montana Form ENRG-B to your income
year for the care of two or more family members.
tax return.
In order to qualify for this credit, you need to care for an
Line 7 – Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit. You can
elderly family member who is at least 65 years of age,
receive a refundable residential property tax credit if you
who has been determined to be disabled by the Social
can answer yes to the following four statements:
Security Administration; and who has a family income of
$15,000 or less if not married, or $30,000 or less if
• I was age 62 or older as of December 31, 2006.
• I resided in Montana for nine months or more during
For further instructions on the elderly care credit and to
calculate this credit, see Montana Form ECC. When you
• I occupied a Montana residence as an owner or renter
claim this credit, you will have to attach a copy of Montana
for a total of six months or more during 2006.
Form ECC to your income tax return.
• My gross household income was less than $45,000 in
Line 4 – Developmental Disability Account
Contribution Credit. You can claim a credit against your
If you answered yes to these four statements, see
income tax liability for contributions that you made to the
Montana Form 2EC for further instructions and about how
Montana Developmental Disability Service Account
to calculate your 2006 elderly homeowner/renter credit.
administered by the Montana Department of Public Health
and Human Services. Your credit is equal to 30% of the
After you have completed Form 2EC and when you file a
contributions that you made during the year but your
Montana income tax return, Form 2M, enter the amount of
credited contribution cannot exceed $10,000 in any one
your elderly homeowner/renter credit from Form 2EC, line
tax year.
19, on Form 2M, Schedule II, line 7.
In order to qualify for this credit, your contribution should
Form 2 Instructions
be made to the Montana Department of Public Health and
Human Service Developmental Disability Service
Residents, part-year residents, or non-residents of
Account. Any other contribution to another program that
Montana can file Montana Form 2, which is called our
provides services to the developmental disabled does not
“long form.” You can use Form 2 if you are married filing
qualify for this credit. When you claim this credit, you
separately with your spouse, if you claim itemized
cannot take a charitable contribution deduction for this
deductions or the standard deduction, if you claim a
contribution elsewhere on your return.
nonrefundable Montana tax credit, if you made estimated
tax payments, or if you are applying your 2005 refund to
For further information on the developmental disability
your 2006 income tax liability.
account contribution you can call the Montana Department
of Public Health and Human Services at (406) 444-2995 or
Part-year Resident and Non-resident. If you are a part-
visit their web site at
year resident or a non-resident you will complete lines 7
through 48 as if you were a resident using the instructions
Line 6 – Alternative Energy Systems Credit. If you are a
for Form 2 on pages 18 through 47. After you have
resident of Montana, you can claim a credit against your
completed your return through line 48 you will then
income tax liability for the cost of purchasing and installing
determine your part-year resident or non-resident tax after
an energy system that uses a recognized nonfossil form of
capital gains tax credit by completing Form 2, Schedule
energy such as, but not limited to, solar energy, wind


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