Montana Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 10


2006 Montana Individual Income Tax Instructions
Multiply the amount on Form 2M, line 35 by .02 (2%) and
Form 2M, Schedule II – Montana Tax Credits
enter the result on line 24.
We have listed 6 credits that can be used when filing
Line 25 – Subtract line 24 from 22 and enter the result on
Montana Form 2M, however the Montana Legislature has
line 25. This is the amount of your unreimbursed
authorized 28 different income tax credits. See Montana
employee business expenses and other expenses that are
Form 2, Schedule V for a list and description of these 28
deductible in computing your net income.
tax credits that are available. If you are eligible for any of
the other credits not listed below, you will have to file
Line 26 – Political Contributions. When you compute
Montana Form 2 instead of Form 2M.
your net income, you can take a deduction for political
contributions that you made during the year. These
There are three categories of credits available on your
contributions are limited to a total of $100 for yourself and,
Montana individual income tax return.
if married, a total of $100 for your spouse. To qualify for
• Nonrefundable single-year credits. Your
this deduction, your contribution of money has to be made to:
nonrefundable single-year credits can only be used to
• An individual who is a candidate for nomination or
offset your 2006 resident tax after capital gains credit
election to any federal, state, or local public office in a
and cannot reduce your tax liability below zero. The
primary, general or special election;
unused portion of your nonrefundable single-year
credits that exceeded your 2006 income tax liability are
• Any committee, association, or organization set up to
lost and are unable to be used in future years.
campaign for the nomination or election to any federal,
state, or local public office in a primary, general or
• Nonrefundable carryover credit. Your nonrefundable
special election;
carryover credits can be used to offset your 2006
resident tax after capital gains credit. It cannot reduce
• A national committee or a national political party;
your tax liability below zero. Your excess nonrefundable
• A state committee of a national political party; or
carryover credits that were not applied against your
2006 income tax liability can be carried over and used
• A local committee of a national political party.
to offset future year tax liabilities.
Line 27 – Other Miscellaneous Deductions Not
• Refundable credits. Your refundable credits are
Subject to 2% of Montana Adjusted Gross Income.
applied against your income tax liability with any
When you compute your net income, you can take a
unused credit refunded to you.
deduction for other miscellaneous expenses that are not
subject to 2% of your Montana adjusted gross income.
Line 1 – College Contribution Credit. You can claim a
These deductions are the same deductions that are
credit against your income tax liability for contributions
allowed on your federal income tax return. They include a
that you made in 2006 to a general endowment fund of the
deduction for expenses paid in purchasing organic
Montana University System foundations or a private
fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer that is produced as a by-
Montana college, or its foundation. Your credit is equal to
product of mining or industrial operations in Montana.
10% of the contribution that you made with a maximum
Other deductions you may be allowed are per capita
credit allowed of $500.
livestock fees imposed for enforcement of the livestock
In order for you to qualify for this credit, your contribution
laws of the state and for the payment of bounties on wild
has to be made to a Montana college or university that
offers a baccalaureate degree level education program. In
Line 29 – Itemized Deduction Worksheet. If the
addition to this credit, your contribution may also be
Montana adjusted gross income that you reported on Form
claimed as an itemized deduction on Form 2M, Schedule
2M, line 35 is more than $150,500, your total itemized
I, line 15.
deductions reported on Form 2M, Schedule I, line 28 may
For further instructions on the college contribution credit,
be limited. Complete Form W, Worksheet VI on page 51
and to calculate this credit, see Montana Form CC. When
in your instruction booklet to determine the portion of the
you claim this credit, you will have to attach a copy of
itemized deductions that you reported on Form 2M,
Montana Form CC to your income tax return.
Schedule I, line 28 that are not deductible because you
exceeded the Montana adjusted gross income limitations
Line 2 – Energy Conservation Installation Credit. If you
are a resident of Montana you can claim a credit against
your income tax liability for energy conservation
Line 30 – Allowable Itemized Deductions. The amount
investments that you made to your home or other
of your allowable itemized deductions is the result of
buildings. Your credit is equal to 25% of your expenses for
subtracting line 29, which is the total of your disallowed
a maximum credit of up to $500 for the capital
itemized deduction, from line 28, which is your total
investments you made to your home or another building
itemized deductions. Enter this result on Form 2M, line 37.
for energy conservation purposes or for the installation or
replacement of a hot water heater or household heating or
cooling system. If you are married, your spouse may also


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