Form Ogb - 1e Instructions


OGB - 1E
Read Carefully and Comply Fully
Application, in triplicate, must be submitted to the State Oil and Gas Board and approval
obtained before change of operator becomes effective. One copy will be returned following
approval. Make sure that you have given correctly all information requested. Much unnecessary
correspondence will thru be avoided, State Oil and Gas Board personnel will not make
additions to or change any part of a notarized form.
This application must be accompanied by:
(1) Affidavit of Ownership or Control, Form OGB-2, or Affidavit of Ownership or
Control, Underground Injection Control, Form OGB-2C, whichever is appropriate.
(2) Bond (Single Well), Form OGB-3, or Bond (Blanket), Form OGB-4, if not on file with
the Board.
(3) Organization Report, Form OGB-5, if a current report is not on file with the Board.
(4) Letter from present operator requesting that the Board approve change of operator.
If this is a producing well, before any oil, gas or condensate is transported from lease, the
new operator is to file and receive approval on Producer's Certificate of Compliance and
Authorization to Transport Oil, Gas, or Condensate from Well, Form OGB-12. If this is a Class II
injection well, the operator should file an Application for Permit to Inject Fluids, Form OGB-1C,
and receive approval before injecting fluids.
The permit number assigned to this well should always be used in correspondence
relating to this well


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