Instructions For Form Tmt-1


TMT-1 (10/99) (back)
The gross weight of a tractor pulling one or more trailers or other
1. Enter your federal employer identification number (including any
devices, even if only on an occasional basis, is the unloaded weight
suffix letter(s)) if you have one; if not, enter your social security
of the tractor plus the unloaded weight of the heaviest trailer,
semitrailer, dolly or other device(s) to be drawn by the tractor, plus
2. Enter the exact legal name of the business. The legal name is the
the weight of the heaviest load (not including the weight of the driver
name in which the business owns property or acquires debt. A
and his helper) to be carried or drawn by the tractor.
corporation’s legal name is the name that appears on its certificate
The gross weight of a trailer transporting automotive fuel is the
of incorporation. A limited liability company’s legal name is the name
unloaded weight of the heaviest tractor used to pull the trailer, plus
that appears on its articles of organization. If the business is a
the unloaded weight of the trailer plus the heaviest load to be carried
partnership, or a limited liability partnership, the legal name is the
by the trailer.
name that appears on its partnership agreement. The legal name of
12I. Enter "O" for owned or "L" for leased.
a sole proprietorship is the name of the individual owner of the
13. Give the name, title, SSN, and address of each principal corporate
officer, member of partnership, individual owner or executor,
3. Enter your U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) number.
administrator, receiver, trustee or other fiduciary.
4. If licensed under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA), enter
14. Leased vehicles - give the serial number, name of owner, owner’s
your base jurisdiction. If not licensed under IFTA, enter none.
EIN or SSN, and address.
5. Give the trade name of the business, including assumed name if any,
15. Enter the address where fuel and mileage records are maintained. If
under which you have an established account or (if a new applicant)
the records are maintained by an agent or representative, include the
the name under which you wish your account to be established and
name and telephone number of the agent or representative.
under which tax returns will be filed.
16. This application must be signed by the owner, partner or corporate
officer assuming responsibility for the validity of the information it
7. Enter the address as shown in your established account or the exact
business location.
8. Enter the address for mailing permits if different from your business
The Tax Law provides that it is a violation subject to penalties to operate
address entered in item 7.
on the public highways of this state a motor vehicle subject to provisions of
11. Check whether the applicant is an individual, corporation,
Article 21; (a) without securing the requisite permit and sticker therefor;
partnership, limited liability company (LLC) or limited liability
(b) with actual gross or unloaded weight in excess of the gross or
partnership (LLP). Describe fully if the Other box is checked.
unloaded weight set forth on the permit issued therefor.
12. List all motor vehicles, including any automobile, truck, tractor or
Privacy notification
other self-propelled device and, in the case of an automotive fuel
carrier, any trailer, semitrailer or other device drawn thereby, having a
The right of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance and the Department of
gross weight of more than 18,000 pounds; and, if under the
Taxation and Finance to collect and maintain personal information, including
unloaded weight method of tax reporting, any truck having an
mandatory disclosure of social security numbers in the manner required by tax
regulations, instructions, and forms, is found in Articles 8, 12-A, 13-A, 21, and 21-A of
unloaded weight of more than 8,000 pounds or any tractor having an
the Tax Law; and 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).
unloaded weight of more than 4,000 pounds that is used on the
public highways (excluding vehicles used on fixed rails or tracks).
The Tax Department uses this information primarily to determine and administer the
motor and diesel motor fuel, petroleum, highway use, and fuel use taxes under
Enter the appropriate information about each vehicle in the spaces
Articles 12-A, 13-A, 21, and 21-A of the Tax Law, and for any other purpose
authorized by law.
12A. Enter "Y" (for Yes) in this column for each motor vehicle (truck or
Failure to provide the required information may subject you to civil or criminal
trailer) that carries or hauls automotive fuel (gasoline, propane,
penalties, or both, under the Tax Law. In some cases, failure to provide the required
kerosene, heating oil, No. 2 fuel oil, diesel fuel, No. 1 diesel fuel, No.
information may result in denial, cancellation, or suspension of a registration as a
2 diesel fuel, kero-jet fuel, etc.). Enter "N" (for No) for each vehicle
distributor of motor or diesel motor fuel or of a license as a terminal operator or
importing/exporting transporter.
that does not carry automotive fuel. This column must be
completed for each vehicle.
This information is maintained by the Director of the Registration and Data Services
Bureau, NYS Tax Department, Building 8 Room 924, W A Harriman Campus, Albany
12B. You must give the entire number. This number is stamped,
NY 12227; telephone 1 800 225-5829. From areas outside the U.S. and outside
embossed or otherwise affixed to the vehicle.
Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
12C. Show the type as truck, tractor or automotive fuel carrier trailer.
Buses should not be listed.
12D. Enter the type of fuel used to power the vehicle by entering one of
Need help?
the following symbols: G-gasoline, D-diesel, LPG-liquid propane gas,
Telephone assistance is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:25 p.m.
C-compressed natural gas or N-none (unit not powered).
(eastern time), Monday through Friday.
12E. Enter the make of the vehicle.
Tax information: 1 800 972-1233
12F. Enter the year in which the vehicle was manufactured.
Forms and publications: 1 800 462-8100
From outside the U.S. and outside Canada: (518) 485-6800
12G. The unloaded weight of the vehicle is the actual weight of the motor
Fax-on-demand forms: 1 800 748-3676
vehicle, which includes all equipment necessary for the performance
Internet access:
of the function of the vehicle as a vehicle (including a full fuel tank),
Hearing and speech impaired (telecommunications device for the
necessary for the safety of the vehicle, permanently attached to the
deaf (TDD) callers only): 1 800 634-2110 (8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.,
vehicle, used exclusively for the protection of the load carried by the
eastern time)
vehicle or used exclusively for the loading or unloading of the
12H. The gross weight of a tow-truck is the same as the unloaded weight.
Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with
A tow-truck is not deemed to be operating in combination with the
Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our lobbies, offices, meeting rooms,
disabled vehicle it pulls.
and other facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have
questions about special accommodations for persons with disabilities,
The gross weight of a truck is the unloaded weight of the truck plus
please call 1 800 225-5829.
the weight of the heaviest load to be carried. However, if a truck
operates in combination with a trailer or other attached device(s),
even if the combination is used only on an occasional basis, the
If you need to write, address your letter to:
gross weight of the truck-trailer combination is the unloaded weight
NYS Tax Department, Taxpayer Assistance Bureau, Taxpayer Correspondence,
of the truck and the heaviest combined weight of the trailer or other
W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227.
attached device(s) and the weight of the maximum load to be
Mail your application
and payment to:


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