Instructions For Completing The Florida Communications Services Tax Return (Form Dr-700016) - 2007 Page 2


Instructions for Completing the Florida
R. 01/07
Page 19
Communications Services Tax Return (Form DR-700016)
Who must file a return?
General Information and Instructions
All registered dealers of communications services in the State of
Florida must file a Communications Services Tax Return
What is the communications services tax?
(Form DR-700016) with the Department of Revenue.
Communications services tax is imposed by Chapter 202, Florida
When is the return due and payable?
Statutes. This tax includes a state portion, a gross receipts
Returns and payments are due on the 1st and late after the 20th
portion, and a local portion. The tax is imposed on voice, data,
day of the month following each collection period. If the 20th falls
audio, video, or any other information or signal, including cable
on a Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday, your return
services that are transmitted by any medium.
must be postmarked or hand delivered on the first business day
The rate for the state portion is 6.8 percent (.068). The rate for
following the 20th.
the gross receipts portion is 2.37 percent (.0237). The rate for
Penalty for late payments
direct-to-home satellite services is 13.17 percent (.1317). Each
A 10 percent (.10) penalty is due for each 30-day period,
taxing jurisdiction (municipality, charter county, or unincorporated
or fraction thereof, that your return or payment is late. The
county) has a specific local tax rate. While state and gross
maximum penalty is 50 percent of the total amount due. See
receipts tax rates stay fairly constant, local rates can change
frequently. To verify current rates, visit the Department’s Internet
chart below.
site at
Late payments include additional tax due as a result of changes
Examples of services subject to the tax include:
in situsing of previously reported sales from a local jurisdiction
• Local, long distance, or toll telephone.
with a lower tax rate to a local jurisdiction with a higher tax rate,
• Cable television.
if the provider has not used an address database that meets the
• Direct-to-home satellite.
requirements of section 202.22, F.S.
• Mobile communications.
• Private communications.
Days Late
• Pager and beeper.
• Telephone charge made by a hotel or motel.
• Facsimiles (fax), when not provided in the course of
professional or advertising services.
• Telex, telegram, and teletypewriter.
over 120
Examples of services not subject to the tax include:
• Information services (these services may include electronic
Interest on late payments
publishing, web-hosting services, or end user 900-number
Interest is due on late payments and is accrued from the date
tax is late until it is paid. A floating rate of interest applies to
• Internet access services, electronic mail services, electronic
underpayments and late payments of tax. The rate is updated
bulletin board services, or similar online computer services.
January 1 and July 1 of each year by using the formula
• Sale or recharge of prepaid calling arrangements.
established in s. 213.235, F.S.
• Pay telephone charges.
To obtain interest rates:
Note: When taxable and nontaxable services are bundled
• Visit the Department’s Internet site at
together and sold as a package for one sale price, the entire
charge becomes subject to tax. However, effective July 1, 2005, if
• Call Taxpayer Services, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to
the nontaxable service is Internet access service and that charge
7 p.m., ET, at 800-352-3671 or 850-488-6800.
can be reasonably identified in your books and records kept in
the regular course of business, you are not required to collect tax
If your business has been sold, merged, or has ceased
on the portion of the bundled charge identified as Internet access
operations, please complete and return the enclosed Closing or
Sale of Business or Change of Legal Entity form (Page 15).
If your business address or name has changed, please write
Transactions exempt from the tax include:
the change(s) in the spaces provided on the payment coupon
• Sales to government agencies.
(Page 1).
• Sales to religious and educational organizations, and homes
Where to send payments and returns
for the aged that are currently exempt from federal income tax
under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Make check payable to and send with return to:
• Sales for resale.
• Sales to holders of direct pay authority.
PO BOX 6520
Exemptions for residential service
TALLAHASSEE FL 32314-6520 or
File online via our Internet site at
Communications sold to a residential household are exempt from
the state portion of the tax. This exemption does not apply to the
sale of mobile communications service, cable service, or direct-
to-home satellite service. Residential service is not exempt from
gross receipts tax or local tax.


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