Form 7ag-1 - Nebraska Sales And Use Tax Refund Claim Page 2


WHO MAY FILE. Any purchaser or lessee of agricultural
Commercial agriculture does NOT include the storage of
machinery or equipment, for use in commercial agriculture,
agricultural products off the farm location or in commercial
purchased or leased on or after January 1, 1993, may file for
elevators, or the storage of livestock in stockyards or sale
a refund of the Nebraska and city sales and use tax paid if an
exemption was not granted at the time of purchase or lease.
DOCUMENTATION. All refund claims must include suffi-
WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE. A Nebraska Sales and Use
cient documentation to substantiate the amount claimed. A
Tax Refund Claim for Agricultural Machinery and Equipment
claim for refund of sales and use tax paid must include a copy
Purchases or Leases, Form 7AG-1, must be filed within three
of the invoice or receipt reflecting date, vendor name and
years from the date of the purchase or the lease payment. The
address, items purchased or leased, net purchase or lease price
claim for refund must be filed with the Nebraska Department
(purchase price less trade-in allowance), any trade-in allow-
of Revenue, P.O. Box 94818, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818.
ance, date paid, and amount of Nebraska and city sales and use
tax for which the refund is claimed. The Department of
Revenue reserves the right to request additional supporting
qualify for a refund of sales or use tax paid, the items listed on
documentation. If proper documentation is not included,
the form must be agricultural machinery or equipment. This
your claim cannot be processed.
includes machinery or equipment used for planting, tilling,
APPEAL PROCEDURE. After a claim for refund has been
harvesting, haying, fertilizing, or irrigating crops; and
filed, a determination must be made by the Nebraska Depart-
machinery or equipment used in raising or feeding
ment of Revenue within 180 days of the filing of the claim.
livestock. Please refer to the lists below for items that qualify,
Another 30 days is allowed to send the notice of the action
and those that do not qualify.
taken on the claim. An appeal of the decision may be made to
COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE. To qualify for a refund,
the District Court of Lancaster County. All appeals must be
the items listed must be used in commercial agriculture, which
made within 30 days from the date of notification of the
is the business of farming or ranching. It is the production of
department’s decision. Upon expiration of the 30 days from
food products or other useful and valuable crops, or the raising
the date of notification, the determination of the department
of livestock. It includes commercial production in green-
becomes final.
houses, nurseries, tree farms, sod farms, and feedlots.
Does Not Qualify
Repair, replacement, or maintenance parts or items
Grain bin equipment that dries or
Tires of any kind
Tractor duals
moves the grain
Motor vehicles
Stock racks
Licensable trailers
Hay balers
Power washers
Hay mowers
Completed gates or panels
Structures, including those used for storage
Hay rakes
Fish production equipment includ-
Metal buildings
Hay loaders
ing feeding, and seining
Redi mix concrete
Portable calf sheds and huts
Gestation crates
Hay sheds
Concrete hog slats/gang slats
Fences including fencing materials used to build a fence, gate
Hog cart
or panel
Trash wheels
Grain bin structure including walks, roof, floor, vents, and
Irrigation well equipment, such
Milking equipment
as motors, pivots, and pipe,
Milk storage equipment on the farm
Storage tanks
except casing and concrete
Fuel tanks of any kind
Milk separators
Tools including chain saws, post hole diggers, welders, and
Automatic feeders
Fertilizer nurse tanks
Feed wagons
Fertilizer spreaders
Acetylene torches
Feed box
Manure handling equipment
Tanks used to store oxygen or acetylene
Truck chassis/cab modified to be
Crop dusting airplanes
Air compressors
a feed wagon
ATV’s and snowmobiles (only if
Portable grain dryers
used in commercial agriculture)
Chains of any kind
Portable augers
Working horses
Lawn mowers and lawn tractors
Antique farm equipment
Office equipment including computers
Two-way radios
Mobile telephones
Equipment not at the farm location used to load, store, weigh,
clean, unload, and process raw products
Equipment used to dehydrate and pelletize alfalfa
Earth moving equipment
(These lists are not all-inclusive)


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