Instructions For Form 8867 - Paid Preparer'S Earned Income Credit Checklist - 2014 Page 3


If the answer to all three is “Does not apply,” check “Does not
$38,511 ($43,941 for married filing jointly) if the taxpayer has
one qualifying child, or
$14,590 ($20,020 for married filing jointly) if the taxpayer does
Otherwise, check “Yes.”
not have a qualifying child.
Lines 26 and 27
Line 16
You must keep copies of any documents provided by the
The taxpayer's home (and, if filing a joint return, his or her
taxpayer that you relied on to determine whether any child is a
spouse's home) must have been in the United States for more
qualifying child. See Document Retention, later, for details.
than half the year.
If you did not rely on any documents, check the appropriate
United States. This means the 50 states and the District of
box (m, n, t and/or u on line 26 or k or l on line 27).
Columbia. It does not include Puerto Rico or U.S. possessions
such as Guam.
Check all the boxes that apply. However, if you check box a,
m, or n on line 26, do not check any other box from b to l on
Homeless shelter. The taxpayer's home can be any location
line 26. If you check box o, t, or u on line 26, do not check any
where the taxpayer regularly lives. It does not need to be a
other box from p to s on line 26. If you check box a, k, or l on
traditional home. If the taxpayer lived in one or more homeless
line 27, do not check any other box on line 27.
shelters in the United States for more than half the year, check
There is no limit to the number of documents you can enter
Military personnel stationed outside of the United States.
on lines 26l, 26s, or 27j. If you need more space, use a separate
U.S military personnel stationed outside the United States on
sheet of paper.
extended active duty are considered to live in the United States
during that duty period for purposes of the EIC. Extended active
Document Retention
duty means the taxpayer is called or ordered to duty for an
indefinite period or for a period of more than 90 days. Once the
You must keep the records described in 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, and 4e in
taxpayer begins serving on extended active duty, the taxpayer is
the due diligence checklist near the bottom of page 3 of Form
still considered to have been on extended active duty even if he
8867. You must keep those records for 3 years from the latest of
or she does not serve more than 90 days.
the following dates that apply.
The due date of the tax return (not including extensions).
Line 17
The date the return was filed (if you are a signing tax return
Check “Yes” if the taxpayer (or the taxpayer's spouse if filing a
preparer electronically filing the return).
joint return) was born after December 31, 1949, and before
The date the return was presented to the taxpayer for
January 2, 1990.
signature (if you are a signing tax return preparer not
electronically filing the return).
However, if either the taxpayer or the taxpayer's spouse died
The date you submitted to the signing tax return preparer the
in 2014, see Pub. 596 before you answer.
part of the return for which you were responsible (if you are a
nonsigning tax return preparer).
Line 19
These records may be kept on paper or electronically in the
The taxpayer's earned income and adjusted gross income
manner described in Revenue Procedure 97-22 (or later
each must be less than $14,590 ($20,020 for married filing
update). Revenue Procedure 97-22 is on page 9 of Internal
jointly) if the taxpayer does not have a qualifying child.
Revenue Bulletin 1997-13, which is available at
Line 22
Check “Does not apply” if:
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for you to obtain
The taxpayer does not have a qualifying child, or
the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
The taxpayer's qualifying child is the taxpayer's son or
laws of the United States. You are required to obtain this
Line 23
You are not required to obtain the information requested on a
form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the
Check “Does not apply” if the answer to question 13a is “No.”
form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records
Lines 24 and 25
relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as
their contents may become material in the administration of any
If a reasonable and well-informed tax return preparer
Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return
knowledgeable in the law would conclude that any information
information are confidential, as required by Internal Revenue
the taxpayer has given you appears to be incorrect, incomplete,
Code section 6103.
or inconsistent with the taxpayer's eligibility to claim the EIC, you
must ask the taxpayer reasonable questions to get information
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary
that is correct, consistent, and complete. You must document
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average
the questions you asked and the answers you received. This is
time is:
how you meet your knowledge requirement.
Line 24. Check “Does not apply” on line 24 if you did not need
Learning about the law or the form
18 min.
. . . .
to ask any additional questions because you were not given any
Preparing and sending the form
1 hr., 49 min.
. . . . . .
information that appeared to be incorrect, inconsistent, or
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time
Line 25. There are three separate questions on line 25. They
estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would
are labeled (a), (b), and (c). If the answer to any of them ((a), (b),
be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for the tax return
or (c)) is “No,” check “No.”
with which this form is filed.


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