2006 Instructions For Schedule A (Form 990 Or 990-Ez) Page 4


2006-109, 2006-51 I.R.B. 1121, and any
complete line 4g. If the organization does
Part IV-A
future related guidance.
not maintain any such accounts, enter
Support does not include . .
zero on lines 4f and 4g.
A related person is any family member
Contributions of services for which a
Part IV. Reason for
(as defined in section 4958(f)) of the
deduction is not allowable.
donor or donor advisor and any 35%
Non-Private Foundation
controlled entity (as defined in section
*Note. For organizations that checked the box on
4958(f)) of the donor or donor advisor.
line 12, the amounts on line 17 of the Support
See Notice 2006-109, and any future
Schedule are included in support.
related guidance for more information.
Support from a governmental unit,
Funds or accounts meeting one of
The following terms are used in more
with certain exceptions described below,
these exceptions must be reported
than one item in Part IV. The definitions
on lines 4f and 4g.
given below generally apply.
Any amounts received from a
Support (for lines 10, 11, and 12 of
Line 4b. Answer “Yes” if the organization
governmental unit, including donations or
Part IV), with certain qualified exceptions
made any taxable distributions under
contributions and amounts received in
described below, is all forms of support
section 4966.
connection with a contract entered into
including (but not limited to):
with a governmental unit for the
A taxable distribution is any distribution
performance of services or in connection
occurring in any tax year beginning after
Part IV-A
with a government research grant,
August 17, 2006, from a donor advised
Support includes . . .
provided these amounts are not excluded
fund to any:
from the term support as amounts
1. Natural person, or
Gifts, grants, contributions,
received from exercising or performing
2. Any other person, if:
membership fees . . . . . . . . . . 15 and 16
the organization’s charitable purpose or
a. The distribution is for any purpose
other than the promotion of religious,
Any amounts an organization receives
An amount paid by a governmental
charitable, scientific, literary or
from the exercise or performance of its
unit to an organization is not treated as
educational purposes, or to foster national
charitable, educational, or other
received from exercising or performing its
or international amateur sports
purpose or function constituting the
charitable, etc., purpose or function if the
competition, or for the prevention of
basis for its exemption*. . . . . . . . . . .
payment is to enable the organization to
cruelty to children or animals; or
provide a service to, or maintain a facility
b. The sponsoring organization
Net income from unrelated
for, the direct benefit of the public, as for
maintaining the donor advised fund does
business activities, whether or
example, to maintain library facilities that
not exercise expenditure responsibility in
not such activities are carried on
are open to the public.
the distribution according to section
regularly as a trade or business
18 and 19
Tax revenues levied for the
organization’s benefit and either paid to or
Gross investment income, such as
Exception. A taxable distribution does
expended on its behalf.
interest, dividends, rents, and royalties
not include a distribution from a donor
The value of services or facilities
advised fund to:
(exclusive of services or facilities
Tax revenues levied for the benefit of
Any organization described in section
generally furnished, without charge, to the
an organization and either paid to or
170(b)(1)(A) (other than a disqualified
public) furnished by a governmental unit
expended on behalf of such
supporting organization),
to the organization without charge. For
organization; and . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The sponsoring organization of the
example, a city pays the salaries of
donor advised fund,
personnel to guard a museum, art gallery,
The value of services or facilities
Any other donor advised fund, or
etc., or provides the use of a building rent
(exclusive of those generally furnished
Certain natural persons as described in
free. However, the term does not include
to the public without charge) furnished
Notice 2006-109.
the value of any exemption from federal,
by a governmental unit referred to in
state, or local tax or any similar benefit.
A disqualified supporting organization
Code section 170(c)(1) to an
Indirect contributions from the general
is a Type III supporting organization that
organization without charge . . . . . . .
public. Indirect contributions are what
is not functionally integrated and any
the organization receives from other
Type I, Type II, or functionally integrated
*Note.The amounts on line 17 are included as
organizations that receive a substantial
Type III supporting organization where
support only for those organizations that checked
part of their support from general public
the donor or donor advisor (and any
the box on line 12. Otherwise, the amounts on line
contributions. An example is the
related person) directly or indirectly
17 are not included in support.
organization’s share of the proceeds from
controls a supported organization of the
an annual community chest drive (such
supporting organization. See instructions
Part IV-A
as the United Way or United Fund).
for line 13 for more information on
Support does not include . .
These are included on line 15.
supporting organizations.
Line 4c. Answer “Yes” if the organization
Any amounts an organization receives
Disqualified person. A disqualified
made any distributions to a donor, donor
from the exercise or performance of its
person is:
advisor, or related person (as defined
charitable, educational, or other
1. A substantial contributor, who is —
purpose or function constituting the
a. Any person who gave an aggregate
basis for its exemption* . . . . . . . . . .
Lines 4d and 4e. For a definition of
amount of more than $5,000, if that
donor advised funds, see the instructions
amount is more than 2% of the total
Any gain upon the sale or exchange of
for line 4a.
contributions the foundation or
property which would be considered under
Lines 4f and 4g. Enter the number of
organization received from its inception
any section of the Code as gain from the
separate funds or accounts on line 4f
through the end of the year in which that
sale or exchange of a capital asset.
(other than those reported on line 4d)
person’s contributions were received.
where donors have the right to provide
b. The creator of a trust (without
advice on the distribution or investment of
regard to the amount of contributions
amounts held in such funds or accounts.
received by the trust from the creator and
Figure the number of funds or accounts
other persons).
owned at the end of the tax year. If line 4f
Any person who is a substantial
is a number other than zero also
contributor at any time generally remains
Instructions for Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)


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