2006 Instructions For Schedule A (Form 990 Or 990-Ez) Page 12


viewpoint as long as there is a sufficiently
affiliated group’s excess lobbying
attached schedule, show the amounts
full and fair exposition of the pertinent
that apply to each affiliated group and to
facts to enable the public or an individual
each group member.
To find a member’s proportionate
to form an independent opinion or
If the parent organization has made
share, see Regulations section
the lobbying expenditure election, its
56.4911-8(d). Enter the proportionate
A communication that responds to a
separate return must also show in column
share in column (b) on line 43 or line 44,
governmental body’s or committee’s
(a) the amounts that apply to the affiliated
or on both lines.
written request for technical advice is not
group as a whole and, in column (b), the
Attached schedule. Attach a
a direct lobbying communication.
amounts that apply to the parent
schedule showing each affiliated group
organization only.
A communication is not a direct
member’s name, address, EIN, and
lobbying communication if the
A subordinate organization not
expenses. Use the format of Part VI-A for
communication is an appearance before,
included in the group return would also
this schedule. Show which members
or communication with, any legislative
complete column (a) for the affiliated
elected and which did not.
body whose action might affect the
group as a whole and column (b) for itself
Include each electing member’s share
organization’s existence, its powers and
of the excess lobbying expenditures on
duties, its tax-exempt status, or the
However, if limited control (defined
the attached schedule. Nonelecting
deductibility of contributions to the
above) exists, complete only column (b)
members do not owe tax, but remain
organization, as opposed to affecting
in Part VI-A of the group return for the
subject to the general rule, which
merely the scope of the organization’s
electing members in the group.
provides that no substantial part of their
future activities.
activities may consist of carrying on
Attach a schedule to show the
Affiliated groups. Treat members of an
propaganda or otherwise trying to
amounts that apply to each electing
affiliated group as a single organization to
influence legislation.
measure lobbying expenditures and
Limited control. If two organizations
In the separate returns filed by the
permitted lobbying expenditures.
are affiliated because their governing
parent and by any subordinate
Two organizations are affiliated if one
instruments provide that the decisions of
organizations not included in the group
is bound by the other organization’s
one will control the other only on national
return, complete only column (b).
decisions on legislative issues (control) or
legislation, apply expenditures as follows:
Lines 36 through 44. Complete
if enough representatives of one belong
Charge the controlling organization with
column (b) for any organization using Part
to the other organization’s governing
its own lobbying expenditures and the
VI-A but complete column (a) only for
board to cause or prevent action on
national legislation expenditures of the
affiliated groups.
legislative issues (interlocking
affiliated organizations.
Use lines 36 through 44 to determine
Do not charge the controlling
whether any of the organization’s current
organization with other lobbying
If the organization is not sure whether
year lobbying expenditures are subject to
expenditures (or other exempt-purpose
its group is affiliated, it may ask the IRS
tax. File Form 4720 if the organization
expenditures) of the affiliated
for a ruling letter. There is a fee for this
needs to report and pay the excise tax.
organizations, and
Lines 45 through 50. Lines 45
Treat each local organization as though
For Information on requesting rulings,
through 50 are used to determine if the
it were not a member of an affiliated
see Rev. Proc. 2007-4, 2007-1 I.R.B. 118.
organization exceeded lobbying
group; for example, the local organization
Members of an affiliated group
expenditure limits during the 4-year
should account for its own expenditures
measure both lobbying expenditures and
averaging period.
only and not any of the national legislation
permitted lobbying expenditures on the
expenditures deemed as incurred by the
Any organization for which a lobbying
basis of the affiliated group’s tax year. If
controlling organization.
expenditure election under section 501(h)
all members of the affiliated group have
was in effect for its tax year beginning in
When this type of limited control is
the same tax year, that year is the tax
2006 must complete columns (a) through
present, each member of the affiliated
year of the affiliated group.
(e) of lines 45 through 50 except in the
group should complete column (b) only.
However, if the affiliated group’s
following situations.
Group returns. Although membership
members have different tax years, the tax
1. An organization first treated as a
in a group affiliated for lobbying does not
year of the affiliated group is the calendar
section 501(c)(3) organization in its tax
establish eligibility to file a group return, a
year, unless all the members of the group
year beginning in 2006 does not have to
group return can sometimes meet the
elect otherwise. See Regulations section
complete any part of lines 45 through 50.
filing requirements of more than one
2. An organization does not have to
member of an affiliated group. (General
If the electing organization belongs to
complete lines 45 through 50 for any
Instruction R of the Instructions for Form
an affiliated group, complete in Part VI-A,
period before it is first treated as a section
990 and Form 990-EZ explains who may
lines 36 through 44:
501(c)(3) organization.
file a group return.)
Column (a) for the affiliated group as a
3. If 2006 is the first year for which an
If a central or parent organization files
whole, and
organization’s first section 501(h) election
a group return on behalf of two or more
Column (b) for the electing member of
is effective, that organization must
members of the group, complete column
the group.
complete line 45, columns (a) and (e).
(a), Part VI-A, for the affiliated group as a
If there are no excess lobbying
The organization must then complete
whole. Include the central, electing, and
expenditures on either line 43 or 44 of
all of column (e) to determine whether the
nonelecting members.
column (a), treat each electing member
amount on line 47, column (e), is equal to
In column (b), except on lines 43 and
as having no excess lobbying
or less than the lobbying ceiling amount
44, include the amounts that apply to all
calculated on line 46 and whether the
electing members of the group if they are
amount on line 50 is equal to or less than
However, if there are excess lobbying
included in the group return.
the grassroots ceiling amount calculated
expenditures on either line 43 or 44 of
Attach the schedule described above
on line 49.
column (a), treat each electing member
under Affiliated groups. Show what
as having excess lobbying expenditures.
The organization does not satisfy both
amounts apply to each group member.
In such case, each electing member must
tests if either its total lobbying
file Form 4720, Return of Certain Excise
If the group return includes
expenditures or grassroots lobbying
Taxes Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the
organizations that belong to more than
expenditures exceed the applicable
Internal Revenue Code, and must pay the
one affiliated group, show in column (a)
ceiling amounts. When this occurs, all five
tax on its proportionate share of the
the totals for all such groups. On the
columns must be completed and a
Instructions for Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ)


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