Form Char500 - Nys Annual Filing For Charitable Organizations - 2016 Page 2

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Simply submit the certified CHAR500 with no fee, schedule, or additional attachments IF:
- Your organization is registered as 7A only and you marked the 7A filing exemption in Part 3.
- Your organization is registered as EPTL only and you marked the EPTL filing exemption in Part 3.
Annual Filing Checklist
- Your organization is registered as DUAL and you marked both the 7A and EPTL filing exemption in Part 3.
Checklist of Schedules and Attachments
Check the schedules you must submit with your CHAR500 as described in Part 4:
If you answered "yes" in Part 4a, submit Schedule 4a: Professional Fund Raisers (PFR), Fund Raising Counsel (FRC), Commercial Co-Venturers (CCV)
If you answered "yes" in Part 4b, submit Schedule 4b: Government Grants
Check the financial attachments you must submit with your CHAR500:
IRS Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF, and 990-T if applicable
All additional IRS Form 990 Schedules, including Schedule B (Schedule of Contributors).
Our organization was eligible for and filed an IRS 990-N e-postcard. We have included an IRS Form 990-EZ for state purposes only.
If you are a 7A only or DUAL filer, submit the applicable independent Certified Public Accountant's Review or Audit Report:
Review Report if you received total revenue and support greater than $250,000 and up to $750,000.
Audit Report if you received total revenue and support greater than $750,000
No Review Report or Audit Report is required because total revenue and support is less than $250,000
We are a DUAL filer and checked box 3a, no Review Report or Audit Report is required
Calculate Your Fee
Is my Registration Category 7A, EPTL, DUAL or EXEMPT?
Organizations are assigned a Registration Category upon
For 7A and DUAL filers, calculate the 7A fee:
registration with the NY Charities Bureau:
$0, if you checked the 7A exemption in Part 3a
7A filers are registered to solicit contributions in New York
$25, if you did not check the 7A exemption in Part 3a
under Article 7-A of the Executive Law ("7A")
For EPTL and DUAL filers, calculate the EPTL fee:
EPTL filers are registered under the Estates, Powers & Trusts
Law ("EPTL") because they hold assets and/or conduct
$0, if you checked the EPTL exemption in Part 3b
activites for charitable purposes in NY.
$25, if the NET WORTH is less than $50,000
DUAL filers are registered under both 7A and EPTL.
$50, if the NET WORTH is $50,000 or more but less than $250,000
EXEMPT filers have registered with the NY Charities Bureau
$100, if the NET WORTH is $250,000 or more but less than $1,000,000
and meet conditions in Schedule E - Registration
Exemption for Charitable Organizations. These
$250, if the NET WORTH is $1,000,000 or more but less than $10,000,000
organizations are not required to file annual financial reports
$750, if the NET WORTH is $10,000,000 or more but less than $50,000,000
but may do so voluntarily.
$1500, if the NET WORTH is $50,000,000 or more
Confirm your Registration Category and learn more about NY
law at
Send Your Filing
Where do I find my organization's NET WORTH?
Send your CHAR500, all schedules and attachments, and total fee to:
NET WORTH for fee purposes is calculated on:
- IRS From 990 Part I, line 22
NYS Office of the Attorney General
- IRS Form 990 EZ Part I line 21
Charities Bureau Registration Section
- IRS Form 990 PF, calculate the difference between
120 Broadway
Total Assets at Fair Market Value (Part II, line 16(c)) and
New York, NY 10271
Total Liabilities (Part II, line 23(b)).
CHAR500 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations (Updated December 2016)
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