Instructions For Form 941-Ss - Employer'S Quarterly Federal Tax Returnamerican Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands, And The U.s. Virgin Islands - 2010 Page 8


through March 31, 2010. Include only qualified employees
Complete both pages
for which you are claiming the social security tax exemption.
You must complete both pages of Form 941-SS and sign on
For the definition of qualified employee, see the instructions
page 2. Failure to do so may delay processing of your
for line 6a on page 5.
12d. Exempt wages/tips paid to qualified
employees March 19–31
Part 2: Tell us about your deposit
Complete this line when filing Form 941 for the 2nd quarter
of 2010 only. Enter the amount of exempt wages/tips paid
schedule and tax liability for this
March 19, 2010 through March 31, 2010, to all qualified
employees reported on line 12c. For the definition of exempt
wages/tips, see the instructions for line 6a
on page 5.
17. Tax liability for the quarter
12e. Social security tax exemption for
If line 8 is less than $2,500, or line 8 on the preceding
March 19–31
quarterly return was less than $2,500, and you did not incur
a $100,000 next-day deposit obligation during the current
Multiply the amount of exempt wages/tips reported on line
quarter, check the appropriate box in line 17 and go to Part
12d by .062 and enter the result on line 12e.
The amount reported on line 12e is treated as a
If you reported $50,000 or less in taxes during the
deposit of taxes on April 1, 2010, and must not be
lookback period (see below), you are a monthly schedule
used to adjust line 17 or Schedule B (Form 941).
depositor unless the $100,000 Next-Day Deposit Rule
discussed in section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular SS) applies.
13. Total deposits and credits
Check the appropriate box on line 17 and enter your tax
Add lines 11, 12a, and 12e.
liability for each month in the quarter. Add the amounts for
each month. Enter the result in the Total liability for quarter
14. Balance due
If line 8 is more than line 13, write the difference in line 14.
Note that your total tax liability for the quarter must equal
Otherwise, see Overpayment below.You do not have to
your total taxes shown on line 8. If it does not, your tax
pay if line 14 is under $1. Generally, you should have a
deposits and payments may not be counted as timely. Do
balance due only if your total taxes for the current quarter or
not change your tax liability on line 17 by adjustments
preceding quarter (line 8) are less than $2,500, and you did
reported on any Forms 941-X.
not incur a $100,000 next-day deposit obligation during the
You are a monthly schedule depositor for the calendar
current quarter. However, see section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular
year if the amount of your Form 941-SS taxes reported for
SS) for information about payments made under the
the lookback period is $50,000 or less. The lookback
Accuracy of Deposits Rule.
period is the four consecutive quarters ending on June 30
You may pay the amount shown on line 14 using EFTPS,
of the prior year. For 2010, the lookback period begins July
a credit or debit card, a check or money order, or electronic
1, 2008, and ends June 30, 2009. For details on the deposit
funds withdrawal (EFW). Do not use a credit or debit card or
rules, see section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular SS). If you filed
EFW to pay taxes that were required to be deposited. For
Form 944-SS in either 2008 or 2009, your lookback period is
more information on electronic payment options, visit the
the 2008 calendar year.
IRS website at
The amounts reported on line 17 are a summary of
If you pay by EFTPS, credit or debit card, or EFW, file
your monthly tax liability, not a summary of deposits
your return using the without a payment address on page 2
you made. If you do not properly report your liabilities
under Where Should You File? and do not file Form 941-V,
when required or if you are a semiweekly schedule
Payment Voucher.
depositor and report your liabilities on line 17 instead of on
If you pay by check or money order, make it payable to
Schedule B (Form 941), you may be assessed an
the “United States Treasury.” Enter your EIN, Form 941-SS,
“averaged” failure-to-deposit (FTD) penalty. See Deposit
and the tax period on your check or money order. Complete
Penalties in section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular SS) for more
Form 941-V(SS) and enclose with Form 941-SS.
If line 8 is $2,500 or more and you have deposited all
If you reported more than $50,000 of taxes for the
taxes when due, the balance due on line 14 should be zero.
lookback period (see above), you are a semiweekly
schedule depositor. Check the appropriate box on line 17.
If you do not deposit as required and, instead, pay
the taxes with Form 941-SS, you may be subject to a
You must complete the Schedule B (Form 941) and
submit it with your Form 941-SS. Do not use Schedule B
(Form 941) if you are a monthly schedule depositor.
15. Overpayment
Do not change your tax liability on Schedule B (Form
If line 13 is more than line 8, write the difference in line 15.
941) by adjustments reported on any Forms 941-X.
Never make an entry in both lines 14 and 15.
Adjusting tax liability for employer’s social security tax
If you deposited more than the correct amount for the
exemption reported on line 6d. Monthly schedule
quarter, you can choose to have the IRS either refund the
depositors and semiweekly schedule depositors must
overpayment or apply it to your next return. Check only one
account for the employer’s social security tax exemption
box in line 15. If you do not check either box or if you check
(line 6d) when reporting their tax liabilities on line 17 or
both boxes, generally we will apply the overpayment to your
Schedule B (Form 941). The total liability for the quarter
account. We may apply your overpayment to any past due
must equal the amount reported on line 8. Failure to account
tax account that is shown in our records under your EIN.
for the social security tax exemption on line 17 or Schedule
If line 15 is under $1, we will send a refund or apply it to
B (Form 941) may cause line 8 to be less than the total tax
your next return only if you ask us in writing to do so.
liability reported on line 17 or Schedule B (Form 941). Do


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