Instructions For Form 8850 - 2006 Page 2


Is a member of a family that had income on an
Additional Requirements for
annual basis of 70% or less of the Bureau of Labor
Statistics lower living standard during the 6 months
immediately preceding the earlier of the month the
In addition to filing Form 8850, you must complete and
income determination occurs or the month in which the
send to your state’s WOTC coordinator either:
hiring date occurs.
ETA Form 9062, Conditional Certification Form, if the
4. High-risk youth. An individual who is at least 18
job applicant received this form from a participating
but not yet 25 on the hiring date and lives within an
agency (e.g., the Jobs Corps) or
empowerment zone, enterprise community, or renewal
ETA Form 9061, Individual Characteristics Form, if the
job applicant did not receive a conditional certification.
5. Vocational rehabilitation referral. An individual
You can get ETA Form 9061 from your local public
who has a physical or mental disability resulting in a
employment service office or you can download it from
substantial handicap to employment and who was
the ETA web site at
referred to the employer upon completion of (or while
receiving) rehabilitation services by a rehabilitation
agency approved by the state, an employment network
Keep copies of Forms 8850, along with any transmittal
under the Ticket to Work program, or the Department of
letters that you submit to your SESA, as long as they
Veterans Affairs.
may be needed for the administration of the Internal
6. Summer youth employee. An individual who:
Revenue Code provisions relating to the work opportunity
Performs services for the employer between May 1
credit and the welfare-to-work credit. Records that
and September 15,
support these credits usually must be kept for 3 years
Is age 16 but not yet age 18 on the hiring date (or if
from the date any income tax return claiming the credits
later, on May 1),
is due or filed, whichever is later.
Has never worked for the employer before, and
Hurricane Katrina employee. Form 8850 should
Lives within an empowerment zone, enterprise
not be filed with the state SESA for employees
community, or renewal community.
who only check box 1 on Form 8850. Employers
7. Food stamp recipient. An individual who:
should keep Form 8850 for their records. If a prior
Is at least age 18 but not yet age 25 on the hiring
version of Form 8850 was sent to the state SESA
date, and
indicating the employee is a Hurricane Katrina employee,
Is a member of a family that —
the employer and employee should complete this version
a. Has received food stamps for the 6-month period
of Form 8850 for the employer to retain for its records.
ending on the hiring date or
Do not attach Form 8850 to a tax return.
b. Is no longer eligible for such assistance under
Members of Targeted Groups
section 6(o) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, but the
family received food stamps for at least 3 months of the
A job applicant may be certified as a member of a
5-month period ending on the hiring date.
targeted group if he or she is described in one of the
8. SSI recipient. An individual who is receiving
following groups.
supplemental security income benefits under title XVI of
1. Qualified IV-A recipient. A member of a family
the Social Security Act (including benefits of the type
receiving assistance under a state plan approved under
described in section 1616 of the Social Security Act or
part A of title IV of the Social Security Act relating to
section 212 of Public Law 93-66) for any month ending
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The
within the 60-day period ending on the hiring date.
assistance must be received for any 9 months during the
9. Hurricane Katrina employee. A Hurricane Katrina
18-month period that ends on the hiring date.
employee is:
2. Qualified veteran. A veteran who is a member of a
A person who, on August 28, 2005, had a main
family receiving assistance under the Food Stamp
home in the core disaster area and, within a two-year
program for at least a 3-month period during the
period beginning on this date, is hired to perform services
15-month period ending on the hiring date. See section
principally in the core disaster area; or
51(d)(3). To be considered a veteran, the applicant must:
A person who, on August 28, 2005, had a main
Have served on active duty (not including training) in
home in the core disaster area, was displaced from the
the Armed Forces of the United States for more than 180
main home as a result of Hurricane Katrina, and was
days or have been discharged or released from active
hired during the period beginning on August 28, 2005,
duty for a service-connected disability and
and ending on December 31, 2005, for a job located
Not have a period of active duty (not including
outside the core disaster area.
training) of more than 90 days that ended during the
60-day period ending on the hiring date.
Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone (Core Disaster Area).
3. Qualified ex-felon. An ex-felon who:
The GO Zone (also called the core disaster area) covers
Has been convicted of a felony under any Federal
the portion of the Hurricane Katrina disaster area
or state law,
determined by the Federal Emergency Management
Is hired not more than 1 year after the conviction or
Agency (FEMA) to be eligible for either individual only or
release from prison for that felony, and
both individual and public assistance from the Federal


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