Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004 Page 7


they fail to receive an allocation of
In this case, the plan must satisfy the
permitted disparity limits. See
contributions and/or forfeitures, or to
average benefit test. A determination
Regulations section 1.401(l)-5.
accrue a benefit, solely because they
regarding the average benefit test
Line 14c. This line provides a list of
are subject to plan provisions that
can be requested using Schedule Q.
the design-based nondiscrimination
uniformly limit plan benefits, such as
safe-harbor regulations.
a provision for maximum years of
How To Get Forms
service, maximum retirement
Nondiscrimination Safe
benefits, application of offsets or
and Publications
fresh start wear-away formulas, or
limits designed to satisfy section 415.
Personal computer. You can
Line 14. This question may be used
An employee is treated as benefiting
access the IRS Web Site 24 hours a
by certain plans to request an
under a plan to which elective
day, 7 days a week at to:
optional determination regarding the
contributions under section 401(k) or
Download forms, instructions, and
design-based safe harbor under
employee contributions and matching
section 401(a)(4).
contributions under section 401(m)
See answers to frequently asked
may be made if the employee is
If this is a section 401(k) and/or
tax questions.
currently eligible to make such
section 401(m) plan that does not
Search publications on-line by topic
elective or employee contributions, or
contain a provision for nonelective
or keyword.
to receive a matching contribution,
employer contributions, this option
Send us comments or request help
whether or not the employee actually
should be marked “No.”
by email.
makes or receives such contributions,
Sign up to receive local and
If any disaggregated plan relies on
(Regulations section 1.401(k)-1(g)(4)
national tax news by e-mail.
a non-design based safe harbor or a
and 1.401(m)-1(f)(4)). However, do
general test this option must be
You can also reach us using file
not apply this rule to determine if an
marked ‘‘No.’’ The Schedule Q may
transfer protocol at
employee is to be counted as
be used to request a determination
CD-ROM for tax products. You can
benefiting for lines 13i and 13k if, in
regarding a non-design based safe
order Pub. 1796, Federal Tax
accordance with the exception
harbor or a general test.
Products on CD-ROM, and get:
following the instruction for line 13d,
If this plan has been restructured
Current year forms, instructions,
the information provided in lines 13e
into component plans, this option
and publications.
through 13k relates to the portion of
must be marked “No.” The Schedule
Prior year forms, instructions, and
the plan that is not subject to the rule
Q may be used to request a
in Regulations section
determination regarding how each
Frequently requested tax forms
restructured component plan satisfies
that may be filled in electronically,
Line 13k. See the instructions for
the nondiscrimination in amount
printed out for submission, and saved
line 13i for the meaning of ‘‘benefiting
requirement of Regulations section
for recordkeeping.
under the plan.’’
The Internal Revenue Bulletin.
Line 13l. To obtain the ratio
Buy the CD-ROM on the Internet
If “Yes” is checked, or if “No” is
at /cdorders from the
checked but a request for a
Step 1. Divide the number on line
National Technical Information
determination regarding a non-design
13k (nonexcludable NHCEs
Service (NTIS) for $22 (plus a $5
based safe harbor or a general test is
benefiting under the plan) by the
handling fee).
made on Schedule Q, the
number on line 13j (nonexcludable
determination letter for the plan will
By phone and in person. You can
also be a determination regarding the
order forms and publications by
Step 2. Divide the number on line
section 401(a)(4) requirement that a
calling 1-800-TAX- FORM
13i (nonexcludable HCEs benefiting
plan not discriminate in the amounts
(1-800-829-3676). You can also get
under the plan) by the number on line
of contributions or benefits.
most forms and publications at your
13h (nonexcludable HCEs).
local IRS office.
If “No” is checked, and a request
Step 3. Divide the result from Step
for a determination regarding a
For questions regarding this form,
1 by the result from Step 2.
non-design based safe harbor or a
call the Tax Exempt and Government
general test is not made on Schedule
Line 13m. See the exception
Entities Customer Service, toll-free
Q, the determination letter for the
following the instructions for line 13d.
Monday through Friday, at
plan will not be a determination
To determine the ratio percentages
1-877-829-5500 between 8:00 a.m.
regarding this requirement, unless the
for the section 401(k) and all section
and 6:30 p.m. eastern time.
401(m) (matching and employee
plan is a section 401(k) and/or
contribution) portions of the plan,
section 401(m) plan only.
Privacy Act and Paperwork
follow the steps described in the
Line 14a. Check ‘‘Yes’’ if the plan is
Reduction Act Notice. We ask for
instructions for lines 13d through 13l,
intended to satisfy the permitted
the information on this form to carry
but treat an employee as benefiting
disparity requirements of section
out the Internal Revenue laws of the
under the rules for section 401(k)
United States. If you want to have
plans and section 401(m) plans
Line 14b. To satisfy section 401(l), a
your plan approved by the IRS, you
described in the instruction for line
plan must provide that the overall
are required to give us the
permitted disparity limits are not
information. We need it to determine
If the ratio percentage entered
exceeded and specify how
whether you meet the legal
on line 13l and/or line 13m is
employer-provided contributions or
requirements for plan approval.
less than 70%, the plan does
benefits under the plan are adjusted,
Section 6109 requires you to provide
not satisfy the ratio percentage test.
if necessary, to satisfy the overall
your taxpayer identification number


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