Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004 Page 6


profit sharing and/or sections 401(k)
permit the employer to exclude
For this purpose, an employee
and/or 401(m) plans, complete lines
certain former nonhighly
covered under a CBA is not
13b through 13n with respect to each
compensated employees.
considered a collectively bargained
disaggregated portion of the plan.
employee if more than 2% of the
Exception. This exception applies
Attach additional schedules as
employees who are covered under
only to plans that include a qualified
necessary to identify the other
the agreement are professional
cash or deferred arrangement under
disaggregated portions of the plan.
employees as defined in Regulations
section 401(k) or employee or
Provide the requested coverage
section 1.410(b)-9.
matching contributions under section
information, in the same format as
Line 13e(3). Enter the number of
401(m). If there are any contributions
line 13, separately with respect to the
employees who do not receive an
under the plan that are not subject to
other portions of the plan, or to
allocation or accrue a benefit under
the special rule for section 401(k)
otherwise show that the other
the plan only because they do not
plans and section 401(m) plans in
portions of the plan separately satisfy
satisfy a minimum hours of service
Regulations section
section 410(b).
requirement or a last day of the plan
1.401(a)(4)-1(b)(2)(ii)(B) (such as
Example. If this plan benefits the
year requirement, provided they do
nonelective contributions), complete
employees of more than one qualified
not have more than 500 hours of
lines 13e through 13k with respect to
separate line of business (QSLOB),
service, and they are not employed
the portion of the plan that includes
the portion of the plan benefiting the
on the last day of the plan year. Do
these contributions and enter the ratio
employees of each QSLOB is treated
not enter on this line any employees
percentage for this portion of the plan
as a separate plan maintained by that
who have more than 500 hours of
on line 13l. Otherwise, complete lines
QSLOB and must separately satisfy
service, even if they are not
13e through 13k with respect to the
section 410(b) unless the
employed on the last day of the plan
section 401(k) part of the plan (or the
employer-wide plan testing rule in
section 401(m) plan if there is no
Regulations section
section 401(k) arrangement) and
Line 13e(4). If this plan benefits the
1.414(r)-1(c)(2)(ii) applies.
leave line 13l blank. In all cases,
employees of one QSLOB, enter on
enter the ratio percentages for the
If a determination is being
this line the number of employees of
section 401(k) and the section 401(m)
requested for a section 401(k) and/or
the employer’s other QSLOBs. This is
parts of the plan, as applicable, on
401(m) plan you must complete line
not applicable if the plan is tested
line 13m. These percentages should
13l for the portion of the plan that is
under the special rule for
be based on the actual
not a section 401(k) or a 401(m) plan.
employer-wide plans in Regulations
nonexcludables in the 401(k) and
Also complete line 13m(1) to report
section 1.414(r)-1(c)(2)(ii).
401(m) portions, respectively. It is
the ratio percentage for the section
Line 13e(5). Enter the number of
suggested that these calculations be
401(k) portion of the plan and line
employees who are nonresident
submitted with the application but this
13m(2) to report the ratio percentage
aliens who receive no earned income
is optional.
for the section 401(m) portion of the
(as defined in section 911(d)(2)) from
the employer that constitutes income
If the plan provides for
Line 13c. If, for purposes of
from sources within the United States
nonelective profit-sharing
satisfying the minimum coverage
(as defined in section 861(a)(3)).
contributions, do not base the
requirements of section 410(b), you
calculations on lines 13m(1) and (2)
Line 13g. Subtract the total of lines
are applying the daily testing option in
on the nonexcludable employees
13e(1) through 13e(5) as reported on
Regulations section 1.410(b)-8(a)(2)
reported on line 13g unless all of the
line 13f from the total employees
or the quarterly testing option in
disaggregated plans (profit sharing,
reported on line 13d. The result is the
Regulations section 1.410(b)-8(a)(3),
401(k), and 401(m)) have the same
number of ‘‘nonexcludable
or, if you are using single-day
nonexcludable employees with the
employees.’’ These are the
‘‘snapshot’’ testing as permitted under
same age and service requirements.
employees who can not be excluded
section 3 of Rev. Proc. 93-42, 1993-2
from the plan for statutory or
Line 13e(1). Enter the number of
C.B. 540, enter the most recent
regulatory reasons and must be
employees who are excluded
eight-digit date (MMDDYYYY) for
considered in the calculation of the
because they have not attained the
which the coverage data is submitted.
ratio percentage even though they
lowest minimum age and service
If you are applying the annual testing
might not ‘‘benefit’’ under the plan. If
requirements for any employee under
option in Regulations section
they meet the age and service
this plan. If the employer is separately
1.410(b)-8(a)(4), enter the year for
requirements of section 410 and are
testing the portion of a plan that
which the coverage data is submitted.
not otherwise excludable employees,
benefits otherwise excludable
Line 13d. Include all employees of
they must be included in this number.
employees, attach a separate
all entities combined under sections
schedule describing which employees
Line 13h. Enter the number of
414(b), (c), (m), or (o). Also include
are treated as excludable employees
employees on line 13g who are highly
all self-employed individuals,
on account of the minimum age and
compensated employees (HCEs) as
common law employees, and leased
service requirements under each
defined in section 414(q).
employees as defined in section
separate portion of the plan.
414(n) of any of the entities above,
Line 13i. In general, an employee is
other than those excluded by section
Line 13e(2). Enter the number of
treated as benefiting under the plan
414(n)(5). Certain individuals may
employees who are excluded
for coverage tests purposes only if
also be required to be counted as
because they are collectively
the employee receives an allocation
employees. See the definition of
bargained employees as defined in
of contributions or forfeitures or
employee in Regulations section
Regulations section 1.410(b)-6(d)(2),
accrues a benefit under the plan for
1.410(b)-9. Also see Regulations
regardless of whether those
the plan year. Certain other
section 1.410(b)-6(i), which may
employees benefit under the plan.
employees are treated as benefiting if


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