Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004 Page 5


determination letter has ever been
children is considered a payment to
Line 8a. If “Yes” is checked, attach a
received by the employer, submit
one beneficiary.
list for each plan with the following
copies of the initial plan, or the latest
Line 5, item 5. Cash balance. For
plan for which you do have a
1. Name of plan,
this purpose, a ‘‘cash balance’’
determination letter, and any
2. Type of plan,
formula is a benefit formula in a
subsequent amendments and/or
3. Plan number, and
defined benefit plan by whatever
restatements including all adoption
4. Indicate if another application is
name (e.g., personal account plan,
simultaneously being submitted with
pension equity plan, life cycle plan,
Line 3c. Section 3001 of ERISA
this application.
cash account plan, etc.) that rather
requires the applicant to provide
than, or in addition to, expressing the
Lines 8b and 8c. See M-8, M-12,
evidence that each employee who
accrued benefit as a life annuity
and M-14 of Regulations section
qualifies as an interested party has
commencing at normal retirement
been notified of the filing of the
age, defines benefits for each
application. If “Yes” is checked, it
Lines 9b and 9c. If the plan is a
employee in terms more common to a
means that each employee has been
401(k) plan, complete these line
defined contribution plan such as a
notified as required by Regulations
items for the nonelective employer
single sum distribution amount (e.g.,
section 1.7476-1 or this is a
contribution portion of the plan, if
10 percent of final average pay times
one-person plan. A copy of the notice
years of service, or the amount of the
is not required to be attached to this
employee’s hypothetical account
Line 12a. Section 411(d)(6)
application. If “No” is checked or this
protected benefits include:
line is blank, your application will be
The accrued benefit of a participant
Line 6. If the plan employer is a
as of the later of the amendment’s
member of a controlled group of
Rules defining ‘‘interested parties’’
adoption date or effective date; and
corporations, trades or businesses
and the form of notification are in
Any early retirement benefit,
under common control, or an affiliated
Regulations section 1.7476-1. For an
retirement-type subsidy or optional
service group, all employees of the
example of an acceptable format, see
form of benefit for benefits from
group will be treated as employed by
Rev. Proc. 2004-6, 2004-1 I.R.B. 197
service before such amendment.
a single employer for purposes of
or the superseding revenue
certain qualification requirements.
If the answer is “Yes,” explain on
procedure published annually in the
an attachment how the amendment
Attach a statement showing in
Internal Revenue Bulletin.
satisfies one of the exceptions to the
Line 4b. Enter the three-digit
prohibition on reduction or elimination
1. All members of the group;
number, beginning with ‘‘001’’ and
of section 411(d)(6) protected
2. Their relationship to the plan
continuing in numerical order for each
plan you adopt (001-499). This
3. The type(s) of plan(s) each
Optional Ratio
numbering will differentiate your
member has, and
plans. The number assigned to a plan
Percentage Test
4. Plans common to all members.
must not be changed or used for any
other plan. This should be the same
number that was or will be used when
If you want to apply for a
Line 13. This question may be used
the Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ is
determination letter to
to request an optional determination
filed for the plan.
determine if you are a
regarding the ratio percentage test
member of an affiliated service group,
Line 4c. “Plan year” means the
under Regulations section
attach the information described on
calendar, policy, or fiscal year on
1.410(b)-2(b)(2). If ‘‘No’’ is checked
line 3a, item 3 and leave this line
which the records of the plan are
and a request for a determination
regarding the average benefit test is
Line 4e. Enter the total number of
Line 7e. A “multiple-employer plan”
not made on Schedule Q, the
participants. A “participant” means:
is a plan maintained by more than
determination letter for the plan will
one employer, but which is not
not be a determination regarding
1. The total number of
maintained under a collective
section 410(b). If ‘‘No’’ is checked but
employees participating in the plan
bargaining agreement. Under this
a request for a determination
including employees under a section
plan type, contributions from each
regarding the average benefit test is
401(k) qualified cash or deferred
employer must be available to pay
made on Schedule Q, the
arrangement who are eligible but do
benefits of any participant, even if
determination letter for the plan will
not make elective deferrals,
employed by another employer. Also,
also be a determination regarding the
2. Retirees and other former
enter the number of employers
average benefit test. Plans using the
employees who have a nonforfeitable
adopting the plan. See section
qualified separate lines of business
right to benefits under the plan, and
rules of section 414(r) must file
3. The beneficiary of a deceased
Schedule Q if a determination is
employee who is receiving or will in
Line 7f. A “multiemployer plan” (as
desired that the plan satisfies the
the future receive benefits under the
described in section 414(f)) is one to
gateway test of section 410(b)(5)(B)
plan. Include one beneficiary for each
which more than one employer is
or the special requirements for
deceased employee regardless of the
required to contribute and which is
employer wide plans.
number of individuals receiving
maintained under one or more
collective bargaining agreements
Line 13a. If a determination is being
between one or more employee
requested and the plan is
Example: Payment of a
organizations and more than one
disaggregated into two or more
deceased employee’s benefit to three
separate plans, that are other than


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