Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004 Page 4


check the box and attach a power of
provided by such services, if
possible member) of the same
attorney or other written designation.
available, and data as to whether
affiliated service group, accompanied
their services are a significant portion
by a statement as to whether the
Line 3a. Enter the number(s) that
of the member’s business and
facts upon which the ruling or
correspond to the request(s) being
whether or not, as of December 13,
determination letter was based have
1980, it was unusual for the services
Enter 1 if the IRS has not issued a
to be performed by employees of
determination letter for this plan.
Enter 4 if you are not certain
organizations in that service field in
whether or not you have leased
Enter 2 if the IRS has previously
the United States.
employees and attach the following
6. A description of how the
issued a determination letter for this
employer and the members (or
plan and enter the date the plan was
possible members) of the affiliated
1. A description of the nature of
service group associate in performing
the business of the recipient
In addition, enter the date the plan
services for other parties.
or amendment was signed. If a plan
7. a. A description of
2. A copy of the relevant leasing
or amendment is proposed, enter “9/
management functions, if any,
9/9999.” Enter the effective date
performed by the employer for the
3. A description of the function of
where requested. The term “Date
members (or possible members) of
all leased employees in the trade or
amendment effective” means the date
the affiliated service group, or
business of the recipient organization
the amendment becomes operative
received by the employer from any
(including data as to whether all
or takes effect.
other members (or possible
leased employees are performing
Enter 3 if requesting a letter
members) of the group (including
services on a substantially full-time
concerning the effect of section
data as to whether such management
414(m) on the plan being submitted
functions are performed on a regular
4. A description of facts and
or because of a change in the
and continuous basis) and whether or
circumstances relevant to a
affiliated service group (ASG)
not it is unusual for such
determination of whether such leased
membership or if you are not certain if
management functions to be
employees’ services are performed
you are a member of an ASG, attach
performed by employees of
under primary direction or control by
the following information:
organizations in the employer’s
the recipient organization (including
1. A description of the nature of
business field in the United States.
whether the leased employees are
the business of the employer.
b. If management functions are
required to comply with instructions of
Specifically state whether it is a
performed by the employer for the
the recipient about when, where, and
service organization or an
members (or possible members) of
how to perform the services, whether
organization whose principal
the affiliated service group, describe
the services must be performed by
business is the performance of
what part of the employer’s business
particular persons, whether the
management functions for another
constitutes the performance of
leased employees are subject to the
organization, including the reason for
management functions for the
supervision of the recipient, and
performing the management function
members (or possible members) of
whether the leased employees must
or service,
the group (including the percentage
perform services in the order or
2. The identification of other
of gross receipts derived from
sequence set by the recipient), and
members (or possible members) of
management activities as compared
5. If the recipient organization is
the affiliated service group.
to the gross receipts from other
relying on any qualified plan(s)
3. A description of the nature of
maintained by the employee leasing
the business of each member (or
8. A brief description of any other
organization for purposes of
possible member) of the affiliated
plan maintained by the members (or
qualification of the recipient
service group including the type of
possible members) of the affiliated
organization’s plan, a description of
organization (corporation,
service group, if such other plan is
the plan(s) (including a description of
partnership, etc.) and indicate
designated as a unit for qualification
the contributions or benefits provided
whether such member is a service
purposes with the plan for which a
for all leased employees that are for
organization or an organization
determination letter has been
services performed for the recipient
whose principal business is the
organization, plan eligibility, and
performance of management
9. A description of how the plan(s)
functions for the other group
satisfies the coverage requirements
of section 410(b) if the members (or
Enter 5 if this is a request for the
4. The ownership interests
possible members) of the affiliated
effect a potential partial termination
between the employer and the
service group are considered part of
will have on the plan’s qualification.
members (or possible members) of
an affiliated service group with the
“Date Effective” means the date the
the affiliated service group (including
plan amendment, ASG status, or
ownership interests as described in
10. A copy of any ruling issued by
partial termination becomes
section 414(m)(2)(B)(ii) or
the National Office on whether the
operative, takes effect, or changes.
employer is an affiliated service
Enter 6 if a determination letter is
5. A description of services
group; a copy of any prior
requested on the termination of a
performed for employers by the
determination letter that considered
multiemployer plan covered by PBGC
members (or possible members) of
the effect of section 414(m) on the
insurance. Also enter the date the
the affiliated service group, or vice
qualified status of the employer’s
termination is effective.
versa. Include the percentage of each
plan; and, if known, a copy of any
member’s (or possible member’s)
such ruling or determination letter
Line 3b. If you do not have a copy of
gross receipts and service receipts
issued to any other member (or
the latest determination letter, or if no


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