Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004 Page 3


effect of a minor amendment on the
Regulations section 1.410(b)-9 for
entities required to be combined
qualification of a plan. Form 6406
under section 414(b), (c), or (m)), the
should not be used for plan
association, committee, joint board of
If you wish to stop benefit accruals
amendments made to comply with
trustees or other similar group of
or stop making contributions to your
representatives of those who
plan, and your plan trust will continue,
established or maintain the plan;
Partial Termination. For a partial
the plan will not be considered
3. In the case of a plan sponsored
termination you must:
terminated. If you want to receive a
by two or more entities required to be
determination letter, you must use
1. File the application form and
combined under sections 414(b), (c),
Form 5300. Do not file Form 5310 if
the appropriate documents and
or (m), one of the members
the plan trust will continue.
participating in the plan; or
2. Attach a statement indicating if
4. In the case of a plan that covers
If a DBP is amended to
a partial termination may have
the employees and/or partner(s) of a
become a DCP, or if the
occurred or might occur as a result of
partnership, the partnership.
merger of a DBP with a DCP
proposed actions.
results solely in a DCP, the DBP is
The name of the plan sponsor/
3. Using the format in Figure 1.
considered terminated.
employer should be the same name
Partial Termination Worksheet,
that was or will be used when the
submit a schedule of information for
Specific Plans —
Form 5500 or Form 5500-EZ is filed
the plan year in which the partial (or
Additional Requirements
for the plan.
potential partial) termination began.
Also, submit a schedule for the next
Address. Include the suite, room, or
(See Procedural Requirements
plan year, as well as for the 2 prior
other unit number after the street
plan years, to the extent information
address. If the Post Office does not
For a determination on an affiliated
is available.
deliver mail to the street address and
service group status, submit:
If the plan has more than one
the plan has a P.O. box, show the
1. A copy of the appropriate
benefit computation formula complete
box number instead of the street
documents and
the Partial Termination Worksheet for
address. The address should be the
2. Statements listed in the
the plan. Also attach a sheet showing
address of the sponsor/employer.
instructions for lines 3a and 6.
the information separately in the
For plans of controlled groups of
Line 1b. Enter the 9-digit employer
same format as lines 1a through 1f
corporations, trades or businesses
identification number (EIN) assigned
for each benefit computation formula.
under common control, and affiliated
to the plan sponsor/employer. This
4. Submit a description of the
service groups submit the statement
should be the same EIN that was or
actions that may have resulted in a
specified in the instructions for line 6.
will be used when the Form 5500 or
partial termination.
For multiple-employer plans that do
Form 5500-EZ is filed for the plan. Do
5. Include an explanation of how
not involve collective bargaining,
not use a social security number or
the plan meets the requirements of
the EIN of the trust. For a
section 411(d)(3).
multiple-employer plan, the EIN for
1. One Form 5300 application for
the application for the plan should be
the plan, omitting line 3, and
Termination of Plan. If you are
the same EIN that was or will be used
2. One Form 5300 (only lines 1
terminating your plan, file Form 5310,
when Form 5500 is filed.
through 8 and, optionally, 13 and 14)
Application for Determination for
and, optionally, Schedule Q for each
File Form SS-4, Application for
Terminating Plan, to request a
other employer that chooses to
Employer Identification Number, to
determination letter for the complete
receive a separate determination
apply for an EIN. You can get Form
termination of a DBP or a DCP.
SS-4 by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.
For a governmental or nonelecting
Form 5300 should be filed to
The plan of a group of entities
church plan, skip lines 10 and 12a. A
request a determination letter
required to be combined under
nonelecting church plan is a plan for
involving the complete termination of
section 414(b), (c), or (m) whose
which an election under section
a multiemployer plan covered by the
sponsor is more than one of the
410(d) has not been made.
PBGC insurance program.
entities required to be combined
For an ESOP, attach Form 5309,
should only enter the EIN of one of
In addition, file:
Application for Determination of
the sponsoring members. This EIN
1. One copy of the plan;
Employee Stock Ownership Plan for
must be used in all subsequent filings
an ESOP.
2. One copy of the latest
of determination letter requests and
determination letter, including
annual returns/reports unless there is
a change of sponsor.
Specific Instructions
3. A copy of all actions taken to
Line 1c. Enter the two digits
terminate the plan; and
representing the month the
Line 1a. Enter the name, address,
4. If necessary, Form 6088,
employer’s tax year ends. This is the
and telephone number of the plan
Distributable Benefits From Employee
employer whose EIN was entered on
sponsor/employer. A plan sponsor
Pension Benefit Plans. Form 6088 is
line 1b.
required if the plan is a DBP or if the
plan is an underfunded DCP that
1. In the case of a plan that covers
Line 2. The contact person will
benefits noncollectively bargained
the employees of one employer, the
receive copies of all correspondence
employees or more than 2% of the
as authorized in a power of attorney,
employees who are covered under a
2. In the case of a plan maintained
Form 2848, or other written
collectively bargained agreement are
by two or more employers (other than
designation. Either complete the
professional employees. (See
a plan sponsored by a group of
contact’s information on this line, or


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