Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - 2004


Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 5300
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. August 2004)
Application for Determination for Employee Benefit Plan
(including Collectively Bargained Plans formerly filed on Form 5303)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Public Inspection. Form 5300 is
may not be used to apply for a
multiemployer or multiple-employer
open to public inspection if there are
determination on GUST, except as
plan (a plan maintained by more than
more than 25 plan participants. The
provided in section 3.05 of Rev. Proc.
one employer considering all
total number of participants must be
2000-27, 2000-26 I.R.B., 1272. You
employers combined under section
shown on line 4e. See the
can find Rev. Proc. 2000-27 on page
414(b), (c), or (m) as one employer).
instructions for line 4e for a definition
1272 of Internal Revenue Bulletin
Employer, plan sponsor, or plan
of participant.
2000-26 at
administrator desiring a determination
letter for compliance with the
Disclosure Request by Taxpayer.
applicable requirements of a foreign
The Tax Reform Act of 1976 permits
Type of Plan
situs trust for the taxability of
a taxpayer to request the IRS to
beneficiaries (section 402(c)) and
disclose and discuss the taxpayer’s
A Defined Contribution Plan (DCP)
deductions for employer contributions
return and/or return information with
is a plan that provides an individual
(section 404(a)(4)).
account for each participant and for
any person(s) the taxpayer
designates in a written request. Use
benefits based only:
Where To File
Form 2848, Power of Attorney and
1. On the amount contributed to
Declaration of Representative, for this
the participant’s account, and
File Form 5300 at the address
2. Any income, expenses, gains
indicated below:
and losses, and any forfeitures of
Internal Revenue Service,
accounts of other participants that
P.O. Box 192,
General Instructions
may be allocated to the participant’s
Covington, KY 41012 –0192.
Requests shipped by express mail or
A Defined Benefit Plan (DBP) is
Purpose of Form
a delivery service should be sent to:
any plan that is not a DCP.
Internal Revenue Service,
File Form 5300 to request a
A qualified plan must satisfy section
201 West Rivercenter Blvd.,
determination letter from the IRS for
401(a) including, but not limited to,
Attn: Extracting Stop 312,
the initial qualification of a defined
participation, vesting,
benefit or a defined contribution plan
Covington, KY 41011.
nondiscriminatory contributions or
and the exempt status of any related
benefits, distributions, and
Private Delivery Services. In
trust. See Types of Determination
contribution and benefit limitations.
addition to the United States mail,
Letters on page 2 for more
you can use certain private delivery
Who May File
services designated by the IRS to
This form may also be filed to
meet the “timely mailing as timely
This form may be filed by any:
request a determination letter on the
filing/paying” rule for tax returns and
Employer, including a sole
qualified status of a plan at any time
payments. The most recent list of
proprietor, partnership, plan sponsor
subsequent to initial qualification
designated private delivery services
or a plan administrator that has
even if the plan has not been
was published by the IRS in
adopted an individually designed plan
September 2002 and includes only
to request a determination letter on:
the following:
File Form 5307, Application for
1. Initial qualification of a plan;
Determination for Master or Prototype
Airborne Express (Airborne):
2. Qualification of an entire plan
or Volume Submitter Plans, instead of
Overnight Air Express Service, Next
as amended,
Form 5300 if this is an M&P or
Afternoon Service, Second Day
3. Partial termination of a plan;
volume submitter plan. However, use
Form 5300 instead of Form 5307 if
4. Affiliated service group (ASG)
DHL Worldwide Express (DHL):
you are also requesting a
status (section 414(m)), or
DHL “Same Day” Service, DHL USA
determination on affiliated service
5. Leased employee status
group status, leased employee
(section 414(n)).
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx
status, or a partial termination.
Plan sponsor or plan administrator
Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard
to request a determination letter for a
Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx
File Form 6406, Short Form
plan maintained by an employer that
International Priority, and FedEx
Application for Determination for
is part of a controlled group of
International First.
Minor Amendment of Employee
corporations (section 414(b)), or
Benefit Plan, instead of Form 5300 to
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS
trades or businesses under common
apply for a determination letter on a
Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air
control (section 414(c)), or an ASG
minor plan amendment to a plan that
Saver, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd
(section 414(m)).
has already filed Form 5300 and
Day Air A.M., UPS Worldwide
received a favorable determination
Plan sponsor or plan administrator
Express Plus, and UPS Worldwide
letter for GUST. Form 6406 generally
to request a determination letter for a
Cat. No. 10932P


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