2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 9


Allocation of Adjustments
Column D
[M.S. 290.01, subd. 19b(10)]
able net income to the total distributable net
Th e benefi ciary(s) of a trust or an estate must
income (the amount on Form 1041, Sched-
To obtain the proper percentage, divide each
fi le an individual income tax return to report
ule B, line 7.) Divide each share by the total
fi gure from column C on lines 44 and 45 by
their portion of the income distributed. A resi-
distributable net income to determine the
the total of column C on line 46. Enter this
dent benefi ciary must report all income from
percentage in column D for to correspond
the trust or estate. A nonresident benefi ciary
with each benefi ciary and the fi duciary. Th e
Where the adjustment is an addition, that
who receives $10,150 or more of Minnesota
total of column D must equal 100%.
portion of the adjustment allo cated to each
gross income must report income assignable to
benefi ciary and to the fi duciary must be
Column E
shown as an addi tion.
To obtain the proper share for each benefi -
Th e purpose of this section is to allocate any
Where the adjustment is a subtraction, that
ciary and the fi duciary, multiply the adjust-
adjustments noted on lines 25-33 and 35–42
part of the adjustment allocated to each ben-
ment on line 46, column E, under addi-
between the benefi ciary(s) and fi duciary.
efi ciary and to the fi duciary must be shown
tions and subtractions by the percentage in
If all the income is retained by the trust
as a subtraction.
column D. Enter the result for each benefi -
or estate, then any adjustment is allocated
ciary and the fi duciary in column E, under
entirely to the fi duciary. If all of the income
Column C
additions or subtractions.
is distributed, then any adjustment is passed
Enter the federal distributable net income as-
through to the benefi ciary(s) in proportion
Complete a Schedule KF for each benefi -
signed to each benefi ciary and the fi duciary
to their share of distributable net income.
ciary who is assigned adjustments. (See the
as deter mined for federal purposes. Add
If part of the income is retained and part
instructions below.)
the amounts and enter the total on line 46,
distributed, then part of the adjustment is
column C.
Any adjustment allocated to the fi duciary on
allocated to the fi duciary and part to the
line 45, column E, must be reported on Form
benefi ciary(s).
M2 as an addition on line 4 or a subtraction
Th e share of adjustments in column E is the
on line 6.
same percentage share as the fi duciary’s and
If there is no federal distributable net in-
each benefi ciary’s share of federal distribut-
come, the adjustment, if any, is dis tributed
according to the terms of the will or trust
instrument or according to Minnesota law.
Completing Schedule KF
Line Instructions
KF, Line 19
Complete and provide Schedule
If you are a qualifi ed business operating in a
KF to each nonresident benefi ciary
Calculate lines 1–22 the same for all resident
JOBZ zone, enter the benefi ciary’s distribu-
and nonresident benefi ciaries. Calculate lines
with Minnesota source income and
tive share, if any, of the JOBZ jobs credit that
23–29 for nonresident benefi ciaries only.
any Minnesota benefi ciary who has
is passed through to the benefi ciary.
Round amounts to the nearest whole dollar.
adjustments to income.
KF, Line 20
KF, Lines 1–17
If you are a partner of a partnership or a
If all or part of the fi duciary’s income is
shareholder of an S corporation that con-
distributed, then any adjustment shown on
ducted qualifi ed research and development
Th e purpose of Schedule KF is to provide
lines 25-33 and 35-42 of Form M2 is passed
in Minnesota, from line 14 of Schedule KPI
benefi ciaries with the information they
through to the benefi ciary(s) in the pro-
and line 14 of Schedule KS, enter the ben-
need to fi le Form M1, Minnesota Individual
portion to their share of distributable net
efi ciary’s distributive share of the credit that
Income Tax Return. Th e schedule shows
is passed through to the benefi ciary. Attach
each benefi ciary their specifi c share of the
the appropriate schedule when you fi le your
fi duciary’s income, credits and modifi ca-
From line 44 of Form M2, enter the adjust-
ments to income allocated to each benefi -
KF, Line 21
A benefi ciary who is a Minnesota resident
must report all income from the trust or es-
If you are a partner of a partnership or a
KF, Line 18
tate. A nonresident benefi ciary must report
shareholder of an S corporation that hired
If you received a Minnesota income tax
income which is assignable to Minnesota.
a qualifi ed student for internship, from line
withholding credit, enter the benefi ciary’s
12 of Schedule KPI and the Schedule KS,
Be sure to include copies of all Schedules
distributive share of any credit that is passed
enter the benefi ciary’s distributive share
KF and federal Schedules K-1 when you fi le
through to the benefi ciary. Do not include
your Form M2.
amounts reported on line 15b of Form M2.


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