2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 7


M2, Lines 26–36
Line 26
Line 29
Line 32
State Income Tax
Federal Bonus Depreciation Addition
Net Operating Loss (NOL) Carryover
Enter the amount of state income tax de-
If you chose on your federal return the
ducted on the federal return. State income
special depreciation allowance for certain
Th e Minnesota Legislature did not adopt
tax deductions are not allowed on the Min-
qualifi ed property, you must add back 80
the provisions of the Worker, Homeowner-
nesota return. [M.S. 290.01, subd. 19a(2)]
percent of the bonus depreciation to Min-
ship, and Business Assistance Act of 2009
(WHBA). Under this Act, taxpayers are
Line 27
allowed to carryback 3, 4, or 5 years an
Expenses Related to Income Not Taxed
Follow the steps below to determine line 29:
NOL generated in 2008 or 2009. For federal
by Minnesota, Other Than From U.S.
1 Add line 14 and line 25 of
purposes, any remaining NOL that was not
Bond Obligations
your federal Form 4562* . . . . .
fully absorbed in the carryback years can be
Expenses deducted on your federal return
2 Total of bonus depreciation
carried forward for up to 20 years, begin-
that relate to income not taxed by Minnesota
passed through to you as a
ning in 2010. If you claimed the deduction
must be added to your taxable net income.
shareholder of an S corporation
in 2014, you must add back the federal NOL
[M.S. 290.01, subd. 19a(5)]
(from line 4 of Schedule KS), or
amount as a positive number on line 32.
as a partner of a partnership
If you had expenses attributable to interest
Line 33
(from line 5 of Schedule KPI) .
or mutual fund dividends from U.S. bonds,
Domestic Production Activities Deduc-
see line 35.
3 Add steps 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . .
Line 28
4 Multiply step 3 by 80% (.80) . .
If you are claiming a portion of the domes-
Suspended Loss of Bonus Depreciation
tic production activities deduction on the
5 Total of any 80% federal bonus
If you’re claiming a suspended loss from
estate’s or trust’s federal return, add back
depreciation addition you
2001-2005 or 2008 -2013 on your federal
this amount on line 33.
received as a benefi ciary of
return that was generated by bonus deprecia-
another estate or trust (from
Line 35
tion, and you did not add back 80 percent
line 5 of Schedule KF). . . . . . . .
Net Interest from U.S. Bonds
of the bonus depreciation in those years,
6 Add steps 4 and 5. Enter here
Interest earned on certain direct federal
complete the following steps:
and on line 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
obligations is taxable on the federal return,
1 Bonus depreciation from 2001–
but is not taxable on the state return. You
* If bonus depreciation included in step 1 or
2005 or 2008-2013 not
may reduce your taxable income if you
2 generated a loss in an activity that cannot
added back on Form M2 . . . . .
reported interest on your federal return that
be deducted in 2014 (e.g., a passive activity
2 Total suspended loss from
is exempt from state income tax.
loss or a loss in excess of basis), you may
activity remaining aft er 2014 .
reduce step 1 or 2 by the amount of loss not
Include the interest you received from
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 (if a
allowed from the activity for 2014, up to the
certain U.S. bonds, bills, notes and other
negative amount, enter zero) .
bonus depreciation claimed by the activity.
debt instruments, reduced by any related
4 Multiply step 3 by 80 percent
investment interest and other expenses you
In a future year when the 2014 suspended
(.80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
deducted on your federal return that relate
loss is allowed, you must include the bonus
5 Total of the 80 percent bonus
to this income.
depreciation as an addition. Th e bonus
depreciation addition passed
depreciation is treated as the last suspended
You may also include the portion of divi-
through to you as a benefi ciary
loss allowed.
dends from mutual funds that are attribut-
of another estate or trust (from
Line 30
able to such bonds, bill or notes, reduced by
line 4 of Schedule KF) . . . . . . . .
Fines, Fees and Penalties Deducted on
any related expenses you deducted on your
6 Add steps 4 and 5. Enter here
your Federal Return
federal return.
and on line 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You must add fi nes, fees and penalties that
Enclose a statement from the fund indicat-
were deducted as business expenses paid
ing the proportionate interest earned on the
to a government entity or nongovernment
above securities. [M.S. 290.01, subd. 19b(1)]
regulatory body as a result of a violation
Line 36
of law, or the investigation of any poten-
State Income Tax Refunds
tial violation of law. Th is does not include
Income tax refunded by Minnesota or any
amounts identifi ed in a court order or
other taxing jurisdiction that was included
settlement agreement as restitution or as an
as income on the federal return is not taxed
amount paid to come into compliance with
by Minnesota. [M.S. 290.01, subd. 19b(2)]
the law.


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