2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 5


M2, Lines 10–17
Line 13
• out-of-state income from partnerships,
Enter the total jobs credit that is being
Composite Income Tax
S corporations and other fi duciaries (en-
claimed directly by the fi duciary and not
ter the name and location of the partner-
passed through to the benefi ciaries.
To determine line 13, you must fi rst fi gure
ship or other fi ducia ry under line 7),
the amount of composite tax attributed to
Line 15d. If you are including an amount
each electing nonresident benefi ciary. See
• rents and royalties from land, build ings,
on this line you must include a statement
the fi duciary instructions for line 27 of
machinery or other tangible property
indicating which credit(s) are being claimed
Schedule KF on page 10.
outside Minnesota (enter the name and
as well as any required forms.
location of the property producing the
Add the composite income tax attributed to
Include on line 15d only credits that are be-
rents and royalties under line 7), and
all electing benefi ciaries (the total of lines 25
ing retained by the fi duciary.
• interest, dividends, income and gains
from all KF schedules), and enter the result
Line 15e. If you are including an amount
from stocks, bonds and other securities
on line 13 of Form M2.
on this line you must include a statement
for nonresident estates and trusts, unless
Lines 15a-15e and 15
indicating which credit(s) are being claimed
the income was generated by a trade or
Total Payments and Credits
as well as any required forms. If you have
business (S corporations and partner-
Line 15a. Enter your total estimated tax and
nonrefundable credits available calculate the
ships) and was apportioned to Minne-
extension payments paid for the tax year,
amount to enter on line 15e as follows:
• If the amount of nonrefundable cred-
Enclose a separate schedule, if needed.
• your total 2014 estimated tax payments
its available is less than or equal to the
Line 10
made in 2014 and 2015, either paid elec-
amount on line 14 enter the full amount
Minnesota Tax
tronically or by check,
on line 15e,
Use the table starting on page 11 to deter-
• the portion of your 2013 refund applied
• If the amount of nonrefundable credits
mine the amount to enter on line 10.
to your 2014 estimated tax, and
available is more than the amount on line
Line 11
• any 2014 extension payment, paid elec-
14 enter on line 15e the amount of line
Tax from S portion of an Electing Small
tronically or by check, that was made by
Business Trust
the due date when fi ling under an exten-
Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State
If you are fi ling as an Electing Small Busi-
You may claim a credit on line 15 for taxes
ness Trust (ESBT), you must fi le Schedule
paid to another state if you were a resident
Line 15b. Enter the total of any 2014 Min-
M2SB to report all items relating to the S
trust or estate and you paid 2014 income tax
nesota tax withheld, including:
portion of the trust. Enter the tax calcu-
(including tax withheld) to Minnesota and
• backup with holding on income retained
lated on the M2SB on line 11 of Form M2.
to another state on the same income. For
by the es tate or trust,
Include Schedule M2SB when you fi le Form
purposes of this credit, a Canadian province
• Minnesota income tax with held in er-
or territory and the District of Columbia are
ror (and not repaid) by an em ployer on
considered a state. Th e credit cannot exceed
Line 12
wages and salaries of a decedent that was
the tax shown on line 10.
Additional Tax
received by the decedent’s estate (enclose
Use Schedule M1CR, Credit for Income Tax
Schedule M1LS—Tax on a Lump-Sum
a copy of federal Form W-2, Wage and
Paid to Another State, as a worksheet to de-
Distribution. If you received a lump-sum
Tax Statement), and
termine the credit. When you fi le Form M2,
distribution from a qualifi ed pension plan,
• the fi duciary’s share of any Minnesota
include the M1CR worksheet or a statement
profi t sharing plan or stock bonus plan and
income tax withholding from Schedule
showing how you arrived at the amount.
the 10-year averaging method on federal
KS or KPI not passed through to the ben-
Line 17
Form 4972 was used, you must complete
efi ciaries.
Minnesota Schedule M1LS, Tax on Lump-
If you are including withholding on line
Sum Distribution.
Penalties are collected as part of the tax and
15b, you must include with your Form M2
are in addition to any charge for underpay-
Include the amount from line 11 of Sched-
a copy of the 1099, Schedule KPI, Schedule
ing estimated tax. If you are paying your
ule M1LS on line 12 of Form M2. Be sure
KS or other documentation showing the
tax aft er the regular due date, include the
to check the box for Schedule M1LS and
amount withheld. If the documentation is
appropriate penalties on line 17. Include a
include a copy of the schedule when you fi le
not included, the department will disallow
statement showing how you arrived at the
your return.
the amount and assess the tax or reduce
penalty amount.
Schedule M2MT—Alternative Minimum
your refund.
Tax. If you had to complete federal Schedule
Please note: An extension of time to fi le
Line 15c. A refundable jobs credit, based on
is not an extension to pay. Th erefore, if
I, Alternative Minimum Tax, you must com-
higher-paying jobs, is available to qualifi ed
payment in full is not made by the original
plete Minnesota Schedule M2MT, Alterna-
businesses operating in a JOBZ zone. Com-
due date, an extension of time is invalid and
tive Minimum Tax for Estates and Trusts.
plete and enclose Schedule JOBZ.
both late-fi ling and late-payment penalties
Include the amount from line 17 of Sched-
become applicable.
You may also include any credit you may
ule M2MT on line 12 of Form M2. Be sure
have received as a partner of a partnership
Late Payment. If the tax is not paid by
to check the box for Schedule M2MT and
or shareholder of an S corporation. You
include a copy of the schedule with your
the original due date, a penalty is due of 6
must include your Schedule KPI or KS with
percent of the unpaid tax on line 16.
Form M2.


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