2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 4


Form M2
Inter Vivos Trust. A trust created during a
Before you complete Form M2, you
income or gains not taxed by Minnesota. An
grantor’s lifetime.
example of this would be expenses incurred
must fi rst complete the following;
in connection with a probate proceeding in
Testamentary Trust. A trust created by a
you will need to refer to them:
another state. [M.S. 290.17, subd. 1(b)].
decedent’s will that comes into existence at
Losses not allowed by Minnesota. Include
the death of the decedent.
• Federal Form 1041 and support-
your total losses from non-Minnesota
Section 645 Election. Allows a qualifi ed
ing schedules; and
sources to the extent the losses are deducted
revocable trust to be treated and taxed as
• Schedule KF for each nonresident
in determining your federal taxable income
part of the related estate during the election
or loss.
benefi ciary and for any Minne-
period. If the election is made for federal
income tax purposes, it also applies for
Common examples of losses to include on
sota benefi ciary who has adjust-
Minnesota. Enclose a copy of federal Form
line 2 are:
ments to income (see page 9).
8855 or letter making the election.
• losses deducted on the sale or other dispo-
Tax Year
sition of real or tangible property outside
Nonresident. Check the Nonresident box
If you are fi ling on a fi scal year basis, be sure
if a nonresident trust/estate. Refer to the
• casualty losses deducted on prop erty out-
to enter the beginning and ending dates.
defi nitions of a resident trust/estate on page
side Minnesota,
Without the dates, your fi ling and payments
1 of the Form M2 instructions to determine
• losses deducted on the operation of a farm
may not be considered timely.
whether your trust/estate qualifi es.
outside Minnesota,
Minnesota Tax ID Number
Line Instructions
• out-of-state losses from partnerships,
Be sure to put your Minnesota tax ID num-
S corporations and other fi duciaries,
Trust and estate income is based on income
• losses deducted on the operation of a trade
ber on Form M2. Without it, processing of
from Minnesota sources only. Th erefore, any
the return is delayed, and your estimated
or business from sources out side Minne-
non-Minnesota losses that are allocated to
tax and extension prepayments cannot be
sota, and
the fi duciary must be added back to federal
• losses deducted on the sale or other dis-
verifi ed and credited properly.
taxable income, and non-Min nesota income
position of stocks, bonds, securi ties and
Check Boxes
other intangible property by nonresident
and gains must be sub tracted from federal
estates and trusts.
taxable income.
Place an X in all boxes that apply to the
Line 3
return that you are fi ling.
Intangible income earned by a resident estate
Capital Gain of Lump Sum Distribution
or trust is considered Minnesota source
Final return. For income tax purposes,
If you received a qualifying lump-sum
income. Intangible income is income from
Minnesota follows federal law on termina-
distribution in 2014 and chose the capital
intangible personal property, such as stocks or
tion of estates and trusts. All income, de-
gain election on federal Form 4972, enter the
bonds. [M.S. 290.17, subd. 2(c)]
ductions and credits are passed through to
capital gain from line 6 of federal Form 4972.
the benefi ciaries. If this is your fi nal return,
Include a copy of federal Form 4972 when
Round amounts to whole dollars. Drop
check the box on the front of Form M2.
you fi le Form M2.
amounts less than 50 cents and increase
Initial return. If this is the fi duciary’s fi rst
amounts 50 cents or more to the next higher
Lines 4 and 6
return fi led in Minnesota, check the box on
Additions and Subtractions
the front of the form.
Line 2
Read the instructions under Allocation of
Bankruptcy estate. A separate and distinct
adjustments on page 9.
Deductions and Losses not
taxable entity created when an individual
Line 7
Al lowed
debtor fi les for bankruptcy under Chapter 7
Income from Non-Minnesota Sources
Direct expenses should be allocated to the
or 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code.
Enter the total income from sources outside
income to which it is associated. Indirect
If bankruptcy estate is checked, enter the
Minnesota to the extent the amounts are
expenses should be allocated to each class
Bankruptcy debtor’s SSN in the Bankruptcy
included in your federal taxable income. Do
of income in the proportion that each class
debtor SSN box and, if fi ling jointly, enter
not include, however, any income or gains
of income bears to the total income. Only
the second debtor’s SSN in the correspond-
that are being distributed to the benefi ciary.
those expenses that relate to the non-Min-
ing box).
nesota income should be added back on line
Examples of income not subject to Minne-
Composite income tax. If you are paying
2 of Form M2.
sota tax include:
composite income tax for your electing
Deductions not allowed by Minnesota.
• gains from the sale or other disposi tion of
nonresident benefi ciaries, check the box on
Interest and other expenses deducted on
real or tangible property outside Minne-
the front of Form M2 and see the instruc-
your federal return which relate to income
tions for line 13 on page 5.
or gains from non-Minnesota sources must
• income or gains from the operation of a
ESBT (Electing Small Business Trust). A
be added to your taxable income.
farm outside Minnesota,
non-grantor trust that has income from one
Include administration fees and ex penses,
• profi t from a trade or business out side
or more S corporations. Th e portion of an
interest, taxes, depletion and other deduc-
ESBT that consists of stock of one or more S
Minnesota (enter the name and location of
tions (including the chari table deduction)
the trade or business under line 7),
corporations is treated as a separate trust.
that are connected with or al lowed against


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