2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 2


General Information
Due Dates and
Payment Options
If you administer 100 or more trusts, you are required to pay all the fi duciary income tax-
Due Date for Filing and
es electronically. A 5 percent penalty will be assessed if you fail to do so when required.
Paying is April 15, 2015
Pay electronically using e-Services
Th e regular due date for fi ling Form M2 and
• To pay over the Internet—go to , and click on “Login to
e-Services,” or
paying the tax due is April 15, 2015. If you
• To pay by phone—call 1-800-570-3329.
fi le your return according to a fi scal year,
your return and payment are due the 15th
Both options are free and there’s no need to preregister. If you’re using
day of the fourth month following the end
the system for the fi rst time and need a temporary password, call
of the tax year.
651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605.
Short-year returns are due by the 15th day
To be timely, you must complete your transaction and receive a confi rmation
number on or before the due date for that payment.
of the fourth month following the month in
which the short year ends.
Pay by credit or debit card
For a fee, you can use your credit or debit card to make a payment through Value Pay-
Extension of Time to File
ment Systems, a national company that partners with federal, state and local govern-
All estates and trusts are granted an auto-
ments to provide credit and debit card payment services.
matic six-month extension to fi le Form M2,
To do so:
if the tax is paid in full by the regular due
• Go to payMNtax.com; or
date. If the tax is not paid by the regular
• Call 1-855-9-IPAY-MN.
due date, the extension of time to fi le is
The Department of Revenue does not have any fi nancial agreement with Value Pay-
ment Systems and does not receive any of its fees.
Th is is a fi ling extension only. To avoid
Pay by check
penalties, you must make an extension tax
payment by the regular due date. See Exten-
• Go to our website at and click on Make a Payment.
sion payment in the next section for details.
• Click By Check to create and print a payment voucher. Write your check to
Minnesota Revenue and mail together to the address on the voucher.
Your check authorizes us to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your
Th ere are three types of fi duciary income tax
account. You may not receive your cancelled check.
payments—extension payments, estimated
tax payments and tax return payments. (See
Forms are available from our website at .
Payment options above.)
Estimated Payments
Tax Return Payment
Note: If you are currently paying elec-
tronically using the ACH credit method,
Minnesota may require an estate to make
If there is an amount due on line 20 of Form
continue to call your bank as usual. If you
estimated tax payments.
M2, you must make a tax return payment
wish to make payments using the ACH
(see Payment options above). If you’re paying
A trust must make quarterly estimated tax
credit method, instructions are available at
by check, you must send a completed pay-
payments if it has either:
ment voucher with your payment.
• an estimated tax of $500 or more, or
Extension Payment
• any nonresident benefi ciary’s share of
Penalties and Interest
estimated composite income tax of $500
Your tax is due by the regular due date,
Late payment. A late payment penalty is
or more.
even if you’re fi ling under an extension.
assessed on any tax not paid by the regular
Any tax not paid by the regular due date is
Payments are due by the 15th day of the
due date. Th e penalty is 6 percent of the
subject to penalties and interest (see lines
fourth, sixth, and ninth months of the tax
unpaid tax.
17 and 18 instructions on pages 5 and 6).
year and the fi rst month following the end
If you fi le your return aft er the regular due
of the tax year. If estimated tax is required
If you’re fi ling aft er the regular due date, you
date with a balance due, an additional 5 per-
for both the estimated tax and the compos-
can avoid penalty and interest by making
cent penalty will be assessed on the unpaid
ite income tax, include both on the same
an extension payment for the full amount
quarterly payment.
of the tax owed by the regular due date. For
information about payment options see
Late fi ling. Th ere is also a penalty if you fi le
To make an estimated tax payment, see
Payment options above. Please note that if
aft er the extended due date and owe tax. Th e
Payment options above. If you’re paying by
you administer 100 or more trusts, you are
late fi ling penalty is 5 percent of any tax not
check, send a completed payment voucher
required to pay all fi duciary income taxes
paid by the extended due date.
with your payment. For additional informa-
tion, see Fiduciary Estimated Tax instruc-
Interest. You must also pay interest on the
penalty and tax you are sending in late. Th e
interest rate for 2014 is 3 percent.


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