2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 15


2014 Schedule KF instructions
Benefi ciary’s use of information provided on Schedule KF
Purpose of Schedule KF
Lines 23-26. Include lines 23-26 on the cor-
Lines 28 and 29 were used to determine
responding lines in column B of Schedule
your share of the fi duciary’s Minnesota tax-
Schedule KF is a supplemental schedule
able income. You may need to refer to these
provided by the fi duciary to the benefi cia-
amounts when you fi le your home state’s
ries. Th e benefi ciaries need this information
Line 27. Minnesota source gross income is
income tax return.
to complete a Minnesota Individual Income
used to determine if a nonresident individ-
Tax Return, Form M1.
ual is required to fi le a Minnesota income
If you elected for the fi duciary to pay com-
tax return. Gross income is income before
posite tax, you are not required to fi le Form
A benefi ciary who is a Minnesota resident
business or rental deductions and does not
will be taxed by Minnesota on all of his
include losses.
or her income from the trust or estate. A
Line 28. Th is is your Minnesota source
nonresident benefi ciary will be taxed on the
If your total 2014 Minnesota source gross
distributive income from this fi duciary.
Minnesota income which is assignable to
income is $10,150 or more and you did
Line 29. If you elected, the composite tax
not elect composite fi ling, you are required
the fi duciary paid on your behalf equals
to fi le Form M1 and Schedule M1NR,
Th ese instructions are intended to help you
9.85 percent of your Minnesota taxable
Nonresidents and Part-Year Residents. You
report your share of the fi duciary’s income,
income on line 29, minus your share of any
must include all Minnesota source gross
credits and modifi cations on your Minne-
credits on lines 18–22. You are not required
income passed through to you from all
sota return.
to fi le Form M1.
fi duciaries, partnerships and S corporations
If you received an amended Schedule
when determining if you are required to fi le
KF from the fi duciary and your income or
a Minnesota return.
deductions have changed, you must fi le an
Call the department at 651-556-3075.
If your 2014 Minnesota source gross income
amended Minnesota return. To amend your
Information is available in other formats
is less than $10,150 and you are allowed a
return, use Form M1X, Amended Minnesota
upon request for persons with disabilities.
Minnesota income tax withholding credit,
Income Tax Return.
fi le Form M1 and Schedule M1NR to re-
Need forms?
ceive a refund.
Line instructions
You may download forms and other tax-
Although Minnesota source gross income
related information from our website at
Include amounts on the appropriate lines
determines whether you must fi le a Min-
as shown on Schedule KF. Be sure to read
nesota return, your Minnesota source
the following line instructions for additional
distributive income is ultimately taxed.
Nonresident benefi ciaries
Lines 23—29
Lines 23-29 apply to nonresident benefi -
ciaries. All income of a Minnesota resident
is assigned to Minnesota, regardless of the
source. If certain items are not entirely
included in your federal adjusted gross
income because of passive activity loss
limitations, capital loss limitations, section
179 limitations or for other reasons, include
only the amounts that you included in your
federal adjusted gross income.


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