2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue Page 10


Completing Schedule KF
Composite Income Tax
of the credit that is passed through to the
To determine the amount of composite
benefi ciary. Attach the appropriate schedule
income tax to pay on behalf of each electing
KF, Line 28
when you fi le your return.
benefi ciary, follow the steps below:
When determining the benefi ciary’s share
KF, Line 22
1 Multiply line 28 of Schedule
of the Minnesota source distributive income
KF by 9.85% (.0985) . . . . . . . . .
If you are a partner of a partnership or
from this fi duciary, you must make adjust-
a shareholder of an S corporation that
ments for any items you passed through to
2 Add the credits on lines 18 —
qualifi ed for credit for historic structure
the benefi ciary on lines 1 through 22 of the
22 of Schedule KF . . . . . . . . . . .
rehabilitation, from line 13 of Schedule KPI
benefi ciary’s Schedule KF.
3 Subtract step 2 from step 1 . . .
and Schedule KS, enter the benefi ciary’s
Follow the steps below to determine line 28:
Th e result in step 3 is the amount you are
distributive share of the credit that is passed
required to pay on behalf of the electing
through to the benefi ciary. Attach the
1 80 percent of federal bonus
benefi ciary. Enter this amount on line 29 of
appropriate certifi cate when you fi le your
depreciation from line 5 of the
the benefi ciary’s Schedule KF and check the
return and enter the NPS project number in
benefi ciary’s Schedule KF . . . .
box to indicate the benefi ciary’s election to
the space provided.
2 Combine lines 23–26 of the
be included.
Nonresident Benefi ciaries
benefi ciary’s Schedule KF . . . .
If the benefi ciary elects to be included in
3 Add steps 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . .
KF, Lines 23–27
composite income tax but has zero tax
4 JOBZ income exemptions from
From the nonresident benefi ciary’s federal
due, be sure to enter zero on line 29. Even
line 15 of the benefi ciary’s
Schedule K-1 (1041), enter the Minnesota
though the amount may be zero, be sure to
Schedule KF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
portion of amounts on lines 23–27.
check the box to indicate the election.
5 To the extent allowed by law, enter
On line 26, only include other income as-
Once you have completed all the KF sched-
one-fi ft h of the benefi ciary’s
signable to Minnesota. For example, include
ules for your electing nonresident benefi cia-
share of the federal bonus depre-
other income from services performed in
ries, add the amounts on line 29 of all the
ciation that was added back in a
Minnesota, but do not include interest, divi-
schedules and enter the total on line 13 of
year the benefi ciary elected to be
dends or distribution from a pension plan.
Form M2. Th is is the amount of compos-
included in composite income
ite income tax you are required to pay on
Interest or dividend income derived from a
tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
behalf of your electing benefi ciaries.
trade or business (S corporations and part-
6 Add steps 4 and 5 . . . . . . . . . . .
nerships) that is apportioned to Minnesota
7 Subtract step 6 from step 3 . . .
should be included on line 25.
Enter the result from step 7 on line 28 of
KF, Line 27
the benefi ciary’s Schedule KF. Th e result in
Th e Minnesota source gross income is
step 7 is the benefi ciary’s adjusted Min-
used to determine whether a nonresident
nesota source distributive income from this
benefi ciary is required to fi le a Minnesota
fi duciary.
income tax return or has the option to elect
KF, Line 29
composite income tax.
Composite Income Tax
Enter the benefi ciary’s share of the fi du-
Nonresident benefi ciaries must pay tax if
ciary’s Minnesota source gross income.
their Minnesota gross income is more than
Minnesota source gross income is the
the minimum fi ling requirement for the
benefi ciary’s share of total Minnesota source
year ($10,150 for 2014).
income before any deductions.
Skip this line if the nonresident benefi ciary
did not elect the fi duciary to pay composite
income tax on his or her behalf.


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