2014 Minnesota Income Tax For Estates And Trusts (Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions - Department Of Revenue


2014 Minnesota Income Tax for Estates and Trusts
(Fiduciary) Form M2 Instructions
Filing Requirements
What’s New for 2014
For trusts that became irrevocable or were
fi rst administered in Minnesota before
Minnesota Internship Credit
An estate or trust with $600 or
January 1, 1996: A resident trust means any
Beginning in tax year 2014, eligible
more of gross income assignable to
trust administered in Minnesota.
Greater Minnesota businesses can
Minnesota, or that has a nonresi-
qualify for an internship credit
To be considered a resident trust adminis-
dent alien as a benefi ciary, must fi le
governed by the academic board. See
tered in Minnesota, you must meet two of
Form M2, regardless if it is consid-
page 10 for additional details.
the following three criteria:
ered a resident.
• A majority of the discretionary invest-
ment decisions are made in Minnesota,
When required, the trustee of a trust or the
• Th e majority of discretionary distribution
personal representative of an estate is re-
decisions are made in Minnesota, and
You can fi nd forms and information,
sponsible for fi ling the Minnesota Form M2,
• Th e trust’s offi cial books and records are
including answers to frequently asked
Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
kept in Minnesota.
questions and options for fi ling and pay-
(Fiduciaries) and for paying the tax.
ing electronically, on our website at:
Bankruptcy estates. If the fi duciary of a
[M.S. 290.01, subd. 7b]
bankruptcy estate of a Minnesota resident
Before You File
fi led a federal return, a Minnesota return
must also be fi led. Use Form M1, Individual
Send us an e-mail at:
Complete a Federal Return
Income Tax Return, to determine the Min-
nesota tax and attach it to Form M2. File it
Before you complete Form M2, complete
in the same way you fi le federal returns.
Call us at 651-556-3075
federal Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return
Resident estates. An estate is considered
for Estates and Trusts, and supporting
Need Forms?
a Minnesota estate if:
schedules. You will need to reference them.
Forms and other tax information are
• the decedent was a resident of Min nesota
available on our website at
If you are a:
federal Form:
at the time of death, or
• the personal representative or fi du ciary
Charitable remainder (enter
was appointed by a Minnesota court—or
We’ll provide information in another
zero on Form M2, lines 1 and 9) . . . . 1041A
the court administration was performed
format upon request to persons with
or charitable lead trust . . . . . . . . . . . .or 5227
in Minnesota—in other than an ancillary
pro ceeding.
Designated or qualifi ed settlement
fund (under IRC section 468B) . . . . 1120-SF
File the fi rst Form M2 cov ering the period
from the date of the decedent’s death to the
Qualifi ed funeral trust . . . . . . . . . 1041-QFT
What’s new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
end of the tax year. Be sure to check the box
Electing small business trust (ESBT) . . 1041
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3
to indicate it is the fi duciary’s initial return.
Filing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Minnesota Tax ID Number
File subsequent returns for later years until
Before you fi le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
the end of the estate’s ad ministration period.
Your Minnesota tax ID is the seven-digit
Due dates and extensions. . . . . . . .2
number you’re assigned when you register
Resident trusts. Th e defi nition of a
Payment options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
with the department. It’s important to in-
M2 line instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–9
resident trust diff ers depending on the
clude your Minnesota tax ID on your return
date—before or aft er December 31, 1995—
Allocation of adjustments. . . . . . . . . . .9
so that any payments you make are properly
the trust becomes irrevocable or is fi rst
KF line instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–10
credited to your account.
administered in Minnesota.
Tax tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11–14
If you don’t have a Minnesota tax ID, you
For trusts that became irrevocable or were
must apply for one. To apply online, go to
fi rst administered in Minnesota aft er De-
and click on “Reg-
cember 31, 1995: A resident trust means a
ister for a Minnesota tax ID number” from
trust, except a grantor type trust, that either:
the e-Services menu. To apply by phone, call
1 was created by a will of a decedent who
651-282-5225 or 1-800-657-3605.
at his or her death was a Minnesota resi-
dent, or
2 is an irrevocable trust, and at the time
the trust became irrevocable, the grantor
was a Minnesota resident. A trust is
considered irrevocable if the grantor is
not treated as the owner as defi ned in sec-
tions 671 to 678 of the IRC.


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