Itinerary Of Days Worked Outside Cincinnati Page 2

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nt With
ng Refu
Tax Re
eturn In
Use this
s form if you a
are an individua
al who receive
s wages report
ted on Form W
W-2 and you are
e claiming a ref
fund. Use the
Tax Return if
f you have mad
de estimated pa
ayments or rece
eive additional
taxable incom
me other than w
Please f
fill in the accou
unt information
n block with yo
our account nu
umber or social
l security numb
ber, name, add
ress, city, state
e, and zip code
this info
ormation is not
t pre-printed. M
Make correctio
ons if necessary
y to pre-printed
d information.
Refer to
o the Cincinnat
ti Street Guide
on our website
e to determine
if an address i
is located in the
e City of Cinci
innati. The we
ebsite address i
ov/citytax. Non
nresidents are
only subject to
o Cincinnati tax
x on the incom
me earned in the
e City of Cinci
nnati. If your
cy status chang
ged during the
year, indicate t
the part of the
year when you
u were a reside
In the b
box “Address/C
City Where Wo
ork Was Perfor
rmed”, please i
indicate the loc
cation (includin
ng city, townsh
hip or village) w
where you
med the service
s rather than th
he company he
eadquarters. If
f you work in m
multiple locatio
ons, complete F
Form L-2-C.
Line 1-
Enter the amo
ount from Box
5 of the W-2 (Q
Qualifying Wa
ages for the Cin
ncinnati Incom
me Tax Return)
adjusted as fo
Add to this a
amount employ
yer-sponsored u
t compensation
n or wages exem
mpt from Med
dicare tax becau
use of the
Medicare gra
andfathering pr
Reduce the a
amount in Box
5 by amounts
earned from st
tock options.
nce pay include
ed in Box 5 ma
ay be allocated
d by nonresiden
nt employees w
who earned a po
ortion of these
benefits while
e working outsi
the city
of Cincinnati.
The severanc
ce pay allocatio
on percentage i
is generally dev
veloped using
an average of t
the employee’s
s allocation
ages, as compu
uted on Form L
L-2-C, for the p
preceding three
e years.
Line 2 –
– Enter the amo
ount of unreim
mbursed employ
yee business ex
xpenses. You
must include a
a copy of feder
ral Form 2106 (
(EZ) or a detai
listing t
to support the d
deduction. If y
you have expen
nses listed on L
Line 4 of Form
m 2106, a breakd
down of these
expenses is req
quired. When
ng your incom
me you may not
t take credit for
r travel expens
es listed on Lin
ne 3.
Line 3 –
– Subtract Line
e 2 from Line 1
Line 4 –
– Multiply the
percentage fro
om Form L-2-C
C by the amoun
nt on line 3. If y
you are a resid
dent of the city
of Cincinnati y
you may not
e days worked o
out of the city.
Line 5 –
– Multiply the
amount of Lin
ne 3 or Line 4 b
by 2.1%.
Line 6 –
– Enter the amo
ount of withho
olding taxes pai
id to Cincinnat
ti. Generally th
his is Box 19 o
n the Form W-
-2 “Local Taxe
es Paid”.
Line 7 –
– Enter the amo
ount of taxes w
withheld for or
paid to anothe
er city. Residen
nts of the city
of Cincinnati m
may claim taxe
es paid to anoth
city up
to 2.1% of the
Qualifying W
ages reported o
on the W-2. Cr
redit is limited
to the local tax
x rate used (2.1
1% or less) mu
ultiplied by the
ying Wages, les
ss 2106 expens
ses if claimed,
and is further r
restricted if the
e municipality
has a wage cap
p. Part-year re
esidents may
claim ta
axes paid to oth
her cities for th
he part of the y
year they were a
a resident. Non
n-residents may
y not claim tax
xes paid to ano
Line 8 –
– Add Lines 6
and 7.
Line 9 –
– Subtract Line
e 5 from Line 8
A comp
plete return in
ncludes all of t
the following i
A signed and
d dated tax retu
Complete cop
pies of all W-2
2s that include
information in
n Boxes 1, 5, 19
9, and 20.
Federal Form
m 2106 (EZ) wi
ith all attachme
ents, for taxpay
yers claiming a
a deduction for
r employee bus
siness expense
Form L-2-C,
for nonresiden
nt employees w
whose salaries
or commission
ns are earned w
while working o
outside the city
y of Cincinnati
An Itinerary
of Days Work
ed Outside Cin
ncinnati for non
nresident empl
loyees (if appli
plete returns w
will be returne
ed to the taxp
ayer unproces
ssed. To prev
vent a delay in
n processing, p
please do not s
staple the form
e of Limitation
ns Requiremen
Your re
efund request
t must be mad
de within three
e years from t
he date of you
ur tax paymen
nt, the date the
e tax return w
was due, or
within t
three months
after final det
termination o
f your federal
l income tax li
iability, which
hever is later.


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