Instructions For Form Uct-212i - Municipal Utilities, Gas Suppliers, And Local Gas Distributors Gross Earnings Tax Return - 2005


Form UCT 212I
General Instructions
Complete the return in blue or black ink only.
• Municipal utilities (whether or not located in Connecticut);
Address Change
• Gas suppliers registered with DRS for the tax imposed
To change your company’s address, check the Change of Address box
under Chapter 212 of the Connecticut General Statutes;
on the front of this return. Draw a line through the incorrect information
and clearly print the new information.
Line 10: Enter the sum of the net invoice price plus transportation
costs of appliances using gas or electricity sold during
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars
the calendar quarter if included in the amount of gross
You must round off cents to the nearest whole dollar on your returns
earnings reported on Line 6.
and schedules. Round down to the next lowest dollar all amounts that
Line 11: Enter any payment made to the Commissioner of Economic
include 1 through 49 cents. Round up to the next highest dollar all
and Community Development that represents the company’s
amounts that include 50 through 99 cents. However, if you need to add
allocable portion of the product calculated by the
two or more amounts to compute the amount to enter on a line, include
commissioner under Conn. Gen. Stat. §16a-40b(f).
cents and round off only the total.
Line 12: Enter the gross earnings from sales of natural gas or propane
Example: Add two amounts ($1.29 + $3.21) to compute the total ($4.50)
as a motor vehicle fuel during the calendar quarter if included
to enter on a line. $4.50 is rounded to $5.00 and entered on the line.
in the amount of gross earnings reported on Line 6.
If you do not round, the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) will
disregard the cents.
Line 13: Enter the gross earnings from sales of natural gas to users
or entities located outside Connecticut during the calendar
Line Instructions
quarter if included in the amount of gross earnings reported
on Line 6 or Line 7. Enter zero if you apportion gross earnings
Local gas distribution companies (LDCs) and municipal (gas or
and have completed Line 16 and Line 17.
electric) utilities: Complete Lines 1 through 6 and Lines 8 through 25.
Line 15: Subtract Line 14 from Line 6 or Line 7 and enter the difference.
Gas suppliers: Complete Lines 7 through 9 and Lines 13
If you apportion gross earnings, complete Line 16 and
through 25.
Line 17. Otherwise, skip to Line 18.
Line 1:
Enter all income during the calendar quarter classified as
Gross earnings may only be apportioned if:
operating revenues by the Department of Public Utility Control
(DPUC) in the Uniform Systems of Accounts, whether or not
Part of your operations or business is conducted outside
derived from Connecticut sources.
of Connecticut;
Line 2:
Enter all income during the calendar quarter classified as
The amount on Line 9 does not include sales for resale
income from merchandising, jobbing, and contract work by
to non-Connecticut public service companies or
DPUC in the Uniform Systems of Accounts.
non-Connecticut municipal utilities; and
You have not entered an amount on Line 13 of this return.
Line 3:
Enter all income during the calendar quarter from non-utility
Line 16: LDCs and municipal (gas or electric) utilities: Compute an
apportionment fraction (expressed as a percentage carried
Line 4:
Enter the revenues during the calendar quarter from leases
to six decimal places). The numerator is the miles of gas
of physical property not devoted to utility operation.
mains or electric wires (municipal electric utilities only)
Line 5:
Enter the receipts during the calendar quarter from the sale
operated in Connecticut on the first and last day of the
of residuals and other by-products obtained in connection
preceding calendar year. The denominator is the total miles
with the production of gas or electricity.
of gas mains or electric wires (municipal electric utilities
only) operated inside and outside Connecticut on the first
Line 7:
Gas suppliers: Enter the gross earnings during the calendar
and last day of the preceding calendar year.
quarter from sales of natural gas. Do not include gross
earnings from sales to a combined cycle facility (in existence
Gas suppliers: Compute an apportionment fraction
as of May 1, 2003) comprised of three gas turbines providing
(expressed as a percentage carried to six decimal places).
electric generation services, as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat.
The numerator is gross earnings from sales to end users
§16-1, with a total capacity of 775 megawatts for use in the
located in Connecticut during the calendar quarter. The
production of electricity.
denominator is gross earnings from sales to end users
located inside and outside Connecticut during the calendar
Line 8:
Enter refunds during the calendar quarter resulting from
errors or overcharges if included in the amount of gross
earnings reported on Line 6 or Line 7.
Line 17: Multiply Line 15 by Line 16.
Line 9:
Enter the gross earnings during the calendar quarter from
Line 18: Multiply Line 15 (if not apportioning) or Line 17 (if apportioning)
the resale of gas or electricity if included in the gross earnings
by 5% (.05). Enter the result.
reported on Line 6 or Line 7 to:
Line 19: Enter the amount from Schedule C, Line 3.
• Public service companies (whether or not located in
Connecticut) (see Conn. Gen. Stat. §16-1);
Form UCT 212I (Rev. 12/05) ITAS


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