Instructions For Schedule H (Form 1120-F) - 2009 Page 2


set or sets of books of the
entity must be included in line 1 in
If the corporation is a foreign bank
corporation’s U.S. trade or business
that charges its U.S. branch office
either U.S. dollars or the home
or books of its U.S. branch (whether
office’s functional currency even if the
cost reimbursements for services and
maintained within or outside the
audited third-country GAAP (or other
overhead which are booked by the
United States) as defined in
applicable accounting standards)
branch in the third party category of
Regulations section 1.882-5(d)(2).
expense actually incurred rather than
statements are in another non-dollar
as a lump sum interbranch amount,
functional currency.
Part I may be completed in U.S.
list the adjustment for each third party
dollars or in the foreign corporation’s
Line 2. Enter on line 2 the total of
category expense separately on the
functional currency. If the corporation
the adjustments necessary to
attachment for permanent
completes Part I in U.S. dollars,
conform the amounts on line 1 to the
check the box in the Part I heading. If
amounts that are deductible for U.S.
Line 3. Combine lines 1 and 2 and
the corporation completes Part I in its
tax purposes. These adjustments
enter the result on line 3. The amount
foreign functional currency, specify
include temporary and permanent
reported on line 3 is the total amount
the currency in the space provided in
differences of the type applicable in
of deductible expenses (determined
the Part I heading.
determining the deductions of U.S.
under U.S. tax principles before
corporations that file their income tax
Line 1. Enter on line 1 the total
apportionment between ECI and
returns on Form 1120 (e.g.,
expenses recorded on the
non-ECI) of the foreign corporation
adjustments eliminating any line 1
non-Schedule L books and records of
that files Form 1120-F, other than
expenses of entities whose expenses
the home office (including books and
those that are included on the
are includible in the corporation’s
records maintained in locations
corporation’s Schedule L books.
expenses for book purposes but not
outside the United States other than
Line 4. Enter on line 4 the total
for U.S. tax purposes). In addition,
in the corporation’s home country).
amount of interest expense (including
include adjustments to loan losses
The books and records may be home
interbranch interest), if any, recorded
and loss reserves included in line 1
office records (e.g., management cost
on the home office books that is
expenses to reflect the amount of bad
accounting reports) that identify only
included on line 3.
debt expense that is deductible for
the expenses included in the
U.S. tax purposes. Such adjustments
corporation’s financial statements for
Line 5. Enter on line 5 the bad debt
include any amount of bad debt
the tax year. It is not necessary that
expense, if any, that is included on
expense included in line 1 that is
the home office records or reports
line 3. Any portion of the amount
treated as an involuntary charge-off
used also include items of income,
included on line 5 that is allocable to
under Regulations section
gain or loss (including bad debt
ECI is reported directly on Form
1.166-2(d)(2). The deductible amount
charge-offs), or financial transaction
1120-F, Section II, line 15.
of bad debt expense remaining after
expenses such as interest expense
Line 7. Subtract line 6 from line 3
any adjustments on line 2 is
and periodic notional principal
and enter the difference on line 7.
eliminated from Schedule H
contract expense. Alternatively, the
This is the total amount of the
expenses on line 5.
expenses reported on line 1 may be
corporation’s home office deductions
derived from audited or unaudited
which are allocated and apportioned
Do not allocate and apportion
financial statements. The home office
between ECI and non-ECI in Parts I
expenses to ECI and non-ECI on
books may be books recorded under
and II of Schedule H.
line 2. In addition, do not make
the Generally Accepted Accounting
adjustments on line 2 to reflect
Lines 8 through 10. The amounts
Principles (“GAAP”), or other
book-to-tax adjustments for any home
reported on lines 8 through 10 are
applicable accounting standards,
office interest expense (including
deductions that are definitely related
including International Financial
interbranch interest expense)
to non-ECI under Regulations
Reporting Standards, applicable to
included on line 1. Interest expense
sections 1.861-8 and 1.861-17 and
the corporation’s local accounting
included on line 1 is adjusted on line
Temporary Regulations section
practices or under U.S. GAAP, at the
4. The allocation of deductible
1.861-8T. If the corporation has
corporation’s choosing. Expenses of
interest expense to ECI is reported on
deductions included in line 7 that are
other includible entities (i.e.,
Schedule I (Form 1120-F). Attach a
definitely related and allocable to ECI
disregarded entities) are included in
schedule listing the amount of the
that is exempt from tax under the
home office expenses reported on
adjustment for each of the following
Code or an income tax treaty, the
line 1 only if the expenses of such
deductions should be treated as
other entities are recorded on the
allocable to non-ECI for purposes of
1. Expenses included on line 1 of
home office’s books. Expenses
Schedule H and included in the
entities whose expenses are not
recorded on non-Schedule L books of
amounts reported on lines 8 through
includible in the corporation’s
disregarded entities (and not on the
expenses for U.S. tax purposes.
home office books) that are allocated
2. Temporary differences (e.g.,
and apportioned to ECI are reported
Line 8. Enter on line 8 deductions
costs capitalized under section 263A,
on line 19. If the corporation uses
included on line 7 that are definitely
carrying charges under section
management cost accounting
related to non-ECI received from
263(g), depreciation and
statements for its home office books
subsidiaries (other than disregarded
amortization, general loan loss
that include expenses of one or more
entities whose income and
disregarded entities, and also
deductions are treated as income and
3. Permanent differences (e.g.,
maintains certified audited
deductions of the corporation filing
interbranch transactions other than
third-country GAAP (or other
Form 1120-F). See, for example,
applicable accounting standards)
interest, non-deductible meals and
Temporary Regulations section
statements for a disregarded entity,
entertainment and executive salary
1.861-8T(e)(4)(ii) and Regulations
the expenses of the disregarded
section 1.861-17 (relating to
Instructions for Schedule H (Form 1120-F)


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