Form 105 - Fiduciary Income Tax Return - 2010 Page 2

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FoRm 105 sChEDulEs
NoTE: IF ANy INComE DIsTRIBuTIoN DEDuCTIoN WAs ClAImED FoR FEDERAl TAX puRposEs, This Page musT be comPleTed.
schedule a—names and addresses oF beneFiciaries
—use lines (a) through (f) for resident beneficiaries
— use lines (g) through (l) for nonresident beneficiaries
schedule b—Computation of the shares of the Colorado
schedule c—Computation of the percentage of federal distributable net
fiduciary adjustment. The Colorado fiduciary adjustment is to be
income from Colorado sources for use in Schedule D, columns 7 and 8, in
allocated among the beneficiaries and the fiduciary in proportion
determining the modified federal income reportable to Colorado by nonresident
to their share of the federal distributable net income.
1. Per Federal
2. From Colorado
Share of federal distributable net income
as per
Form 1041
schedule A
1. Dividends ...................................
% 2. Interest (Include exempt interest)
% 3. Partnership/Fiduciary income ....
% 4. Net rents and royalties...............
% 5. Net profit (loss) business ...........
% 6. other income .............................
% 7. Total lines 1 through 6 ...............
% 8. Expenses ...................................
% 9. Federal distributable net income .
% 10. Percent of federal distributable net income from Colorado sources:
100% (line 9, column 2 divided by line 9, column 1) ____________________________ %
schedule d—beneFiciaries social securiTy numbers, income, modiFicaTions and wiThholding
1.Resident Beneficiary’s social
2. Federal Fiduciary Income
3. Schedule B Percentage
4. Fiduciary Adjustment
security Number
% $
% $
% $
% $
% $
% $
5. Nonresident Beneficiary’s social
6. Federal Distributable
7. Schedule C
8. Income Reportable to
9. Colo. Withholding
security Number
Net Income
Required 4.63% of Column 8
% $
% $
% $
% $
% $
% $


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