Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 8


social security number (SSN) (or
REMIC must also report to any real
Section 212 expenses generally
individual taxpayer identification
estate investment trust that holds a
include operational expenses such as:
number (ITIN) for a resident or
residual interest the information
nonresident alien). For all other residual
specified in Regulations section
interest holders, you must enter the
Legal fees,
residual interest holder’s EIN. However,
Accounting fees,
Item F — Reconciliation of residual
if a residual interest holder is an IRA,
Litigation expenses, and
interest holder’s capital account.
enter the identifying number of the IRA
The cost of preparing and distributing
See the instructions for Schedule M on
trust. Do not enter the SSN (or ITIN) of
reports and notices to interest holders.
page 7.
the individual for whom the IRA is
Line 3b — Your share of section 212
Line 1a — Taxable income (net loss)
expenses for the calendar quarter.
of the REMIC for the calendar
Item A — What type of entity is this
Enter the residual interest holder’s
quarter. Enter the REMIC’s taxable
residual interest holder? State on
share of the amount shown on line 3a.
income (net loss) for the calendar
this line whether the residual interest
quarter. The sum of the totals for the 4
Privacy Act and Paperwork
holder is an individual, a corporation,
quarters in the calendar year must
Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the
an estate, a trust, a partnership, an
equal the amount shown on Form
information on this form to carry out the
exempt organization, a nominee
1066, Section I, line 15.
Internal Revenue laws of the United
(custodian), or another REMIC. If the
Line 1b — Your share of the taxable
States. You are required to give us the
residual interest holder is a nominee,
income (net loss) for the calendar
information. We need it to ensure that
use the following codes to indicate in
quarter. Enter the residual interest
you are complying with these laws and
parentheses the type of entity the
holder’s share of the taxable income
to allow us to figure and collect the right
nominee represents:
(net loss) shown on line 1a (determined
amount of tax. Section 6109 requires
I – Individual, C – Corporation, F –
by adding the holder’s daily portions
return preparers to provide their
Estate or Trust, P – Partnership, E –
under section 860C(a)(2) for each day
identifying numbers on the return.
Exempt Organization, R – REMIC, or
in the quarter the holder held the
You are not required to provide the
IRA – Individual Retirement
residual interest). If line 1a is a loss,
information requested on a form that is
enter the residual interest holder’s full
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Item B — Residual interest holder’s
share of the loss, without regard to the
unless the form displays a valid OMB
percentage of ownership. Enter in
adjusted basis of the residual interest
control number. Books or records
item B2 the percentage at the end of
holder’s interest in the REMIC.
relating to a form or its instructions
the calendar quarter. However, if a
Line 2a — Sum of the daily accruals
must be retained as long as their
residual interest holder’s percentage of
under section 860E for all residual
contents may become material in the
ownership changed during the quarter,
interests for the calendar quarter.
administration of any Internal Revenue
enter in item B1 the percentage
Enter the product of the sum of the
law. Generally, tax returns and return
immediately before the change. If there
adjusted issue prices of all residual
information are confidential, as required
are multiple changes in the percentage
interests at the beginning of the quarter
by section 6103.
of ownership during the quarter, attach
and 120% of the long-term federal rate
a statement giving the date and
The time needed to complete and
(determined on the basis of
percentage before each change.
file this form and related schedule will
compounding at the end of each
vary depending on individual
Item C — REMIC assets. Enter in item
quarter and properly adjusted for the
circumstances. The estimated average
C the percentage of the REMIC’s
length of such quarter). See section
times are:
assets during the calendar quarter
860E(c) for details.
represented by each of the following
Line 2b — Sum of the daily accruals
Schedule Q
categories of assets:
Form 1066
(Form 1066)
under section 860E for your interest.
Real estate assets under section
Enter zero if line 2a is zero. Otherwise,
856(c)(5)(B), and
32 hr., 3 min.
6 hr., 27 min.
divide the amount shown on line 2a by
Learning about
Assets described in section
the number of days in the quarter.
the law or the
7701(a)(19)(C) (relating to the definition
Multiply the result by the residual
form . . . . . . .
8 hr., 51 min.
1 hr., 40 min.
of a domestic building and loan
interest holder’s percentage of
Preparing the
form . . . . . . . 12 hr., 33 min.
1 hr., 52 min.
ownership for each day in the quarter
These percentages must be
that the residual interest holder owned
computed using the average adjusted
the interest. Total the daily amounts
and sending the
basis of the assets held during the
and enter the result.
form to the IRS
48 min.
calendar quarter. To do this, the REMIC
Line 3 — Complete lines 3a and 3b
If you have comments concerning
must make the appropriate computation
only for residual interest holders
the accuracy of these time estimates or
as of the close of each month, week, or
who are individuals or other
suggestions for making this form and
day and then average the monthly,
pass-through interest holders (as
related schedule simpler, we would be
weekly, or daily percentages for the
defined in Temporary Regulations
happy to hear from you. You can write
quarter. The monthly, weekly, or daily
section 1.67-3T).
to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax
computation period must be applied
Line 3a — Section 212 expenses of
Products Coordinating Committee,
uniformly during the calendar quarter to
the REMIC for the calendar quarter.
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111
both categories of assets, and may not
Enter the REMIC’s allocable section
Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526,
be changed in succeeding calendar
212 expenses for the calendar quarter.
Washington, DC 20224. Do not send
quarters without IRS consent. If the
The term “allocable section 212
the tax form to this office. Instead, see
percentage of the REMIC’s assets for
expenses” means the aggregate
Where To File on page 2.
either category is at least 95%, the
amount of the expenses paid or
REMIC may show “95 or more” for that
accrued in the calendar quarter for
category in item C.
which a deduction is allowable under
If less than 95% of the assets of the
section 212 in determining the taxable
REMIC are real estate assets (as
income of the REMIC for the calendar
defined in section 856(c)(5)(B)), the


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