Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 7


(1-800-829-3676) or you can download
Generally, this property ceases to be
Income recorded on the REMIC’s
it from the IRS website at
foreclosure property at the close of the
books but not included on this return,
third tax year following the tax year in
Item I — Foreign trust. The REMIC
which the REMIC acquired the
Allowable deductions not charged
may be required to file Form 3520,
property. See sections 860G(a)(8),
against book income this year.
Annual Return To Report Transactions
856(e), and Regulations section
With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of
Include in column (e):
1.856-6 for more details.
Certain Foreign Gifts, if:
Capital losses over the $3,000
It directly or indirectly transferred
Note. Solely for purposes of section
limitation (for a REMIC with a startup
money or property to a foreign trust (for
860D(a), the determination of whether
day before November 12, 1991),
this purpose, any U.S. person who
any property is foreclosure property will
Other nondeductible amounts (such
created a foreign trust is considered a
be made without regard to section
as losses from prohibited transactions
and expenses connected with the
It is treated as the owner of any part
production of tax-exempt income),
Line 7 — Regular interests. These
of the assets of a foreign trust under
Deductions allocable to prohibited
are interests in the REMIC that are
the grantor trust rules; or
issued on the startup day with fixed
It received a distribution from a
Expenses recorded on books not
terms and that are designated as
foreign trust.
deducted on this return, and
regular interests, if:
Taxable income not recorded on the
For more information, see the
1. Such interest unconditionally
books this year.
Instructions for Form 3520.
entitles the holder to receive a specified
Note. An owner of a foreign trust must
principal amount or other similar
ensure that the trust files an annual
amounts; and
Schedule Q
information return on Form 3520-A,
2. Interest payments (or similar
Annual Information Return of Foreign
amounts), if any, with respect to the
Quarterly Notice to
Trust With a U.S. Owner. For details,
interest at or before maturity are
Residual Interest Holder
see the Instructions for Form 3520-A.
payable based on a fixed rate (or at a
variable rate described in Regulations
of REMIC Taxable
To report information required under
section 1.860G-1(a)(3)), or consist of a
section 6038B the REMIC may be
Income or Net Loss
specified portion of the interest
required to file Form 926, Return by a
payments on qualified mortgages and
U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign
this portion does not vary during the
Corporation, or Form 8865, Return of
period that the interest is outstanding.
U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain
Purpose of Schedule
Foreign Partnerships. See the
The interest will meet the
Schedule Q (Form 1066) shows each
instructions for these forms for more
requirements of 1 even if the timing (but
residual interest holder’s share of the
not the amount) of the principal
REMIC’s quarterly taxable income (or
Item L — Sum of the daily accruals.
payments (or other similar amounts) is
net loss), the excess inclusion for the
Enter the total of the daily accruals for
contingent on the extent of
residual interest holder’s interest, and
all residual interests for the calendar
prepayments on qualified mortgages
the residual interest holder’s share of
year. See section 860E(c)(2) for details.
and the amount of income from
the REMIC’s section 212 expenses for
permitted investments.
Schedule L
the quarter.
An interest will still qualify as a
Balance Sheets per Books
Although the REMIC is not subject to
regular interest even if the specified
income tax (except on net income from
The amounts shown should agree with
principal amount of the regular interest
prohibited transactions, net income
the REMIC’s books and records. Attach
(or the amount of interest accrued on
from foreclosure property, and
a statement explaining any differences.
the regular interest) can be reduced as
contributions made after the startup
a result of the nonoccurrence of one or
Line 1a — Cash flow investments.
day), the residual interest holders are
more contingent payments with respect
These are any investments of amounts
liable for tax on their shares of the
to any reverse mortgage loan held by
received under qualified mortgages for
REMIC’s taxable income, whether or
the REMIC if, on the startup day for the
a temporary period (not more than 13
not distributed, and must include their
REMIC, the sponsor reasonably
months) before distribution to holders of
shares on their tax returns.
believes that all principal and interest
interests in the REMIC.
due under the regular interest will be
General Instructions
Line 1b — Qualified reserve assets.
paid at or prior to the liquidation of the
The term “qualified reserve asset”
For each calendar quarter, complete
means any intangible property which is
Schedule Q (Form 1066) for each
held for investment and as part of a
person who was a residual interest
Schedule M
qualified reserve fund. For a definition
holder at any time during the quarter.
Reconciliation of Residual
of qualified reserve fund, including
File Schedule Q with Form 1066. Give
Interest Holders’ Capital
exceptions, see sections 860G(a)(7)(B)
one copy to the residual interest holder
and (C).
by the last day of the month following
the month in which the calendar quarter
Line 1c — Foreclosure property. This
Show what caused the changes in the
ends. Keep one copy with a copy of
is any real property (including interests
residual interest holders’ capital
Form 1066 as part of the REMIC’s
in real property), and any personal
accounts during the tax year.
property incident to such real property,
The amounts shown should agree
acquired by the REMIC as a result of
Specific Instructions
with the REMIC’s books and records
the REMIC’s having bid in the property
and the balance sheet amounts. Attach
at foreclosure, or having otherwise
On each Schedule Q, enter the name,
a statement explaining any differences.
reduced the property to ownership or
address, and identifying number for
possession by agreement or process of
Include in column (d):
each residual interest holder and
law, after there was a default or
Tax-exempt interest income,
REMIC. For each residual interest
imminent default on a qualified
Other tax-exempt income,
holder that is an individual, you must
mortgage held by the REMIC.
Income from prohibited transactions,
enter the residual interest holder’s


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