Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 6


where the threatened default resulted
shown on line 7 may be deducted to
owns the assets in the spaces
from a default on one or more qualified
figure net income from foreclosure
mortgages, or to facilitate a clean-up
property. Allowable deductions include
Item F — Number of residual interest
call. A clean-up call is the redemption
depreciation on foreclosure property,
holders. Enter the number of persons
of a class of regular interests when, by
interest accrued on debt of the REMIC
who were residual interest holders at
reason of prior payments with respect
attributable to the carrying of
any time during the tax year.
to those interests, the administrative
foreclosure property, real estate taxes,
Item G — Consolidated REMIC
costs associated with servicing that
and fees charged by an independent
proceedings. Generally, the tax
class outweigh the benefits of
contractor to manage foreclosure
treatment of REMIC items is
maintaining the class. It does not
property. Do not deduct general
determined at the REMIC level in a
include the redemption of a class in
overhead and administrative expenses.
consolidated REMIC proceeding, rather
order to profit from a change in interest
Line 10 — Tax on net income from
than in separate proceedings with
foreclosure property. The REMIC is
individual residual interest holders.
Line 1a — Gain from certain
allowed a deduction for the amount of
Check the box for item G if any of
dispositions of qualified mortgages.
tax shown on this line. Include this
the following apply.
Enter the amount of gain from the
amount in computing the deduction for
The REMIC had more than 10
disposition of any qualified mortgage
taxes entered on Form 1066, page 1,
residual interest holders at any time
transferred to the REMIC other than a
Section I, line 11.
during the tax year (a husband and wife
disposition from:
Part III—Tax on Contributions
count as one holder).
The substitution of a qualified
Any residual interest holder was a
replacement mortgage for a qualified
After the Startup Day
nonresident alien, or was other than an
mortgage or the repurchase in lieu of
Do not complete this part if the startup
individual, a C corporation, or an
substitution of a defective obligation;
day was before July 1, 1987. For this
estate, unless there was at no time
The foreclosure, default, or imminent
purpose, startup day means any day
during the tax year more than one
default of the mortgage;
selected by a REMIC that is on or
holder of the residual interest.
The bankruptcy or insolvency of the
before the first day on which interests in
The REMIC has elected to be subject
the REMIC are issued.
to the rules for consolidated REMIC
A qualified liquidation.
Line 11 — Tax. Enter the amount of
See section 860F(a) for details and
contributions received during the
“Small REMICs,” as defined in
calendar year after the startup day (as
sections 860F(e), 6231(a)(1)(B), and
Line 1b — Income from nonpermitted
defined in the prior paragraph). Do not
the regulations of both, are not subject
assets. Enter the amount of any
include cash contributions described
to the rules for consolidated REMIC
income received or accrued during the
proceedings, but may make an election
year attributable to any asset other than
Any contribution to facilitate a
to be covered by them. This election
a qualified mortgage or permitted
clean-up call or a qualified liquidation.
can be revoked only with the consent of
investment. See section 860G(a) for
Any payment in the nature of a
the Commissioner.
Item H — Foreign financial accounts.
Line 1c — Compensation for
Any contribution during the 3-month
Check the “Yes” box if either 1 or 2
services. Enter the receipt by the
period beginning on the startup day.
below applies to the REMIC. Otherwise,
REMIC of any amount representing a
Any contribution to a qualified
check the “No” box.
fee or other compensation for services.
reserve fund by any holder of a residual
interest in the REMIC.
1. At any time during the 2009
Line 1d — Gain from the disposition
calendar year, the REMIC had a
of cash flow investments (except
Attach a schedule showing your
financial interest in or signature or other
from a qualified liquidation). Enter
authority over any foreign financial
the amount of gain from the disposition
account, including bank, securities, or
of any cash flow investment except
Designation of Tax Matters
other types of financial accounts in a
from a qualified liquidation. A “cash flow
Person (TMP)
foreign country (see Form TD F
investment” is any investment of
A REMIC may designate a TMP in the
90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and
amounts received under qualified
same manner that a partnership may
Financial Accounts); and
mortgages for a temporary period (not
designate a tax matters partner under
more than 13 months) before
a. The combined value of the
Regulations section 301.6231(a)(7)-1.
distribution to holders of interests in the
accounts was more than $10,000 at
When applying that section, treat all
REMIC. See section 860F(a)(4) for the
any time during the calendar year and
holders of a residual interest in the
definition of a qualified liquidation.
b. The account was not with a U.S.
REMIC as general partners. The
military banking facility operated by a
Part II—Tax on Net Income
designation may be made by
U.S. financial institution.
From Foreclosure Property
completing the Designation of Tax
2. The REMIC owns more than 50%
Matters Person section on Form 1066,
For a definition of foreclosure property,
of the stock in any corporation that
page 4.
see instructions on page 7 for Schedule
would answer “Yes” to item 1 above.
L, line 1c. Net income from foreclosure
Additional Information
property must also be included in the
If the “Yes” box is checked:
computation of taxable income (or net
Be sure to answer the questions and
Enter the name of the foreign country
loss) shown on Form 1066, page 1,
provide other information in items E
or countries. Attach a separate sheet if
Section I.
through L.
more space is needed.
Line 6 — Gross income from
Item E — Type of entity. Check the
File Form TD F 90-22.1 by June 30,
foreclosure property. Do not include
box for the entity type of the REMIC
2009, with the Department of the
on line 6 amounts described in section
recognized under state or local law. If
Treasury at the address shown on the
856(c)(3)(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), or (G).
the REMIC is not a separate entity
form. Because TD F 90-22.1 is not a
Line 8 — Deductions. Only those
under state or local law, check the box
tax form, do not file it with Form 1066.
expenses that are directly connected
for “Segregated Pool of Assets,” and
You can order Form TD F 90-22.1 by
with the production of the income
state the name and type of entity that
calling 1-800-TAX-FORM


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