Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 5


Deductions — (Lines 7 through 14).
placed property in service during 2009,
REMIC filed its original return on time
Include only deductible amounts on
claims a section 179 expense
without making the election, it may
lines 7 through 14. A REMIC is not
deduction, or claims depreciation on
make the election on an amended
allowed any of the following deductions
any car or other listed property.
return filed not later than 6 months after
in computing its taxable income.
the due date of the return (excluding
Line 13 — Other deductions. Attach a
The net operating loss deduction.
extensions). Write “Filed pursuant to
schedule, listing by type and amount,
The deduction for taxes paid or
section 301.9100-2” at the top of the
any other allowable deductions for
accrued to foreign countries and U.S.
amended return.
which no line is provided on Form
1066. If there is only one item of other
Specific Instructions
The deduction for charitable
deductions, describe it in parentheses
Column (d) — Sales price. Enter
to the left of the entry on line 13 instead
The deduction for depletion under
either the gross sales price or the net
of attaching a schedule.
section 611 for oil and gas wells.
sales price from the sale. On sales of
Schedule D
Losses or deductions allocable to
stocks and bonds, report the gross
prohibited transactions.
amount as reported to the REMIC by
General Instructions
the REMIC’s broker on Form 1099-B,
Line 9 — Amount accrued to regular
Proceeds From Broker and Barter
interest holders in the REMIC that is
Purpose of schedule. For a REMIC
Exchange Transactions, or similar
deductible as interest. Regular
with a startup day before November 12,
statement. However, if the broker
interests in the REMIC are treated as
1991, use Schedule D to report the sale
advised the REMIC that gross proceeds
indebtedness for federal income tax
or exchange of capital assets. To report
(gross sales price) minus commissions
purposes. Enter the amount of interest,
sales or exchanges of property other
and option premiums were reported to
including original issue discount,
than capital assets, see Form 4797 and
the IRS, enter that net amount in
accruing to regular interest holders for
its instructions.
column (d).
the tax year. Do not deduct any
A REMIC with a startup day after
Column (e) — Cost or other basis. In
amounts paid or accrued for residual
November 11, 1991, must use Form
general, the cost or other basis is the
interests in the REMIC.
4797 instead of Schedule D because all
cost of the property plus purchase
Line 10 — Other interest. Do not
of its gains and losses from the sale or
commissions and improvements, minus
include interest deducted on line 9 or
exchange of any property are treated
depreciation. If the REMIC got the
interest on indebtedness incurred or
as ordinary gains and losses.
property in a tax-free exchange,
continued to purchase or carry
Report every sale or exchange of
involuntary conversion, or wash sale of
obligations on which the interest is
property in detail, even though there is
stock, it may not be able to use the
wholly exempt from income tax. You
no gain or loss.
actual cash cost as the basis. If the
may elect to include amortization of
REMIC uses a basis other than cash
For details, see Pub. 544, Sales and
bond premium on taxable bonds
cost, attach an explanation.
Other Dispositions of Assets.
acquired before 1988 unless you
When selling stock, adjust the basis
elected to offset amortizable bond
Capital gain distributions. On line 7,
by subtracting all the nontaxable
premium against the interest accrued
report the sum of capital gain
distributions received before the sale.
on the bond (see the Section I, line 1,
distributions and the REMIC’s share of
This includes nontaxable dividends
instructions). Do not include any
the undistributed capital gain from a
from utility company stock and mutual
amount attributable to a tax-exempt
mutual fund or other regulated
funds. Also, adjust the basis for any
investment company.
stock splits.
Line 11 — Taxes. If you have to pay
For details, see Pub. 564, Mutual
See section 852(f) for the treatment
tax on net income from foreclosure
Fund Distributions.
of certain load charges incurred in
property, you should include this tax
Losses on worthless securities. If
acquiring stock in a mutual fund with a
(from Schedule J, line 10) on line 11.
any securities that are capital assets
reinvestment right.
Note. See section 164(d) for
become worthless during the tax year,
Increase the cost or other basis by
apportionment of taxes on real property
the loss is a loss from the sale or
any expense of sale, such as broker’s
between the seller and purchaser.
exchange of capital assets as of the
fee, commission, and option premium,
last day of the tax year.
Enter taxes accrued during the tax
before making an entry in column (e),
Losses from wash sales. The
year but do not include the following:
unless the REMIC reported net sales
REMIC cannot deduct losses from a
Federal income taxes (except the tax
price in column (d).
wash sale of stock or securities. A
on net income from foreclosure
For details, see Pub. 551, Basis of
wash sale occurs if the REMIC acquires
(by purchase or exchange), or has a
Foreign or U.S. possession income
contract or option to acquire,
Schedule J
substantially identical stock or
Taxes not imposed on the REMIC; or
securities within 6 months before or
Taxes, including state or local sales
Part I—Tax on Net Income from
after the date of the sale or exchange.
taxes, that are paid or incurred in
Prohibited Transactions
See section 860F(d) for details.
connection with an acquisition or
disposition of property. Such taxes
Installment sales. If the REMIC sold
Losses not included. Do not net
must be treated as a part of the cost of
property (except publicly traded stock
losses from prohibited transactions
the acquired property or, in the case of
or securities) at a gain and will receive
against income or gains from prohibited
a disposition, as a reduction in the
any payment in a tax year after the year
transactions in determining the
amount realized on the disposition.
of sale, it must use the installment
amounts to enter on lines 1a through
method and Form 6252, Installment
1d. These losses are not deductible in
Line 12 — Depreciation. See the
Sale Income, unless it elects not to use
computing net income from prohibited
instructions for Form 4562,
the installment method.
Depreciation and Amortization, or Pub.
946, How To Depreciate Property, to
If the REMIC wants to elect out of
For purposes of lines 1a and 1d, the
figure the amount of depreciation to
the installment method, it must report
term “prohibited transactions” does not
enter on this line. You must complete
the full amount of the gain on a timely
include any disposition that is required
and attach Form 4562 if the REMIC
filed return (including extensions). If the
to prevent default on a regular interest


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