Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 4


holders or residual interest holders, and
the ‘‘Paid Preparer’s Use Only’’ section
is issued immediately once the
the REMIC has items of gross income
of the REMIC’s return. It does not apply
application information is validated.
from sources within the United States
to the firm, if any, shown in that section.
By telephone at 1-800-829-4933.
(see sections 861 through 865), see
By mailing or faxing Form SS-4,
If the “Yes” box is checked, the
Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax
Application for Employer Identification
REMIC is authorizing the IRS to call the
Return for U.S. Source Income of
paid preparer to answer any questions
Foreign Persons.
If the REMIC has not received its EIN
that may arise during the processing of
by the time the return is due, write
its return. The REMIC is also
Who Must Sign
“Applied for” in the space for the EIN.
authorizing the paid preparer to:
For more details, see Pub. 583.
Startup day after November 9, 1988.
Give the IRS any information that is
For a REMIC with a startup day after
Item B — Date REMIC started. Enter
missing from the return;
November 9, 1988, Form 1066 may be
the “startup day” selected by the
Call the IRS for information about the
signed by any person who could sign
processing of the return or the status of
the return of the entity in the absence of
The startup day is the day on which
any related refund or payment(s); and
the REMIC election. Thus, the return of
the REMIC issued all of its regular and
Respond to certain IRS notices that
a REMIC that is a corporation or trust
residual interests. However, a sponsor
the REMIC has shared with the
would be signed by a corporate officer
may contribute property to a REMIC in
preparer about math errors, offsets, and
or a trustee, respectively. For REMICs
exchange for regular and residual
return preparation.
with only segregated pools of assets,
interests over any period of 10
the return would be signed by any
The REMIC is not authorizing the
consecutive days and the REMIC may
person who could sign the return of the
paid preparer to receive any refund
designate any one of those 10 days as
entity owning the assets of the REMIC
check, bind the REMIC to anything
the startup day. The day so designated
under applicable state law.
(including any additional tax liability), or
is then the startup day, and all interests
otherwise represent the REMIC before
Startup day before November 10,
are treated as issued on that day.
the IRS.
1988. A REMIC with a startup day
Item C — Total assets at end of tax
before November 10, 1988, may elect
The authorization cannot be
year. Enter the total assets of the
to apply the rules for REMICs with a
revoked. However, the authorization will
REMIC. If there are no assets at the
startup day after November 9, 1988 (as
automatically end no later than the due
end of the tax year, enter the total
described in Regulations section
date (excluding extensions) for filing the
assets as of the beginning of the tax
1.860F-4(c)(2)(iii)). Otherwise, Form
REMIC’s 2010 tax return. If the REMIC
1066 must be signed by a residual
wants to expand the paid preparer’s
interest holder or, as provided in
Section I
authorization or revoke the
section 6903, by a fiduciary as defined
authorization before it ends, see Pub.
Line 1 — Taxable interest. Enter the
in section 7701(a)(6) who is acting for
947, Practice Before the IRS and
total taxable interest. “Taxable interest”
the REMIC and who has furnished
Power of Attorney.
is interest that is included in ordinary
adequate notice as described in
income from all sources except interest
Regulations section 301.6903-1(b).
exempt from tax and interest on
In the prior paragraph, the term
Specific Instructions
tax-free covenant bonds. You may elect
“startup day” means any day selected
to reduce the amount of interest
by a REMIC that is on or before the first
General Information
accrued on taxable bonds by the
day on which interests in such REMIC
amount of amortizable bond premium
are issued. Otherwise, “startup day” is
Name, address, and EIN. Print or
on those bonds attributable to the
defined in the instructions for Item
type the REMIC’s legal name and
current tax year. See sections 171(c)
B — Date REMIC started later.
address on the appropriate lines.
and 171(e) for details.
Include the suite, room, or other unit
Paid preparer’s information. If
Line 2 — Accrued market discount
number after the street address. If a
someone prepares the return and does
under section 860C(b)(1)(B). Enter
preaddressed label is used, include this
not charge the REMIC, that person
information on the label. If the Post
the amount of market discount
should not sign the return or complete
attributable to the current tax year
Office does not deliver mail to the street
the paid preparer’s space. Generally,
determined on the basis of a constant
address and the REMIC has a P.O.
anyone who is paid to prepare the
interest rate under the rules of section
box, show the box number instead. If
REMIC return must sign the return and
the REMIC receives its mail in care of a
fill in the “Paid Preparer’s Use Only”
third party (such as an accountant or
Line 3 — Capital gain or (loss). Enter
attorney), enter on the street address
the amount shown on page 2, Schedule
The paid preparer must complete the
line “C/O” followed by the third party’s
D, line 12 or 13 (if any).
required preparer information and:
name and street address or P.O. box. If
Sign the return in the space provided
Line 4 — Ordinary gain or (loss).
the REMIC has changed its address
for the preparer’s signature.
Enter the net gain or (loss) from Form
since it last filed a return (including a
Give the REMIC a copy of the return.
4797, Sales of Business Property, Part
change to an “in care of” address),
Note. A paid preparer may sign
check the box for “Address change.”
original returns, amended returns, or
Line 5 — Other income. Attach a
Note. If a change in address occurs
requests for filing extensions by rubber
schedule, listing by type and amount,
after the return is filed, use Form 8822,
stamp, mechanical device, or computer
any other taxable income not reported
Change of Address, to notify the IRS of
software program.
on lines 1 through 4. If there is only one
the new address.
item of other income, describe it in
Paid Preparer Authorization
Enter the REMIC’s EIN on Form
parentheses to the left of the entry
If the REMIC wants to allow the IRS to
1066, page 1, item A. If the REMIC
space on line 5 instead of attaching a
discuss its 2009 tax return with the paid
does not have its own EIN, it must
schedule. If the REMIC issued regular
preparer who signed it, check the ‘‘Yes’’
apply for one. A REMIC may apply for
interests at a premium, the net amount
box in the signature area of the return.
an EIN:
of the premium is income that must be
This authorization applies only to the
Online by clicking on the EIN link at
prorated over the term of these
individual whose signature appears in
interests. Include this income on line 5.


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