Instructions For Form 1066 - U.s. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (Remic) Income Tax Return - 2009 Page 3


Returns. Use this form to summarize
938, Real Estate Mortgage Investment
the unpaid tax for each month or part of
and send information returns to the
Conduits (REMICs) Reporting
a month the return is late, up to a
Internal Revenue Service Center.
Information (And Other Collateralized
maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax, or if
Debt Obligations (CDOs)). This
the return is more than 60 days late, a
Form 1098, Mortgage Interest
publication contains a directory of
$135 minimum or the balance of tax
Statement. This form is used to report
due on the return, whichever is smaller.
the receipt from any individual of $600
or more of mortgage interest and points
Pub. 938 is not printed. Instead, it is
Late payment penalty. The penalty
in the course of the REMIC’s trade or
for not paying the tax when due is
available on the IRS website. For more
information about Pub. 938, visit www.
of 1% of the unpaid tax for
each month or part of a month the tax
Forms 1099-A, B, C, INT, LTC, MISC,
is unpaid. The penalty cannot exceed
OID, R, S, and SA. Use these
Form 8822, Change of Address. This
25% of the unpaid tax. The penalty will
information returns to report
form is used to inform the IRS of a new
not be charged if you can show
acquisitions or abandonments of
REMIC address if the change is made
reasonable cause for not paying on
secured property; proceeds from broker
after filing Form 1066.
and barter exchange transactions;
Payment of Tax Due
cancellation of a debt; interest income;
Other penalties. Penalties can also
certain payments made under a
The REMIC must pay the tax due (page
be imposed for negligence, substantial
long-term care insurance contract and
1, Section II, line 3) in full by the 15th
understatements of tax, reportable
certain accelerated death benefits;
day of the 4th month following the end
transaction understatements, and fraud.
miscellaneous income payments;
of the tax year. Enclose with Form 1066
See sections 6662, 6662A, and 6663.
original issue discount; distributions
a check or money order for the amount
Contributions to the REMIC
from pensions, annuities, retirement or
due payable to the “United States
profit-sharing plans, individual
Generally, no gain or loss is recognized
retirement arrangement (IRAs),
by the REMIC or any of the regular or
The REMIC may be required to
insurance contracts, etc.; proceeds
residual interest holders when property
deposit its tax using the Electronic
from real estate transactions; and
is transferred to the REMIC in
Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA,
exchange for an interest in the REMIC.
If this requirement applies, use EFTPS
or Medicare Advantage MSA. Also, use
The adjusted basis of the interest
to deposit the tax.
these returns to report amounts that
received equals the adjusted basis of
If the REMIC is not required to
were received as a nominee on behalf
the property transferred to the REMIC.
deposit its tax using EFTPS, it may do
of another person.
The basis to the REMIC of property
so voluntarily. To do this, the REMIC
Generally, a REMIC must file Forms
transferred by a regular or residual
must be enrolled in EFTPS.
1099-INT and 1099-OID, as
interest holder is its fair market value
For information about EFTPS, visit
appropriate, to report accrued income
immediately after its transfer.
or see Publication 966,
of $10 or more of regular interest
If the transferor holds a regular
The Secure Way to Pay Your Federal
holders. See Regulations section
interest and if the issue price of the
Taxes for Business and Individual
1.6049-7. Also, every REMIC must file
regular interest is more than its
Forms 1099-MISC if it makes payments
adjusted basis, the excess is included
of rents, commissions, or other fixed or
Interest and Penalties
in income by the regular interest holder
determinable income (see section
for the applicable tax years as if the
Interest. Interest is charged on taxes
6041) totaling $600 or more to any one
excess were market discount on a bond
not paid by the due date, even if an
person in the course of its trade or
and the holder had made an election
extension of time to file is granted.
business during the calendar year.
under section 1278(b) to include this
Interest is also charged on penalties
For more details, see the 2008
market discount currently. If the
imposed for failure to file, negligence,
General Instructions for Forms 1099,
transferor holds a residual interest and
fraud, substantial valuation
1098, 5498, and W-2G.
if the issue price of the regular interest
misstatements, substantial
is more than its adjusted basis, the
Form 8275, Disclosure Statement,
understatements of tax, and reportable
excess is amortized and included in the
and Form 8275-R, Regulation
transaction understatements; the
residual interest holder’s income ratably
Disclosure Statement. Use these
interest is charged from the due date
over the anticipated weighted average
forms to disclose items or positions
(including extensions) to the date of
life of the REMIC (as defined in
taken on a tax return that are not
payment. The interest charge is figured
Regulations section 1.860E-1(a)(3)(iv)).
otherwise adequately disclosed on the
at a rate determined under section
return or that are contrary to Treasury
If the transferor holds a regular
regulations (to avoid parts of the
interest and if the adjusted basis of the
Late filing penalty. A penalty may be
accuracy-related penalty or certain
regular interest is more than its issue
charged if the return is filed after the
preparer penalties).
price, the regular interest holder treats
due date (including extensions) or the
the excess as amortizable bond
Form 8300, Report of Cash
return does not show all the information
premium subject to the rules of section
Payments Over $10,000 Received in
required, unless each failure is due to
171. If the transferor holds a regular
a Trade or Business. Generally, this
reasonable cause. If the failure is due
interest and if the adjusted basis of the
form is used to report the receipt of
to reasonable cause, attach an
regular interest is more than its issue
more than $10,000 in cash or foreign
explanation to the return. If no taxes
price, the excess is deductible ratably
currency in one transaction or a series
are due, the penalty is $90 for each
over the anticipated weighted average
of related transactions.
month or part of a month (up to 12
life of the REMIC (as defined in
Form 8811, Information Return for
months) the return is late or does not
Regulations section 1.860E-1(a)(3)(iv)).
Real Estate Mortgage Investment
include the required information,
Conduits (REMICs) and Issuers of
multiplied by the total number of
Payments Subject to
Collateralized Debt Obligations. A
persons who were residual interest
Withholding at Source
REMIC uses this form to provide the
holders in the REMIC during any part of
information required by Regulations
the REMIC’s tax year for which the
If there are any nonresident alien
section 1.6049-7(b)(1)(ii). This
return is due. If tax is due, the penalty
individuals, foreign partnerships, or
information will be published in Pub.
is the amount stated above plus 5% of
foreign corporations as regular interest


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