Form Ft-1000 - Certificate Of Prepayment Or Payment Of Taxes On Diesel Motor Fuel Page 2


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General Information
Use of Diesel Motor Fuel Purchased in Volume, or must charge the
greater of either the prepaid sales tax or the sales tax computed on the
retail selling price.
All diesel motor fuel is subject (until proven otherwise) to the following
Mark an X in box b if your customer is a bulk user who is purchasing
state taxes: diesel motor fuel tax, sales tax, and petroleum business
for taxable personal use (for example, a truck fleet operator).
Mark an X in box c if no prepaid sales tax or retail sales tax is due.
You may not use this certificate as a blanket certificate for transactions
that are exempt from all three taxes. For those transactions, use
Part 2
Form FT-1000-A, Certification of Exclusion of Sales, Diesel Motor Fuel,
Mark an X in box d and enter the amount of diesel motor fuel tax per
and Petroleum Business Taxes from Selling Price.
gallon. Also mark an X in the other appropriate box and, if applicable,
Diesel motor fuel is No. 1 diesel fuel, No. 2 diesel fuel, biodiesel,
enter the name and registration number of the dealer who paid the tax;
kerosene, crude oil, fuel oil or other middle distillate and also motor
fuel suitable for use in the operation of an engine of the diesel type. It
does not include any product specifically designated as No. 4 diesel
Mark an X in box e if the selling price of the fuel does not include any
diesel motor fuel tax.
Seller certification requirements
Part 3
No certification is required on retail sales of residential or nonresidential
Mark an X in box f if the selling price of the fuel includes the petroleum
heating or on fuel delivered directly into the fuel tank of a diesel-
business tax and enter the amount of petroleum business tax per
powered motor vehicle. On every other sale of diesel motor fuel that
gallon. Also mark an X in the appropriate box to indicate who is
is subject to one of the state taxes, you must give the purchaser, at or
certifying to the payment of petroleum business tax.
before the time of delivery of the fuel, either:
Mark an X in box g if no petroleum business tax was included in the
• a properly completed Form FT-1000 (an original or a photocopy); or
selling price for the product indicated.
• a delivery ticket invoice, or other billing document containing all of
Preliminary certification
the following information:
If it is impossible to provide a complete certification at the time of
delivery using either this certificate, a delivery ticket, or an invoice
— date of sale
or other billing document, the seller may request permission to use
— seller’s name and address
the preliminary certification procedure. Any preliminary certification
must be followed within 10 days by a complete certification, using
— seller’s diesel motor fuel registration number and NYS sales tax
Form FT-1000 or an invoice or billing document containing all of the
ID number
information listed under Seller certification requirements.
— purchaser’s name and address
— type of diesel product delivered
Form FT-1000 (an original or photocopy) is not valid unless it bears
an original signature of the seller or an authorized representative (the
— number of gallons sold
signature may not be photocopied on another Form FT-1000).
— amount (per gallon) of the prepaid sales tax included in the
delivered price of the actual amount of retail sales tax being
collected, and an indication of which, if either, was charged
Attach this certificate (if applicable) to the invoice(s) or delivery ticket(s)
covering the above purchase and keep these documents as part of
— amount (per gallon) of diesel motor fuel excise tax charged or
your records for at least three years.
passed through, if applicable
— amount (per gallon) of petroleum business tax included in the
Need help?
price, if applicable
— certification: I certify that the amount of tax shown has been
Visit our Web site at
or will be paid by me or my supplier; or if no diesel motor fuel
tax, sales tax or petroleum business tax is shown, I certify
• get information and manage your taxes online
that no such taxes are being charged on the product based
• check for new online services and features
on an exemption.
When a delivery ticket is given before or at the time of delivery, you
Telephone assistance
may certify to the tax rate being charged if the sales tax due at retail
cannot be determined at that time. However, you must subsequently
Miscellaneous Tax Information Center: (518) 457-5735
give the purchaser an invoice separately stating the actual amount of
sales tax charged.
To order forms and publications:
(518) 457-5431
Specific Instructions
Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline (for persons with hearing
In the entry fields provided, enter the invoice number (or delivery
and speech disabilities using a TTY): If you have
ticket number), the specific fuel type (non-highway diesel motor fuel or
access to a TTY, contact us at (518) 485-5082.
highway diesel motor fuel) being sold, and the number of gallons sold.
If you do not own a TTY, check with independent
living centers or community action programs to find
Part 1
out where machines are available for public use.
Mark an X in box a and enter the amount of prepaid sales tax per
gallon. Also mark an X in the other appropriate box if:
Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, we will ensure
• your customer is a distributor or a retailer, purchasing highway
that our lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, and other
diesel motor fuel for resale; or
facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If
• your customer is a retailer (including a distributor of kero-jet fuel
you have questions about special accommodations
only) purchasing non-highway diesel motor fuel for resale.
for persons with disabilities, call the information
If a distributor purchases highway diesel motor fuel in volume or if
a filing station operator purchases highway diesel motor fuel, the
purchaser must provide the seller with Form FT-1002, Certification of


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