Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - Department Of Treasury Page 5


Due to this restriction, please keep in
requirements. Attach a statement which
which more than one employer is
mind that “Employees” and “Trust” are
provides the following in detail:
required to contribute and which is
not needed and will be left off if space
maintained under one or more
1. All members of the group;
does not permit.
collective bargaining agreements
2. The relationship of each member
between one or more employee
Line 4b. Enter the three-digit number,
to the plan sponsor;
organizations and more than one
beginning with ‘‘001’’ and continuing in
3. The type(s) of plan(s) maintained
numerical order for each plan you
by each employer;
adopt (001-499). The numbering will
4. Plans common to all members;
Line 7l . See Rev. Proc. 2011-6 and
differentiate your plans. The number
the Appendix thereto.
assigned to a plan cannot be changed
5. If the member of the controlled
Line 7m. A foreign trust is a trust that
or used for any other plan. This should
group is a foreign entity.
was not created or organized in the
be the same number that was or will be
United States. If you have a Puerto
Line 6c. If the election to use Cycle A
used when the Form 5500, Form
Rican plan, was the irrevocable election
under Rev. Proc. 2007-44 was made
5500-EZ, or Form 5500-SF is filed for
in ERISA section 1022(i) made? If
submit a copy of the signed and dated
the plan.
“Yes,” provide the election or provide
election. Include a copy of the
Line 4c. Plan year means the
the statement making the election with
controlled group election with each
calendar, policy, or fiscal year on which
the DL that the election is made in
submission of that controlled group.
the records of the plan are kept. Enter
accordance with ERISA section 1022(i).
Note. If you want to apply for a DL to
the two-digit month (mm) on which the
Line 8a. If “Yes” is checked, attach a
determine if you are a member of an
plan year ends.
statement for each plan with the
ASG, leave this line blank and enter “3”
Line 4e. Enter the total number of
following information:
on line 3a and attach the information
participants. A participant means:
1. Name of plan,
per the instructions for this item.
1. The total number of employees
2. Type of plan,
Line 7f. If the plan has been involved
participating in the plan including
3. Form of plan (standardized,
in a merger, attach a statement which
employees under a section 401(k)
nonstandardized, volume submitter, or
provides the following:
qualified cash or deferred arrangement
individually designed),
who are eligible but do not make
1. Name of the plan(s) involved;
4. Plan number,
elective deferrals,
2. Type of plan(s) involved;
5. Vesting schedule, and
2. Retirees and other former
3. Date(s) of merger(s); and
6. Whether the plan has received a
employees who have a nonforfeitable
4. Verification that each plan
DL or an application for a letter is
right to benefits under the plan, and
involved was qualified at the time of
pending with IRS.
3. The beneficiary of a deceased
merger (copy of prior DL, if any,
Lines 8b and 8c. See M-8, M-12, and
employee who is receiving or will in the
otherwise provide a signed and dated
future receive benefits under the plan.
M-14 of Regulations section 1.416-1.
copy of most recent restatement and
Include one beneficiary for each
subsequent amendments).
Line 12a. Section 411(d)(6) protected
deceased employee regardless of the
benefits include:
number of individuals receiving
The accrued benefit of a participant
The plan and amendments submitted
as of the later of the amendment’s
to verify that plans were qualified prior
adoption date or effective date; and
Example. Payment of a deceased
to the merger are for information
Any early retirement benefit,
employee’s benefit to three children is
purposes only and will not be ruled on.
retirement-type subsidy, or optional
considered a payment to one
If applicable, file Form 5310-A,
form of benefit for benefits from service
Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation,
before such amendment.
Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or
Line 5.
If “Yes,” attach a statement which
Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate
Cash balance plan. For this
provides how the amendment satisfies
Lines of Business, 30 days prior to the
purpose, a “cash balance” formula is a
one of the exceptions to the prohibition
merger, consolidation, or transfer of
benefit formula in a defined benefit plan
on reduction or elimination of section
assets or liabilities.
by whatever name (for example,
411(d)(6) protected benefits.
personal account plan, pension equity
Line 7g. If the plan has been restated
Line 13. This question may be used
plan, life cycle plan, cash account plan,
to change the type of plan under
to request a determination regarding
etc.) that rather than, or in addition to,
Regulations section 1.401-1, answer
the ratio percentage test under
expressing the accrued benefit as a life
this question “Yes” and attach a
Regulations section 1.410(b)-2(b)(2).
annuity commencing at normal
statement explaining the change.
retirement age, defines benefits for
Line 7h. A multiple employer plan is
each employee in terms more common
If “No” is checked and a request for a
a plan maintained by more than one
to a defined contribution plan such as a
determination regarding the average
employer, but which is NOT maintained
single sum distribution amount (for
benefit test is not made on Schedule Q,
under a collective bargaining
example, 10 percent of final average
the DL for the plan will not be a
agreement. Under this plan type,
pay times years of service, or the
determination regarding section 410(b).
contributions from each employer must
amount of the employee’s hypothetical
If “No” is checked but a request for a
be available to pay benefits of any
account balance).
determination regarding the average
participant, even if employed by
For an ESOP. If the plan contains
benefit test is made on Schedule Q, the
another employer. Also, enter the total
the loan language for a leveraged
DL for the plan will also be a
number of employers adopting the plan.
ESOP, then the application should be
determination regarding the average
Include a statement in each plan that
marked as such, even though in
benefit test.
was submitted that includes the
operation the plan has not utilized this
Plans using the qualified separate
sponsor name(s) and EIN(s) of all the
lines of business rules of section 414(r)
cases that were submitted. See section
Lines 6a and 6b. If the employer is a
must file Schedule Q if a determination
member of a controlled group of
is desired that the plan satisfies the
Line 7i. Attach a statement indicating
corporations, trades or businesses
gateway test of section 410(b)(5)(B) or
the plan sponsor name and EIN of all
under common control, or an ASG, all
the special requirements for employer
cases submitted with the lead plan.
employees of the group will be treated
wide plans.
as employed by a single employer for
Line 7k. A multi-employer plan (as
If “Yes” and 13(l) is 70% or more,
purposes of certain qualification
described in section 414(f)) is one to
then a request cannot be made for


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