Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - Department Of Treasury Page 4


Note. Pre-approved plans that are
principal business is the performance of
qualification purposes with the plan for
management functions for another
which a DL has been requested.
submitting a determination request
organization, including the reason for
under 3, 4, 5, (as shown in line 3a) or a
9. A description of how the plan(s)
volume submitter multiple employer
performing the management function or
satisfies the coverage requirements of
plan will be reviewed as if it had been
section 410(b) if the members (or
filed on Form 5307. An IRS review of
2. The identification of other
possible members) of the ASG are
the application will not consider
members (or possible members) of the
considered part of an ASG with the
changes in the qualification
requirements subsequent to the 2004
3. A description of the nature of the
10. A copy of any ruling issued by the
Cumulative List. See Announcement
business of each member (or possible
national office on whether the employer
2008-23, 2008-14 I.R.B. 731.
member) of the ASG including the type
is an ASG; a copy of any prior DL that
Line 3f. If more than four
of organization (corporation,
considered the effect of section 414(m)
amendments, list amendments on a
partnership, etc.) and indicate whether
on the qualified status of the employer’s
separate piece of paper using the same
such member is a service organization
plan; and, if known, a copy of any such
format as shown on the form and label
or an organization whose principal
ruling or DL issued to any other
as an “attachment to #3f.” If a plan or
business is the performance of
member (or possible member) of the
amendment is proposed, enter 9/9/
management functions for the other
same ASG, accompanied by a
9999 for the signature date but include
group member(s).
statement as to whether the facts upon
the intended effective date.
which the ruling or DL was based have
4. The ownership interests between
Line 3g. If an amendment has more
the employer and the members (or
than one effective date, use the earliest
possible members) of the ASG
Enter 4 if you are not certain whether
effective date.
(including ownership interests as
or not you have leased employees,
described in section 414(m)(2)(B)(ii) or
attach the following information:
Line 3h. If you do not have a copy of
the latest DL, or if no DL has ever been
1. A description of the nature of the
received by the employer, include
5. A description of services
business of the recipient organization;
copies of the prior plan or adoption
performed for employers by the
2. A copy of the relevant leasing
agreement and all subsequent
members (or possible members) of the
amendments and/or restatements with
ASG, or vice versa. Include the
3. A description of the function of all
the application request.
percentage of each member’s (or
leased employees in the trade or
possible member’s) gross receipts and
Line 3i. If 3h is “Yes,” enter the date of
business of the recipient organization
service receipts provided by such
the last DL. The number of
(including data as to whether all leased
services, if available, and data as to
amendments should include any
employees are performing services on
whether their services are a significant
proposed amendments being
a substantially full-time basis);
portion of the member’s business and
4. A description of facts and
whether or not, as of December 13,
Line 3k. If the relationship with the
circumstances relevant to a
1980, it was unusual for the services to
pre-approved sponsor was terminated,
determination of whether such leased
be performed by employees of
please provide the date the relationship
employees’ services are performed
organizations in that service field in the
was terminated.
under primary direction or control of the
United States.
Line 3n. Section 3001 of the
recipient organization (including
6. A description of how the
Employee Retirement Income Security
whether the leased employees are
employer and the members (or possible
Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires that
required to comply with instructions of
members) of the ASG associate in
applicants subject to section 410
the recipient about when, where, and
performing services for other parties.
provide evidence that each employee
how to perform the services, whether
who qualifies as an interested party has
the services must be performed by
been notified of the filing of the
a. A description of management
particular persons, whether the leased
application. If “Yes” is checked, it
functions, if any, performed by the
employees are subject to the
means that each employee has been
employer for the members (or possible
supervision of the recipient, and
notified as required by Regulations
members) of the ASG, or received by
whether the leased employees must
section 1.7476-1, this is a one-person
the employer from any other members
perform services in the order or
plan, or the plan is not subject to
(or possible members) of the group
sequence set by the recipient); and
section 410. A copy of the notice is not
(including data as to whether such
5. If the recipient organization is
required to be attached. If “No” is
management functions are performed
relying on any qualified plan(s)
checked or this line is blank, your
on a regular and continuous basis) and
maintained by the employee leasing
application will be returned.
whether or not it is unusual for such
organization for purposes of
Rules defining “interested parties”
management functions to be performed
qualification of the recipient
by employees of organizations in the
and the form of notification are in
organization’s plan, a description of the
Regulations section 1.7476-1. For an
employer’s business field in the United
plan(s) (including a description of the
example of an acceptable format, see
contributions or benefits provided for all
Rev. Proc. 2011-6.
b. If management functions are
leased employees that are for services
performed for the recipient
Line 3u. If the parent has made the
performed by the employer for the
organization, plan eligibility, and
election to use their EIN for determining
members (or possible members) of the
your remedial amendment cycle under
ASG, describe what part of the
Rev. Proc. 2007-44 provide the name
employer’s business constitutes the
Enter 5 if this is a request for the
and EIN of the parent.
performance of management functions
effect a potential partial termination will
for the members (or possible members)
have on the plan’s qualification. The
Line 3w. Even if a ruling is not being
of the group (including the percentage
“effective date” means the date the
requested on Schedule Q, Demo 8,
of gross receipts derived from
partial termination occurred. Enter this
submit a copy of the pertinent plan
management activities as compared to
date on line 3c.
provisions regarding the offset.
the gross receipts from other activities).
Enter 6 if a DL is requested on the
Line 4a. Due to space restrictions this
8. A brief description of any other
termination of a multi-employer plan
field is limited to 70 characters,
plan maintained by the members (or
covered by PBGC insurance. Also enter
including spaces. Please complete this
possible members) of the ASG, if such
the date the termination is effective on
item with how the plan name should
other plan is designated as a unit for
line 3d.
read on the DL to the extent permitted.


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