Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - Department Of Treasury Page 3


attach a sheet showing the information
2. Form 5300 (lines 1 through 8
Do not use a social security
separately in the same format as lines
only) for each employer who adopts the
number or the EIN of the trust.
1a through 1f of the worksheet for each
plan (all employers in each ASG or
benefit computation formula.
controlled group are considered one
The plan sponsor/employer must
4. Submit a description of the
employer). Form 5300 must be signed
have an EIN. A plan sponsor/employer
actions that may have resulted in a
by the respective employers.
without an EIN can apply for one.
partial termination.
Note. If the employer has no
Online — Generally, a plan sponsor/
5. Include an explanation of how the
employees, the taxpayer cannot submit
employer can receive an EIN from the
plan meets the requirements of section
as the sponsor of the plan.
Internet and use it immediately to file a
return. Go to the IRS website at
For a governmental or
Termination of Plan. If you are
and click on
non-electing church plan, skip lines
terminating your plan, file Form 5310,
Employer ID Numbers (EINs).
10 and 12a. A non-electing church
Application for Determination for
By telephone — Call
plan is a plan for which an election
Terminating Plan, to request a DL for
1-800-TAX-FORM (829-4933).
under section 410(d) has not been
the complete termination of a DBP or a
By mail or fax — Send in a completed
DCP. This form should be filed to
Form SS-4, Application for Employer
For an Employee Stock Ownership
request a DL involving the complete
Identification Number, to apply for an
Plan (ESOP), attach Form 5309,
termination of a multi-employer plan
Application for Determination of
covered by the Pension Benefit
Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
Note. Form SS-4 can also be obtained
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
at Social Security Administration (SSA)
insurance program.
In addition, include:
Specific Instructions
The plan of a group of entities
1. One copy of the plan;
required to be combined under section
2. One copy of the latest DL;
Line 1a. If not applicable, leave blank.
414(b), (c), or (m), whose sponsor is
3. A copy of all actions taken to
more than one of the entities required
Line 1b through 1g. Enter the name,
terminate the plan; and
to be combined, should only enter the
address, and telephone number of the
4. If necessary, Form 6088,
EIN of one of the sponsoring members.
plan sponsor/employer.
Distributable Benefits From Employee
This EIN must be used in all
Pension Benefit Plans. Form 6088 is
A plan sponsor means:
subsequent filings of DL requests, and
required if the plan is a DBP or if the
1. In the case of a plan that covers
for filing annual returns/reports unless
plan is an underfunded DCP that
the employees of one employer, the
there is a change of sponsor.
benefits non-collectively bargained
Line 1k. Enter the two digits
employees or more than 2% of the
2. In the case of a plan sponsored
representing the month the employer’s
employees who are covered under a
by two or more entities required to be
tax year ends. This is the employer
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
combined under sections 414(b), (c), or
whose EIN was entered on line 1h.
are professional employees. (See
(m), one of the members participating in
Line 2. The contact person will receive
Regulations section 1.410(b)-9 for
the plan; or
copies of all correspondence as
3. In the case of a plan that covers
authorized in a Form 2848 or Form
If you wish to stop benefit accruals
the employees and/or partner(s) of a
8821. Either complete the contact’s
or stop making contributions to your
partnership, the partnership.
information on this line, or check the
plan, and your plan trust will continue,
box and attach a completed Form 2848
the plan will not be considered
or Form 8821.
terminated. If you want to receive a DL,
Line 1b is limited to 70 characters.
you must use Form 5300. Do not file
Enter a space between all words.
Line 3a. Enter the number(s) that
Form 5310 if the plan trust will
The name of the plan sponsor/
corresponds to the request(s) being
employer should be the same name
made. The first box must contain a 1 or
that was or will be used when the Form
2. Please use the second box if a
Note. If a DBP is amended to become
5500, Annual Return/Report of
special ruling is requested under 3 - 6
a DCP, or if the merger of a DBP with a
Employee Benefit Plan; Form 5500-EZ,
DCP results solely in a DCP, the DBP
Annual Return of One-Participant
Enter 1 if the IRS has not issued a
is considered terminated.
(Owners and Their Spouses)
DL for this plan. Enter the number of
Retirement Plan; or Form 5500-SF,
subsequent amendments signed after
Specific Plans —
Short Form Annual Return/Report of
the initial plan on line 3e. Enter the
Additional Requirements
Small Employee Benefit Plan is filed for
date(s) the amendment(s) was signed
the plan.
along with date(s) the amendment(s)
See the Procedural Requirements
Address should include the suite,
was effective on lines 3f and 3g.
Checklist on Form 5300.
room, or other unit number after the
Enter 2 if the IRS has previously
For a determination on an ASG
street address. If the Post Office does
issued a DL for this plan. Enter the
status, submit:
not deliver mail to the street address
date(s) the restatement was signed
and the plan has a P.O. Box, show the
along with the effective date of the
1. A copy of the appropriate
box number instead of the street
restatement on lines 3b(i) and 3b(ii).
documents, and
address. The address should be the
2. Statements listed in the
address of the sponsor/employer.
instructions for lines 3a and 6.
If amendments are substantial, see
For plans of controlled groups of
section 7.04 of Rev. Proc. 2011-6.
Line 1h. Enter the 9-digit employer
corporations or trades or businesses
Enter 3 if requesting a letter
identification number (EIN) assigned to
under common control, submit the
concerning the effect of section 414(m),
the plan sponsor/employer. This should
statement specified in the instructions
a change in the ASG membership or if
be the same EIN that was or will be
for line 6.
you are not certain that you are a
used when the Form 5500 series
For multiple employer plans that do
member of an ASG, attach the
annual returns/reports are filed for the
not involve collective bargaining,
following information:
plan. For a multiple employer plan, the
EIN should be the same EIN that was
1. A description of the nature of the
1. One application for the plan and
or will be used by the participating
business of the employer. Specifically
any additional required schedules or
employer when Form 5500 is filed by
state whether it is a service
demonstrations, and
the employer.
organization or an organization whose


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