Instructions For Form 5300 - Application For Determination For Employee Benefit Plan - Department Of Treasury Page 2


A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus,
Partial Termination Worksheet
Year Year
Year of partial termination
and UPS Worldwide Express.
1 Participants employed:
The private delivery service can tell
a Number at beginning of plan year
you how to get written proof of the
mailing date.
b Number added during the plan year
c Total, add lines a and b
How To Complete the
d Number dropped during the plan
Applications are screened for
e Number at end of plan year,
completeness. The application must be
subtract d from c
signed by the employer, plan
f Total number of participants in this
administrator, or authorized
plan separated from service without
full vesting
Note. Stamped signatures are not
acceptable; see Rev. Proc. 2011-4,
2 Present value (as of month
2011-1 I.R.B. 123 available at
day during the year of
a Plan assets
Incomplete applications may be
returned to the applicant. For this
b Accrued benefits
reason, it is important that an
c Vested benefits
appropriate response be entered for
each item. In completing the
3 Submit a description of the actions that may have resulted (or might result) in a
application, pay careful attention to the
partial termination. Include an explanation of how the plan meets the requirements of
section 411(d)(3).
N/A (not applicable) is accepted as a
response only if an N/A block is
Fee for Employee Plan Determination,
Entire Plan as Amended
If a number is requested, a number
Opinion, and Advisory Letter Request.
must be entered.
When requesting a DL on the entire
Please submit a separate check for
If an item provides a choice of boxes
plan as amended after initial
each application. Make checks payable
to check, check only one box unless
qualification file:
to the “United States Treasury.”
instructed otherwise.
1. One copy of the restated plan
If an item provides a box to check,
2. A completed Form 5300, which
and trust plus all amendments made to
written responses are not acceptable.
consists of pages 1 – 11.
Governmental plans and non-electing
2. One copy of the latest DL,
3. Schedule Q (Form 5300), if any
church plans do not have to complete
including caveats; and
elective determinations are being
lines 10 and 12a.
3. A statement explaining how any
requested, and any additional
The application has formatted fields
amendments made since the last DL
schedules or demonstrations required
that will limit the number of characters
affect this or any other plan of the
by these instructions or by the
entered per field.
instructions for Schedule Q.
All data input will need to be entered
4. A copy of the plan’s last DL.
in Courier 10 point font.
Other Amendments
Alpha characters should be entered
5. A copy of the plan and all
in capital letters.
Complex amendments. Use Form
required attachments and statements.
Enter spaces between any words.
5300, as described under Entire Plan
6. A copy of all amendments,
Spaces do count as characters.
as Amended on this page, for complex
including a copy of the Good Faith
All date fields are entered as an
amendments, including amendments
Economic Growth and Tax Relief
eight-digit field (MMDDYYYY).
with significant changes to plan benefits
Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)
Rev. Proc. 2007-44 requires a plan
or coverage.
amendments and all interim
restatement and the IRS may, at its
Note. Rev. Proc. 2007-44 requires
discretion, require additional
that all plan documents must be
information any time it is deemed
7. Any other information or material
restated for the current cumulative list.
necessary. See section 7.05 of Rev.
required by the IRS.
Partial termination. For a partial
Proc. 2011-6, 2011-1 I.R.B. 195
8. A copy of any compliance
termination you must:
available at
statement or closing agreements
1. File the application form and the
entered into in regards to this plan.
appropriate documents and statements.
Note. Rev. Proc. 2011-6 publishes the
(See the Procedural Requirements
2. Attach a statement indicating if a
guidance under which the DL program
Checklist on Form 5300 to ensure
partial termination may have occurred
is administered. It is updated annually
that your submitted package is
or might occur as a result of proposed
and can be found in the Internal
Revenue Bulletin (I.R.B.). Example:
3. Using the format in the Partial
Rev. Proc. 2011-6 superseded Rev.
Termination Worksheet above, submit a
Proc. 2010-6.
schedule of information for the plan
Type of Determination
year in which the partial (or potential
What To File
partial) termination began. Also, submit
Letter Requested
a schedule for the next plan year, as
Note. Payments for sanction fees,
well as for the 2 prior plan years, to the
compliance fees, etc. should be
Initial Qualification
extent information is available.
submitted on separate checks.
For initial qualification of a plan file
If the plan has more than one benefit
one copy of all instruments that make
1. A check for the appropriate user
computation formula, complete the
up the plan.
fee, if applicable, and Form 8717, User
Partial Termination Worksheet. Also


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