Instruction For Form 5310-A - Notice Of Plan Merger Or Consolidation, Spinoff, Or Transfer Of Plan Assets Or Liabilities; Notice Of Qualified Separate Lines Of Business Page 3


When To File
Specific Instructions
File Form 5310-A at least 30 days
Stamped signatures are not
prior to a plan merger or consolidation,
Line 1 — Reason for filing. Enter the
acceptable; see Rev. Proc.
spinoff, or transfer of plan assets or
appropriate code that describes the
2010-4, which is on page 122 of
liabilities to another plan.
reason you are filing Form 5310-A.
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2010-1 at
If you are filing Form 5310-A to notify
Enter 1 for a notice of qualified
the IRS that the employer treats itself
separate lines of business.
as operating QSLOBs or the employer
In general, the employer or plan
Enter 2 for a notice of a plan merger
is modifying or revoking a previously
administrator must sign the form. For
or consolidation.
filed notice, file Form 5310-A on or
single employer plans the plan
before the notification date for the
Enter 3 for a notice of a plan spinoff.
administrator and the employer are
testing year. The “notification date” for
Enter 4 for a notice of a transfer of
generally the same person. When the
a testing year is the later of: (a) October
plan assets or liabilities to another plan.
plan administrator is a joint employer
15 of the year following the testing
— union board or committee — at
year, or (b) the 15th day of the 10th
Part I — All Filers Must
least one employer representative and
month after the close of the plan year of
one union representative must sign. A
the plan of the employer that begins
Complete Part I
Form 5310-A filed with the IRS by a
earliest in the testing year. “Testing
representative on behalf of an employer
year” means the calendar year.
Lines 2a and 2b. Enter the name and
or plan administrator must be
address of the employer or plan
accompanied by:
sponsor. A plan sponsor means:
1. A power of attorney specifically
1. In the case of a plan that covers
There is a penalty for the late filing of a
authorizing such representation in this
the employees of one employer, the
Form 5310-A to report a plan merger or
matter (you may use Form 2848, Power
consolidation, spinoff, or transfer of
of Attorney and Declaration of
2. In the case of a plan sponsored
plan assets or liabilities. The penalty is
Representative), or
by two or more entities required to be
$25 a day for each day the Form
aggregated under sections 414(b), (c),
2. A written declaration that the
5310-A is late (up to a maximum of
or (m), one of the members
representative is a currently qualified
$15,000). The form is late if it is not
participating in the plan; or
attorney, certified public accountant,
filed at least 30 days before the plan
3. In the case of a plan that covers
enrolled actuary, or is currently enrolled
merger or consolidation, spinoff, or
the employees and/or partners of a
to practice before the IRS (include
transfer of plan assets or liabilities.
partnership, the partnership.
either the enrollment number or the
expiration date of the enrollment card)
Where To File
The name of the plan sponsor/
and is authorized to represent the
employer should be the same name
employer or plan administrator.
File Form 5310-A at the address
that was or will be used when the Form
indicated below:
5500, Annual Return/Report of
Internal Revenue Service
Employee Benefit Plan, series returns/
How To Complete the
P.O. Box 12192
reports are filed for the plan.
Covington, KY 41012-0192
Address. Include the suite, room, or
other unit number after the street
Requests shipped by Express Mail
Form 5310-A is screened for
address. If the Post Office does not
or a delivery service should be sent to:
completeness. Incomplete notices will
deliver mail to the street address and
be returned. Here are some tips to help
Internal Revenue Service
the plan has a P.O. box, show the box
you complete the form correctly.
201 West Rivercenter Blvd.
number instead of the street address.
Covington, KY 41011
1. The notice has formatted fields
This address should be the address of
that will limit the number of characters
the sponsor/employer.
Private delivery services. In addition
entered per field.
Line 2g. Enter the 9-digit employer
to the United States mail, you can use
2. All data input will need to be
identification number (EIN) assigned to
certain private delivery services
entered in Courier size 10 font.
the plan sponsor/employer. This should
designated by the IRS to meet the
be the same EIN that was or will be
“timely mailing as timely filing/paying”
3. Alpha characters should be
used when the Form 5500 series
rule for tax returns and payments.
entered in all capital letters.
annual returns/reports are filed for the
These private delivery services include
4. Enter spaces between any
plan. For a multiple employer plan, the
only the following.
words. Spaces will count as a
EIN should be the same EIN that was
DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day
or will be used when Form 5500 is filed.
5. All data fields are entered as an 8
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx
Do not use a social security
digit field in MMDDYYYY format.
Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard
number or the EIN of the trust.
6. If a number is requested, a
Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx
number must be entered.
International Priority, and FedEx
The plan sponsor/employer must
7. For questions regarding this form,
International First.
have an EIN. A plan sponsor/employer
call the Employee Plans Customer
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS
without an EIN can apply for one.
Service at 1-877-829-5500.
Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver,
Online — Generally, a plan sponsor/
UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air
employer can receive an EIN by
A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus,
The IRS may, at its discretion,
Internet and use it immediately to file a
and UPS Worldwide Express.
require additional information or the
return. Go to the IRS website at
submission of a Form 5300, Application
The private delivery service can tell
and click on
for Determination for Employee Benefit
you how to get written proof of the
Employer ID Numbers.
mailing date.
Plan, when it is deemed necessary.
By telephone — Call 1-800-829-4933.


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